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Biology Final
Biology Evolution and Tree of Life Vocabulary for Prentice Hall Biology Textbook
Question | Answer |
Domain | most inclusive taxonomy category: larger than a kingdom |
Taxon | level of orgnization into which animals are classified |
Binomial nomenclature | two name in Latin system |
Taxonomy | the study of classifiying organisms |
Eukaryote | cell with a nucleus and membrane bound organelles |
Prokaryote | cell without the stuff of a eukaryote |
KPCOFGS | Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species |
Dichotomous key | set of instructions to classify something, like in the magazine quizzes |
Classification | organizing organisms into categories |
Protista | The protist kingdom |
Fungi | The Fungi kingdom |
Animalea | The animal kingdom |
Plantae | The plant kingdom |
Eubacteria | kingdom of unicellular prokaryotes with peptidoglycan |
Archaebacteria | kindgom of unicellular prokaryotes with cell walls containing peptidoglycan |
Bacilus | rod |
Coccus | spheriacl prokaryote |
Spirilium | spiral prokaryote |
Chemoheterotroph | organism that must take in organic molecules for energy and carbon |
Photoheterotroph | organism that is photosynthetic but needs organic compounds as a carbon source |
Photoautotrpoh | organism that is photosynthetic and and converts Co2 nd water into carbon compounds |
Chemoautotrpoh | an organism that uses chemical reaction for energy to create organic carbon molecules |
Obligate Aerobe | An organism that requires constant oxygen to survive |
Obligate Anaerobe | an organism that does not need constant oxygen to survive |
Faculttive Anaerobe | organismt hat can survive with or without oxygen |
Binary Fission | asexual reproduction in which a cell splits into two identical daughter cells |
Nitrogen Fixation | converting nitrogen gas into ammonia |
Peptidoglycan | |
Dinoflagellates | |
Diatoms | |
Spore | haploid reproductive cell |
Hypha | tiny filament that makes up a fungi or mold |
Chitin | carb that makes up a fungi cell wall and anthropod exoskeleton |
Mycelium | many hyphae tangled together into a thick mass with is a fungi |
Bryophyte | non vascular plant |
Xylem | Vascular plant tissue that carries water throughout the body |
Phloem | Vacular plant tissue responsible for carrying nutrients and carbs through the body |
Gymnosperms | seed plant that uses cones |
Angiosperms | seed plant that bears seed directly in protective tissue |
Taproot | one long palnt root extending downwards |
Fibrous root | tangle of root fibres that extend in all directions |
Sepal | outermost circle of flower parts that protect the bud while developing |
Petal | brightly colored structure inside sepals that attracts pollinators |
Stamen | male part of flower |
Anther | flower stucture that produces male stuff is produced |
Carpel | innermost part of flower that produces female stuff |
Ovary | flwoer structure that contains ovules |
Compound flower | Flower made up of many tiny ones, like a sunflower |
Fruit | wall of tissue surrounding seed |
Dormancy | “sleeping” a period of no growth or development |
Invertebrate | animals without a backbone |
Vertebrate | animal with a backbone |
Feedback inhibition | |
Radial symmetry | when any two opposite sides of the animal are symmetrical |
Billateral symmetry | when you can cut the animal in half and the two sides will be symmetrical |
Cephalizaiton | when most sensory organs are in one place, like a head |
Exoskeleton | hard shell on most inverterbrates |
Endoskeleton | inner skeleton |
Open circulatory system | system in which most blood flows through tissue |
Closed Circulaotry system | system in which most blood flows through closed circulatory system |
Coelem | fluid filled body cavity |
Endotherm | animal that controls its own body heat from within |
Ectotherm | animal that uses its environment to maintain body temperature |
Mollusks | soft bodied animals with internal or external shells |
Cephalothorax | the location on an arthropod where the heads meets the thorax |
Foot | one large muscle used for movement in mollusks |
Anus | place where excrements come out form |
Mantle | thin layer of tissue covering a mollusks body |
Radula | tong shaped structure used for feeding by some mollusks |
Visceral Mass | ara beneath mollusks’ mantle containing organs |
Cephalopods | head on foot |
Molting | shedding a shell or external layer |
Arthropods | invertebrates with segmented bodies, joint appendages, and tough bodies |
Chordate | animal with a spinal chord |
Notochord | central nervous chord running down the back |
Vertebra | parts of the backbone, we have 33 |
Placental | sac in which fetuses will develop |
Pheromone | specific chemical messenger that can affect behavior or devlopement within species |
Adaptive radiation | when animals become more different through natural selection, |
Mammary glands | glands producing milk in animals used to feed young |
Alveolus | tiny air sac at the end of lungs that provides surface area for gas exchange (CO2 to Oxygen, for example) |
Telson | the last segment on an arthropod's body |
Three Domains | Eukarya, Eubacteria, Archaebacteria |
Evolution | Theory that organisms change over time through natural selection |
Theory | A well supported body of evidence |
Hypothesis | A proposed scientific explanation for any phenomena |
Fossil | Preserved remains or evidence of an ancient organism |
Artificial Selection | When humans favor one trait over another and it becomes more common in a population |
NAtural Selection | When an adaptation that best suits an animal to its environment becomes most common in a population through that organism's reproductive success |
Selection pressures | any factors in an environment that might lead to certain adaptations being more adapt |
Fitness | an organism's level of aptitude to survive its environment |
Adaptation | Any mutation that suits an organism to its environment |
Variation | A difference between two or more organisms that may make one better suited for survival than the other |
Homologous Structure | structures amongst organisms that look similar in embryonic stage, but are different when matures |
Biogeography | |
Embryology | the study of organism whilst in embryonic stages |
Paleontology | the study of fossils |
Transitional Fossils | fossils used to show a link between two fossils |
Vestigial Organs | organs that have shrunk because of continued disuse |
Gene pool | the collection of all the alleles in any given population |
Allele frequency | The frequency of a certain allele in a gene pool |
Polygenic traits | traits that depend on more than one trait |
Single gene trait | traits that depend on only one gene |
Genetic drift | when, for no true reason, a certain trait becomes more pronounced than another with no true reason |
Directional Selection | when organisms at one end of the curve are more fit than those at the other, so most of the population is of that one kind, that one extreme |
Stabilizing Selection | when organisms at the middle of the curve, the average, are more likely to survive |
Disruptive selection | when organisms at either ends of the curves are more likely to survive, and there are no averages |
Speciation | the process by which one species can split into two |
Reproductive isolation | when two different members of a species become isolated because they do not reproduce together, then they evolve individually, into different species |
Behavioral Isolation | when organisms do not mate because of different mating behaviors |
Geographic Isolation | when organisms do not mate because of a separating geographic element, like a lake or desert |
Temporal Isolation | when organisms do not mate because of different mating times or seasons |
Founder effect | when a random group of members of a population founds a new population, where their traits are more pronounced, not because of natural selection |
Extinction | when no members of a species exist alive any more |
Genetic Markers | gene that makes it possible to distinguish bacteria that carry a plasmid foreign DNA, and those that do not |
Acclimatization | when a species becomes better acclimatized to their environment |
Acquired Characteristics | characteristics a population acquires through natural or artificial selection |
Mutation | a random change in an organism’s genetic makeup |
Bipedalism | walking on two feet |
Binocular vision | seeing out of two eyes |
Hominid | primate that walks upright, with apposabel thumbs, with large brains, the only living members are humans |
Relative time | dating something in relation to something else |
Absolute time | dating something with a true date |
Half life | the time it takes for half or the remaining radioactive isotope in any place to decay |
Index Fossil | a fossil used to date another, it must be widespread and recognizable |
Geologic Time scale | scale used to represent evolutionary time |
Endosymbiotic Theory | the theory that eukaryotes evolved from symbiotic prokaryotes |
Viviparous | Animals that bear live young nourished directly from the mother |
Oviparous | Animals whose egges hatch outside the mother's body |
Ovoviviparous | animals whose eggs hatch inside the mother after developing |