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Religion Voc Final 8

Religion Voc for 8th grade finals

Rite A particular way of celebrating the Sacraments according to the rules of the Church
Pentecost The special feast of the Holy Spirit that recalls the coming of the Spirit upon the Apostles
Apostolic Connected with the Apostles
Sacred Scripture The Bible
Bishop Successors of the Apostles who have received the fullness of the priesthood. Spiritual leaders of Christians in the dioceses. They can ordain men to the priesthood.
Liturgy The public ceremonies of the Church used for worship
Vestments One of the articles of the ceremonial attire and insignia worn by ecclesiastical officiants and assistants as indicative of their rank and appropriate of their rite being celebrated.
Church Militant The members of the Church here on Earth
Intercessory Prayer Prayer on behalf of another person
St. Augustine Lived in the 4th century. Due to the persistent prayers of his mother, Monica, he converted to Catholicism. Before becoming a priest, teacher, bishop, & theologian he led a very sinful life.
Atheists One who denies the existence of God
Capital Sins Sins which engender other sins and vices. There are 7: pride, covetousness, envy, anger, gluttony, lust, sloth
Infallibility The truth that the Catholic Church by the special help of the Holy Spirit, is kept free from any error in teaching us about what we must believe (faith) and how we must live (morals)
Venerate To show devotion, respect, and honor to Mary, the Apostles, Martyrs, Saints, Holy Objects, Places, Etc.
Sacraments of Initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation, by which Christians are fully incorporated into the Church
Annunciation God's announcement to Mary through the Archangel Gabriel that she was chosen to be the Mother of the Son of God.
Monasteries The communities where monks live according to a specific rule or way of life
Diocese The part of the Church over which a bishop has authority
Virtue A good habit that we learn which helps us to do good and avoid evil. Prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, humility, chastity, and prayer
Heresy A religious belief that corrupt the true teachings of Christ and the Church
Apostolate Work carried out to help further the mission of Christ, after the example of the Apostles
Monsignor A title of honor given to certain members of the clergy
Catholic Universal
Assumption The taking up into Heaven of the body and soul of Mary
Church Triumphant The Saints in Heaven
Theologian Someone who studies God and Religion
Intercede To speak in the interests of another person or to ask something for another person
Holiness Being close to or belonging to God
Ecumenism Cooperation among Christians including efforts to restore full unity in truth and love among all Christians
Cardinal A person, usually a bishop, selected by the Pope to belong to a special group in the leadership of the Church
Immaculate Conception Mary's conception free of the stain of Original Sin
Canonized Saint Someone whom the Church has officially declared to be in Heaven
St. Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria in the 4th century who defended the truth that Jesus is God
Vocation The calling or destiny we have in this life and hereafter
Patron Saint The saints after whom we are named at Baptism and at Confirmation
Cardinal Virtues The four main virtues or habits of good actions. Prudence, temperance, justice, and fortitude
Mystical Body of Christ The Church; the union of the members of the Church with each other and Christ
Apostolic Fathers Early Christian saints whose writings have a special value because they witness to the teaching of the Apostles
Pope The visible leader of the Church and supreme teacher of the Catholic Faith
Magisterium The teaching office or authority in the Church. Exercised by the Pope and the Bishops united with him. All Christians are solemnly obliged to follow these teachings
Liturgical Year The celebration throughout the year of the mysteries of the Lord's birth, life, death, and Resurrection in such a way that the entire year becomes a "year of the Lord's grace"
Communion of Saints The relationship that exists between all of the members of the Church, whether they are in Heaven, Purgatory, or Earth
St. Benedict Lived in the 5th century and called the "Father of Western Monasticism. Found the Benedictine Order. Wrote the Rule of St. Benedict, which is a guide for the daily life of his monks.
Deposit of Faith The whole of revelation entrusted to the Church by Jesus Christ and handed on through scripture and tradition by the Apostles and their successors
Encyclical A pastoral letter written by the Pope and sent to the whole Church to express Church teaching on some important matter
Fathers of the Church Early Christian writers of the early centuries whose writings and teachings are among the early expressions of the Traditions of the Church
Hierarchy The order of authority in the Church
Martyrs A witness to the truth of the Faith, in which the person endures even death to be faithful to Christ
Revelation The truths of faith which God has made known to us through Scripture and Tradition.
Doctors of the Church Saints whose writings are acknowledged by the Church for their enduring theological and spiritual value
Created by: EKrue
Popular Religion sets




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