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Biology Final

Biology Evolution and Tree of Life Vocabulary for Prentice Hall Biology Textbook

Domain most inclusive taxonomy category: larger than a kingdom
Taxon level of orgnization into which animals are classified
Binomial nomenclature two name in Latin system
Taxonomy the study of classifiying organisms
Eukaryote cell with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles
Prokaryote cell without the stuff of a eukaryote
KPCOFGS Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
Dichotomous key set of instructions to classify something, like in the magazine quizzes
Classification organizing organisms into categories
Protista The protist kingdom
Fungi The Fungi kingdom
Animalea The animal kingdom
Plantae The plant kingdom
Eubacteria kingdom of unicellular prokaryotes with peptidoglycan
Archaebacteria kindgom of unicellular prokaryotes with cell walls containing peptidoglycan
Bacilus rod
Coccus spheriacl prokaryote
Spirilium spiral prokaryote
Chemoheterotroph organism that must take in organic molecules for energy and carbon
Photoheterotroph organism that is photosynthetic but needs organic compounds as a carbon source
Photoautotrpoh organism that is photosynthetic and and converts Co2 nd water into carbon compounds
Chemoautotrpoh an organism that uses chemical reaction for energy to create organic carbon molecules
Obligate Aerobe An organism that requires constant oxygen to survive
Obligate Anaerobe an organism that does not need constant oxygen to survive
Faculttive Anaerobe organismt hat can survive with or without oxygen
Binary Fission asexual reproduction in which a cell splits into two identical daughter cells
Nitrogen Fixation converting nitrogen gas into ammonia
Spore haploid reproductive cell
Hypha tiny filament that makes up a fungi or mold
Chitin carb that makes up a fungi cell wall and anthropod exoskeleton
Mycelium many hyphae tangled together into a thick mass with is a fungi
Bryophyte non vascular plant
Xylem Vascular plant tissue that carries water throughout the body
Phloem Vacular plant tissue responsible for carrying nutrients and carbs through the body
Gymnosperms seed plant that uses cones
Angiosperms seed plant that bears seed directly in protective tissue
Taproot one long palnt root extending downwards
Fibrous root tangle of root fibres that extend in all directions
Sepal outermost circle of flower parts that protect the bud while developing
Petal brightly colored structure inside sepals that attracts pollinators
Stamen male part of flower
Anther flower stucture that produces male stuff is produced
Carpel innermost part of flower that produces female stuff
Ovary flwoer structure that contains ovules
Compound flower Flower made up of many tiny ones, like a sunflower
Fruit wall of tissue surrounding seed
Dormancy “sleeping” a period of no growth or development
Invertebrate animals without a backbone
Vertebrate animal with a backbone
Feedback inhibition
Radial symmetry when any two opposite sides of the animal are symmetrical
Billateral symmetry when you can cut the animal in half and the two sides will be symmetrical
Cephalizaiton when most sensory organs are in one place, like a head
Exoskeleton hard shell on most inverterbrates
Endoskeleton inner skeleton
Open circulatory system system in which most blood flows through tissue
Closed Circulaotry system system in which most blood flows through closed circulatory system
Coelem fluid filled body cavity
Endotherm animal that controls its own body heat from within
Ectotherm animal that uses its environment to maintain body temperature
Mollusks soft bodied animals with internal or external shells
Cephalothorax the location on an arthropod where the heads meets the thorax
Foot one large muscle used for movement in mollusks
Anus place where excrements come out form
Mantle thin layer of tissue covering a mollusks body
Radula tong shaped structure used for feeding by some mollusks
Visceral Mass ara beneath mollusks’ mantle containing organs
Cephalopods head on foot
Molting shedding a shell or external layer
Arthropods invertebrates with segmented bodies, joint appendages, and tough bodies
Chordate animal with a spinal chord
Notochord central nervous chord running down the back
Vertebra parts of the backbone, we have 33
Placental sac in which fetuses will develop
Pheromone specific chemical messenger that can affect behavior or devlopement within species
Adaptive radiation when animals become more different through natural selection,
Mammary glands glands producing milk in animals used to feed young
Alveolus tiny air sac at the end of lungs that provides surface area for gas exchange (CO2 to Oxygen, for example)
Telson the last segment on an arthropod's body
Three Domains Eukarya, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria
Evolution Theory that organisms change over time through natural selection
Theory A well supported body of evidence
Hypothesis A proposed scientific explanation for any phenomena
Fossil Preserved remains or evidence of an ancient organism
Artificial Selection When humans favor one trait over another and it becomes more common in a population
NAtural Selection When an adaptation that best suits an animal to its environment becomes most common in a population through that organism's reproductive success
Selection pressures any factors in an environment that might lead to certain adaptations being more adapt
Fitness an organism's level of aptitude to survive its environment
Adaptation Any mutation that suits an organism to its environment
Variation A difference between two or more organisms that may make one better suited for survival than the other
Homologous Structure structures amongst organisms that look similar in embryonic stage, but are different when matures
Embryology the study of organism whilst in embryonic stages
Paleontology the study of fossils
Transitional Fossils fossils used to show a link between two fossils
Vestigial Organs organs that have shrunk because of continued disuse
Gene pool the collection of all the alleles in any given population
Allele frequency The frequency of a certain allele in a gene pool
Polygenic traits traits that depend on more than one trait
Single gene trait traits that depend on only one gene
Genetic drift when, for no true reason, a certain trait becomes more pronounced than another with no true reason
Directional Selection when organisms at one end of the curve are more fit than those at the other, so most of the population is of that one kind, that one extreme
Stabilizing Selection when organisms at the middle of the curve, the average, are more likely to survive
Disruptive selection when organisms at either ends of the curves are more likely to survive, and there are no averages
Speciation the process by which one species can split into two
Reproductive isolation when two different members of a species become isolated because they do not reproduce together, then they evolve individually, into different species
Behavioral Isolation when organisms do not mate because of different mating behaviors
Geographic Isolation when organisms do not mate because of a separating geographic element, like a lake or desert
Temporal Isolation when organisms do not mate because of different mating times or seasons
Founder effect when a random group of members of a population founds a new population, where their traits are more pronounced, not because of natural selection
Extinction when no members of a species exist alive any more
Genetic Markers gene that makes it possible to distinguish bacteria that carry a plasmid foreign DNA, and those that do not
Acclimatization when a species becomes better acclimatized to their environment
Acquired Characteristics characteristics a population acquires through natural or artificial selection
Mutation a random change in an organism’s genetic makeup
Bipedalism walking on two feet
Binocular vision seeing out of two eyes
Hominid primate that walks upright, with apposabel thumbs, with large brains, the only living members are humans
Relative time dating something in relation to something else
Absolute time dating something with a true date
Half life the time it takes for half or the remaining radioactive isotope in any place to decay
Index Fossil a fossil used to date another, it must be widespread and recognizable
Geologic Time scale scale used to represent evolutionary time
Endosymbiotic Theory the theory that eukaryotes evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes
Viviparous Animals that bear live young nourished directly from the mother
Oviparous Animals whose egges hatch outside the mother's body
Ovoviviparous animals whose eggs hatch inside the mother after developing
Created by: omarwsow
Popular Biology sets




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