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Core Content Knowledge for Special Education - Approaches/Theories

8 learning and achievement theories Cognitive, Constructionist, Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Sociological, Ecological, Therapeutic and Medical
Theoretic strategies include attention to learning styles, metacognition, teaching learning strategies, peer grouping, scaffolding, focus on behavioral temperament and social context of learning. Cognitive Theories
Gestalt and Piaget Cognitive Theorists
Theory analyzing problem solving, memory and language. Focus is on how students understand, how students look at and how students solve problems. Cognitive Theories
Piaget Constructionist Theorist
Experiential learning Constructionist Theories
Students create and construct mental models, teachers facilitate experimentations and hands-on learning. Constructionist Theories
Inquiry based learning is an example of this theory. Constructionist Theories
The study of human behavior focused on motivation and drives and the importance of emotions. Psychodynamic Theory Defined
Brucke, Jung and Freud Psychodynamic Theorists
Thought processes, genetic make-up, emotional health and environment are the sources to a student's personality and reactions to situations. Psychodynamic Theories
Human behavior and relationships formulated by conscious and unconscious stimuli. Psychodynamic Theories
Skinner Behavioral Theorist
ABC model ANTECEDENT or stimulusTarget BEHAVIOR or responseCONSEQUENCES or reinforcement
IEP, BIP and FBA are examples Behavioral Theories
Key components of Behavioral Theories Explicit teaching and direct instruction
Focus is on tasks to grasp, skills to develop, and environment. Behavioral Theories
Operant conditioning Assessment of a student's learning by analyzing tasks presented and how the student responds.
Bandura Sociological Theorist
Students learn through observation (watching). Sociological Theories
Demonstration and modeling are an example of this theory. Sociological
The study of how humans develop within their own environments. Ecological Theories
Society and culture affect how a student will learn and each students future academic success. Ecological Theories
Family systems theory Ecological Theory example
Collaborative approach utilizing speech pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, and medical personnel. Therapeutic Theories
Focus is on the needs of exceptional students and may require therapy and interventions through push-in and pull-out models. Therapeutic Theories
Conditions are due to genetic causes, diseases, illnesses, accidents, and other etiologies. Medical Theories
Factors of medical conditions should be considered not the theory itself when developing an IEP. Medical Theories
Created by: puanani
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