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Sensory System
Ch. 6 Med Term
Question | Answer |
What is the function of the sensory system? | collect specific details about the surroundings and sending the information to the central nervous system |
What are your most complex sensory organs? | eyes and ears |
What is the oculo? | the eye |
the eye socket is also known as the | orbit, it has seven collecting bones in the skull |
What is the blepharo? | the eyelids, they protect they eyes and help keep them moist |
What is the name of the gland that sits just above and to the side of the eye and is responsible for producing tears? | the lacrimal gland |
What is the name of the thin invisible membrane that lines the eyes and eyelids? | the conjunctiva |
ocul/o, ophthalm/o, & opt/o are all root words for what? | the eye |
lacrim/o and dacry/o are root words for what? | tear |
what are the two suffixes for vision condition? | -opia & -opsia |
what is the root word for eyelid? | blephar/o |
What is the outmost layer of the eye? | sclera |
What is the name of a clear surface in the middle of the eye? | cornea |
What are the two root words for cornea? | corne/o & kerat/o |
What is the root word for conjunctiva? | conjunctiv/o |
What is the root word for the sclera? | scler/o |
What is the name for the white of the eye? | sclera, the outermost layer of the eye |
What is the middle layer of the eye? | choroid |
What part of the eye includes the lens, iris, and ciliary muscles? | choroid |
What gives the eye color? | iris |
The irises control how much light hits the back of the eye by expanding and shrinking the ___________ | pupils |
What muscules in the eye adjust the shape and lens to focus on near or far objects? | ciliary muscles |
What is the name of the liquid of the eye? | vitreous liquid (also called vitreous humor) |
What is known as the eye's image processor? | the retina, it helps turn visual stimuli into electric signals |
The retina sends electric signals to the brain via what nerve? | the optic nerve |
vitre/o = | vitreaous liquid - "glass" |
cycl/o = | cillary body - the circle of tissue surrounding the lens |
retin/o = | retina - "netlike pattern of light-sensitive tissue on the inside surface of the eye" |
ir/o & irid/o = | iris |
phac/o & phak/o = | lens |
What are the root words for ear? | aur/o & ot/o |
True or false: the ears turn sounds into electrical signals? | true |
acous/o, & audi/o = | sound, hearing |
How fast does sound travel? | 768 miles per hour, 12 miles per minute, or 1 miles every 5 seconds |
How fast does light travel? | 186,282 miles per second, 5.6 million miles per minute, or 335 million miles per hour |
-acusis is the suffix for what? | hearing condition |
What are the three main divisions of the ear? | Outer, middle, & inner |
The pinna and the ear canal are in what part of the ear? | outer ear |
This is the part of the ear that sits on the mastoid bone and its funnel shape helps to collect sound from the air and send it down the ear canal. (also the part of the ear we pierce) | pinna |
The eardrum is part of the ___________ ear | middle |
What turns soundwaves into physical energy? | eardrum |
What is produced in the ear canal to help keep eardrum protected? | ear wax (cerumen) - a natural antibiotic that also keeps the ear moist |
What connects the middle ear to the nose and throat? | eustachian tube (salpinx) |
The ______________ tube helps drain the ear of fluid and keeps pressure inside the ear the same as outside the ear. | eustachian (salpinx) |
What three bones in the middle ear move alongside the eardrum? | incus stapes malleus |
True or False: the tiny bones in the middle ear transfer their movement to the inner ear? | true |
cerumin/o (SEH-roo-men) = | ear wax |
root word for eustachian tube: | salping/o |
tympan/o & myring/o = | eardrum |
mastoid/o | mastoid process - sticks out from the side rear position of the skull |
What is the name of the shell-shaped organ in your inner ear that connects to the bones of the middle ear filled with fluid and hair | cochlea |
What bone presses on the cochlea and causes the fluid to move and hairs to bend? | stapes |
What nerve carries the electrical signals created by the hairs inside your ear to the brain? | acoustic nerve |
What is one of the main jobs of the inner ear? | helps maintain balance |
Which system sends information to the brain about tilt, rotation, and motion of the head via head angle and allows the brain to coordinate movement with the eyes? | the vestibular system |
labyrinth/o = | labyrinth - innermost past of the ear, it contains the cochlea and the vestibular system |
vestibul/o = | vestibule - helps regulate balance, refers to the area in front of semicircular canals |
cochle/o = | cochlea - spiral shaped tube in the inner ear that contains hearing receptors. |
nearsightedness | myopia |
farsightedness | hyperopia |
hemianopsia | blindness in half of the field of vision |
dacryorrhea | excessive tearing |
xerophthalmia | excessive drying |
blepharospasm | eyelid twitch |
generalized pain of the eye | ophthalmalgia |
mydriasis | large pupils |
miosis | small pupils |
decreased sensitivity to sound | hypoacusis (hypo / acusis) under / hearing condition |
increased sensitivity to sound | hyperacusis (hyper / acusis) over / hearing condition |
tinnitus | ringing in the ears |
Ear Pain | otalgia / otodynia |
mastoidalgia | pain in the mastoid |
ear discharge | otorrhea |
What dizzy condition often indicates problems with the patient's inner ear? | vertigo |
inability to see objects in motion | akinetopsia uh-KEE-nah-TOP-see-ah (a / kinet / opsia) no / movement / vision condition |
double vision | ambiopia AM-bee-OH-pee-ah (ambi / opia) both / vision condition OR diplopia dip-LOH-pee-ah (dipl / opia) double / vision condition |
decreased vision | amblyopia AM-blee-OH-pee-ah (ambly / opia) dull / vision condition |
weak vision | asthenopia AS-the-NOH-pee-ah (asthen / opia) weak / vision condition |
blindness in half the visual field | hemianopsia HEM-ee-ah-NAWP-see-ah (hemi / an / opsia) half / no / vision condition |
decreased vision caused by age | presbyopia PREZ-bee-OH-pee-ah (presby / opia) old age / vision condition |
adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness | scotopia skaw-TOH-pee-ah (scot / opia) darkness / vision condition |
paralysis of the eyelid | blepharoplegia BLEF-ah-roh-PLEE-jee-ah (blepharo / plegia) eyelind / paralysis |
blepharospasm | involuntary contraction of the eyelid |
pain in the tear gland | dacryoadenalgia DAK-ree-oh-AD-en-AL-jah (dacryo / aden / algia) tear / gland / pain |
dacryocystalgia DAK-ree-oh-sis-TAL-jah | pain in the tear sac (dacryo / cyst / algia) tear / sac / pain |
dacryohemorrhea DAK-ree-oh-HIM-oh-REE-ah | blood in the tears |
eye pain | ophthalmalgia (ophthalm / algia) eye / pain |
eye paralysis | ophthalmoplegia (ophthalmo / plegia) eye / paralysis |
vision problem caused by light rays entering the eye unfocused on a single point in the back of the eye | astigmatism |
dryness of the cornea | corneal xerosis (corne / al xer / osis) cornea / pertaining to dry / condition |
keratalgia KER-ah-TAL-jah | pain in the cornea (kerat / algia) cornea / pain |
paralysis of the ciliary body | cycloplegia SAI-kloh-PLEE-jee-ah (cyclo / plegia) ciliary body / paralysis |
iridalgia IR-id-AL-jah | pain in the iris |
abnormal contraction of the pupil | miosis "to lessen" |
abnormal dilation of the pupil | mydriasis mi-DRAI-ah-sis "red-hot metal" |
scotoma skaw-TOH-mah | dark spot in the visual field (scot / oma) darkness / tumor |
osteoacusis AWS-tee-oh-ah-KOO-sis | hearing through bone (osteo / acusis) bone / hearing condition |
loss of hearing in old age | presbycusis PREZ-bih-KOO-sis (presby / cusis) old age / hearing condition |
mastoidalgia | pain in the mastoid (mastoid / algia) mastoid / pain |
otalgia | ear pain (ot / algia) ear / pain |
otodynia | ear pain (oto / dynia) ear / pain |
otorrhea | discharge from the ear (oto / rrhea) ear /excessive discharge |
eyelid drooping | blepharoptosis |
eyelid swelling | blepharedema |
exophthalmos | eye bulging |
what areas should you emphasize when inspecting eyes during a routine exam? | color of sclera, the size of the pupils, and the movement of the eyes |
penlight used during eye exam | ophthalmoscope |
True or False: eyes should dilate when exposed to light | False: eyes should constrict when exposed to light (miosis) |
jittery, abnormal movement of the eye | nystagmus |
inward angled eye | esotropia |
outward angled eye | exotropia |
condition where eyes deviate when looking at the same object "one eye angled inward or outward " | strabismus |
papilledema | optic nerve |
what tool checks pressure and tension inside the eye | tonometer |
common tool used to look at outer ear during a routine exam | otoscope |
tympanic perforation | burst eardrum |
eardrum scar | tympanosclerosis |
what is the visualization of the ear canal and eardrum with an otoscope called? | otoscopy |
pneumatic otoscopy | forcing air into the ear canal to see if it moves the eardrum to reveal the presence of an ear infection |
common tool used to check a patients hearing | audiometer |
specialized instrument for examining the tubes that connect the middle ear to the nose and throat | salpingoscope |
device used to determine strength of eye muscles | optomyometer (opto / myo / meter) eye / muscle / instrument for measuring |
phacoscope FAK-oh-SKOHP | instrument used for looking at the lens |
retinoscope | instrument used for looking at the retina |
procedure for looking at the retina | reintoscopy (retino / scopy) retina / looking procedure |
binocular | pertaining to both eyes (bin / ocul / ar) two / eye / pertaining to |
movement of the iris | iridokinesis (irido / kenesis) iris / movement |
formation of tears | lacrimation (lacrim / ation) tear / condition |
pertaining to nose and tear system | nasolacrimal (naso / lacrim / al) nose / tear / pertaining to |
pertaining to the eye | ophthalmic (ophthalm / ic) eye / pertaining to |
ophthalmologist | eye specialist |
optic | pertaining to the eye (opt / ic) eye / pertaining to |
pertaining to eye movement | optokinetic (opto / kinet / ic) eye / movement / pertaining to |
specialist in measuring the eye | optometrist (opto / metr / ist) eye / measure / specialist |
pertaining to the retina | retinal (retin / al) retina / pertaining to |
hard formation in the tear system | dacryolith DAK-ree-oh-lith (dacryo / lith) tear / stone |
discharge of pus in tears | dacryopyorrhea (dacryo / pyo / rrhea) tear / pus / discharge |
outward turning of the eyelid, away from eye | ectropion (ec / tropion) out / turn |
exotropia | outward turning of the eye away from the nose (exo / trop / ia) outward / turn / condition |
keratomalacia KER-ah-toh-mah-LAY-shee-ah | abnormal softening of the cornea (kerato / malacia) cornea / softening |
wrinkle growth of conjunctival tissue extending into the cornea | pterygium ter-IJ-ee-um "wing" |
abnormal softening of the sclera | scleromalacia (sclero / malacia) sclera / softening |
swelling of the optic nerve where it enters the retina | papilledema PAP-il-eh-DEE-mah (papill / edema) nipple / swelling |
phacomalacia FAK-oh-may-LAY-shee-ah | abnormal softening of the lens |
phacoslerosis FAK-oh-skler-OH-sis | abnormal hardening of the lens (phaco / scler / osis) lens / hardening / condition |
record produced by an audiometer | audiogram |
procedure for measuring hearing | audiometry |
instrument used for examining the eustachian tubes | salpingoscope |
procedure for measuring the eardrum | tympanometry (typano / metry) eardrum / measuring process |
aural | pertaining to the ear |
otolaryngologist | ear / throat specialist |
specialist in the nerve connections between the ear and brain | otoneurologist |
ear, nose, throat specialist | otorhinolaryngolgist OH-toh-RAI-noh-LAR-in-GAWL-oh-jist |
pertaining to bones in ear | otosteal |
pertaining to the eustachian tubes and throat | salpinggopharyngeal sal-PING-goh-fah-RIN-jee-al |
ceruminoma | benign tumor of the cerumen-secreting glands of the ear |
ceruminosis | excessive formation of ear wax |
macrotia | abnormally large ears |
microtia | abnormally small ears |
otopyorrhea | discharge of pus from the ears |
otosclerosis | hearing loss caused by hardening of bones in middle ear |
tympanosclerosis | hardening of the eardrum |
dacryodenitis | inflammation of the tear gland |
pink eye is the infection of the | conjunctiva |
lens clouding | cataract |
under developed lens | aphakia |
iridopathies | disorders of the iris |
inflammation of the iris and ciliary muscle | iridocyclitis |
glaucoma | eye disease that causes vision loss from pressure from inside the eye, often making the optic nerve vulnerable or damaged |
inflammation of the optic nerve | optic neuritis |
The emergency situation that requires immediate reattachment or blindness will occur | retinopathy - when the retina becomes detached from the blood supply |
Swimmers Ear | otitis externa : infection of outer ear |
hard mass of ear wax inside ear | cerumen impaction |
infection of the middle ear | otitis media |
blistered eardrum from inflammation is called what? | bullous myrigitis |
mastoiditis | ear infection that leads to serious infection of nearby skull bone |
loss of hearing | sensorineural hearing loss |
dacryocystitis | inflammation of the tear sac |
blood in tears | dacryohemorrhea |
fungal eye condition | oculomycosis |
oculopathy or ophthalmopathy | eye disease |
fungal eye condition | ophthalmomycosis |
backward growing eyelashes | trichiasis |
keratitis | inflammation of the cornea |
disease of the cornea | keratopathy |
overexpansion of the sclera | sclerectasia |
sclera / iris inflammation | scleroiritis |
sclera / cornea inflammation | sclerokeratitis |
no iris | aniridia |
no lens | aphakia |
ciliary body / cornea inflammation | cyclokeratitis |
inflammation inside of the eye | endophthalmitis |
bleeding from the iris | iridemia |
inflammation of the lens | phakitis |
retina disease | retinopathy |
retina condition | retinosis |
fungal ear condition | otomycosis |
inflammation caused by air | aerotitis |
inflammation of eardrum | myringitis |
inflammation of eardrum and surrounding skin | myrinodermatitis |
otosclerosis | hearing loss caused by hardening of bones of the middle ear |
nose and eustachian tube inflammation | rhinosalpingitis |
tumor on acoustic nerve | acoustic neuroma |
used prior to surgery to temporarily paralyze the pupil | cycloplegics |
tubes inserting to drain fluid from the ear | tympanostomy |
surgery to treat vertigo | labryinthectomy |
miotic | miot / ic (constriction / pertaining to) drug that causes abnormal contraction of the pupil |
removal of the tear gland | dacryoadenectomy (tear / gland / removal) |
creation of an opening between the tear sac and the nose | dacryocystorhinostomy (dacryo / cycsto / rhino / stomy) tear / sac / nose / opening |
removal of an eye | enucleation (e / nucle / ation) out / nucleus / procedure |
keratotomy | incision into the cornea (kerato / tomy ) cornea / incision |
iridectomy | removal of the iris (irid / ec / tomy) iris / out / incision |
hearing aid | auditory prosthesis (auditory pros / thesis) hearing toward / place |
puncture of the mastoid | mastoidocentesis (mastoido / centesis) mastoid / puncture |
surgical fixation of the eardrum to the labyrinth | tympanolabyrinthopexy (tympano / labyrintho / pexy) eardrum / labyrinth / surgical fixation |
electronic device that stimulates the cochlea | cochlear implant |
ARMD | age-related macular degeneration |
HEENT | head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
IOL | intraocular lens |
IOP | intraocular pressure |
LASIK | laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis |
OD | right eye |
OS | left eye |
OU | both eyes |
PERRLA | pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation |
VA | visual acuity |
VF | visual field |
AD | right ear |
AOM | acute otitis media |
AS | left ear |
AU | both ears |
EENT | eye, ear, nose, and throat |
OM | otitis media |
TM | tympanic membrane |