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Studying words

Apparatus The equipment or machinery designed for a particular use (Hardware)
Taciturn Temperamentally disinclined to talk (Reticent)
Reticent Inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech, reserved (Taciturn)
Circumspect Careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences (Cautious)
Berett Deprived or robbed of the possession or use of something (Deprived)
Laud An office of solemn praise to God with matins the first of the canonical hours (Praise)
Ramshackle Appearing ready to collapse (Dilapidated)
Eerie So mysterious, strange or unexpected as to send a chill up the spine (Uncanny)
Abate To decrease in force or intensity (Diminish)
Pandemonium A wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd or people) (Mayham)
Inhospitable Not friendly or receptive providing no shelter or sustenance (Harsh)
Disquiet To take away the peace (Unease)
Sanguine Marked by eager hopefulness confidently optimistic or cheerful (Bloody/Cheerful)
Normalcy The state or fact of being normal (Routine)
Elocution - A style of speaking especially in public - The art of effective public speaking (Diction)
Diction - Vocal expression - Choice of words especially with regard to correctness, clearness or effectiveness (Elocution)
Enthrall - To hold spellbound: Charm - To hold in or reduce to slavery (Captivate)
Squall - A sudden violent wind often with rain or snow - A short-lived commotion (Storm)
Discursively Moving from topic to topic without order (Rambling/Digressive)
Androgynous Suitable to or for either sex (Unisex)
Digressive Tending to depart from the subject
Spleen - To seat of emotions or passions - Feeling of anger or ill will often suppressed (Wrath)
Salubriously Favoring to or promoting health or well-being (Healthily)
Wind - Entangle, involve - To introduce sinuously or stealthily; insinuate (Weave)
Exacerbate To make more violate, bitter or serve (Worsen)
Subliminal - Inadequate to produce a sensation or perception - Existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness (Subconscious)
Turgid - Excessively embellished in style or language - Being in a state of distention swollen (Swollen)
Disconsolate Cheerless, dejected, downcast (Melancholic)
Melancholic Of, relating to, or subject to melancholy; depressed (Disconsolate)
Vapid Lacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit (Dull)
Ruminative To go over in the mind repeatedly an often casually or slowly (Thoughtful)
Insatiable Incapable of being satisfied (Implacable)
Implacable Not placable; not capable of being appeased, significantly change or mitigate (Insatiable)
Evanescent Tending to vanish like vapor (Fleeting)
Rambunctious Marked by uncontrollable exuberance; unruly (Obstreperous)
Obstreperous - Marked by unruly or aggressive noisiness - Stubbornly resistant to control; unruly (Rambunctious)
Wrath Strong vengeful anger or indignation (Spleen)
Quiescent Marked by inactivity or repose tranquilly at rest (Inactive)
Penuriously - Marked by or suffering from penury - Given to or marked by extreme stinging frugality (Miserly)
Adamantly With great insistence or determination (Insistently)
Deleterious Harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way (Harmful)
Penitent Adj: Feeling or expressing humble or regretful or sorrow for sins or offensive N: Person who repents of sin (Contrite)
Contrite Feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for improper or objectionable behavior, actions (Penitent)
Verisimilitude The quality or state of being verisimilar (Realness)
Brief To give essential information (Inform)
Falter - To walk unsteadily - To give away (Hesitate)
Thwart To oppose successfully; defeat the hopes or aspirations of (Prevent)
Bide To wait for, to put up with (Wait)
Excessive Exceeding what is usual proper, necessary or normal (Lavish)
Minute Very Small (Tiny)
Veracious Marked by truth; Accurate (Truthfully)
Domicile A dwelling place; place of resident (Home)
Zest - An enjoyable exciting - Keen enjoyment (Enthusiasm)
Conviction A strong persuasion or belief (Belief)
Famished Intensely hungry (Ravenous)
Belittle To speak slightingly; disparage (Disparage)
Citadel A fortress that commands a city (Fortness)
Abstruse Difficult to comprehend (Arcane)
Arcane Known or knowable only to a few people; secret (Abstruse)
Preclude To make impossible by necessary consequence; rule out in advance (Stop)
Pedantic - Of, relating to, or being a pedant - Unimaginative, dull (Picky)
Cogent Appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing (Convincing)
Animosity A strong feeling of dislike or hatred (Enmity)
Enmity Positive, active, and typically mutual of hatred or ill will (Animosity)
Vagabond A person who wanders from place to place without a fix home (Wanderer)
Chortle Laugh in a gleeful way, to chuckle (Laugh)
Paradigm A typical example or pattern of something (Model/Ideal)
Tightfisted Not willing to spend or give much money (Thrifty/Frugal)
Voracious Wanting or devouring great quantities of food (Ravenous)
Placate To soothe or mollify especially by concessions (Conciliate)
Conciliate To gain by pleasing acts (Placate)
Repartee A quick and witty reply (Banter)
Banter To speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner (Repartee)
Epitome A typical or ideal example (Quintessence)
Quintessence The essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form (Epitome)
Corroborate To support with evidence (Validate)
Pejorative A word or phrase that has negative connotation (Deprecatory)
Deprecatory Seeking to avert disapproval (Pejorative)
Tantamount Equivalent in value, significance or effect (Equivalent)
Cantankerous Difficult or irritating to deal with (Querulous)
Querulous Habitually complaining (Cantankerous)
Garner To gather into storage (Amass)
Amass - To collect for oneself - To collect in a mass (Garner)
Chronic Continuing or occurring again and again (Persistent)
Belligerent - Inclined to or exhibited assertiveness, hostility or combativeness - Waging wars (Confrontational/Antagonistic)
Confrontational - Face to face meeting - The clashing of forces or ideas (Belligerent)
Qualm - A feeling of uneasiness about a point especially of conscience or propriety - A sudden felling of usually disturbing emotions (Misgiving)
Peripatetic - Of, relating to, or given to walking - Moving or traveling from place to place (Itinerant)
Itinerant Traveling from place to place (Peripatetic)
Whet To sharpen by rubbing on or with something (Hone)
Alacrity Promptness in response cheerful readiness (Eagerness)
Eagerness Marked by enthusiastic or impatient desire interest (Impatient/Alarcrity)
Diaphanous Characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through (Gazy/Sheer)
Bucolic - Of or relating to Shepards or herdsmen - Relating to or typical of rural life (Pastoral)
Pastoral Of, relating to or composed of shepherds or herdsmen (Bucolic)
Wont - Accustomed, used; habituate - Inclined, apt (Habit)
Kitschy Something that appeals to popular or lowbrow taste and is often of poor quality (Gaudy)
Inchoate Being only partly in existence or operation (Rudimentary)
Rudimentary - Consisting in first principle; fundamental - Of a primitive kind (Inchoate/Rough Draft)
Germane Being at once relevant and appropriate (Pertinent)
Pertinent Having a clear decisive relevant (Germane)
Reify Make (something abstract) more concrete or real (Make Real)
Tumultuous Disruptive, troubled, or disorderly (Volatile)
Capricious A person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable (Fickle/Uncertain)
Affect Have an effect on, make a difference to (Impact)
Accumen The ability to make good judgements and quick decisions (Insight)
Candor The state or quality of being frank (Honesty)
Vitriolic Bitter harsh or caustic language (Acerbic)
Acerbic Sharply or bitingly critical ironic in temper (Vitriolic/Caustic)
Morass A situation that traps, confuse, or overwhelming (Wetland)
Egregious Conspicuously bad (Outrageous)
Licentious Lacking legal or moral restraints (Depraved)
Ostracize To exile, to separate them out (Exile)
Ingratiate To gain favor or favorable acceptance for (Charm)
Potentate Ruler, one who wields great power or sway (Leader)
Verbiage Overabundance of words, rattling on (Circumlocution)
Circumlocution The use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea (Verbiage)
Recalcitrant Difficult to manage or operate (Rebellious)
Spurious Born to parents not married (Bastard/False)
Xenophobia Fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners (Bigotry)
Bigotry Stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed or belief (Xenophobia)
Modicum A small portion (Fraction)
Onerous Involving, imposing, or constituting a burden (Difficult)
Caustic Capable of destroying or eating away by chemical (Acid/Acerbic)
Bane A source of harm or ruin (Affliction/"Bane of my existance)
Plethora An ample amount or number (Abundance)
Prolixity Drawn out, too long, using too many words (Redundancy/Verbose/Verbiage/Rambling)
Slapstick Comedy based on deliberately clumsy action and humorously embarrassing events (Comedy/The Three Stoogies)
Fallacy A mistaken brief, especially one based on unsound judgement (False)
Dismay To break down the courage of completely (Disappointment)
Proliferate To increase in numbers, multiple (Multiple)
Limpid Completely clear, colorless (Clear)
Refute Someone who facts check a statement or idea on the accuracy (Contest)
Sagacity The ability to make a good judgement (Wisdom)
Divulge To make known (something such as a confidence or secret) (Reveal)
Plausible Superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often (Believable/Conceivable)
Lewd - Sexually unchaste, very sexual behavior - Crude and offensive (Vulgar)
Forage To collect food from nature
Infuze To put in, introduce, soak (Inject)
Magnate A person of rank, power, influence (Tycoon/Captains of teams)
Tycoon A businessperson of exceptional wealth, power and influence (Magnate)
Succor To go to the aid of; relieve (Assistance)
Encumber Weigh down, burden, captured to impede or hamper the activity (Hamper)
Aversion A strong dislike (Dislike)
Eminent A famous and respectful within a particular sphere or profession (Distinguished)
Preeminent - Someone who leads - Having paramount rank, dignity or importance (Outstanding)
Vindictive Showing a strong desire for revenge (Spiteful/Absolve)
Absolve Set or declare someone free from blame or guilt (Vindictive)
Scrutinize To examine closely and minutely (Inspect)
Elicit Means to extract (Extract)
Pragmatic Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical (Sensible)
Gauche Lack social experience (Awkward)
Enumerate To calculate the number of (Count)
Magnanious Someone who is forgiving towards a rival (Generous)
Poignant Deeply affecting (Distressing)
Conspicious Obvious to the eye or mind (Obvious)
Recluse Hidden (Hermit)
Grotesque Something that is ugly or distorted (Bizarre)
Outmoded To be out-dated
Oration A formal speech (An Address)
Eccentric Someone who acts strange (Peculiar)
Panacea Is a remedy for all ills (Cure)
Ostentatious Seeking to attract attention (Pretentious/Vulgar)
Liability Something or someone that causes you a lot of trouble (Burden)
Eloquent Vividly or movingly expression (Well spoken)
Negligible So small or unimportant or of so little consequences as to warrant little or no attention (Insignificant)
Glib Inaccurate remark that is quick and insincere (Superficial/Smooth)
Motley Consisting of many colors that mismatch (Multicolors)
Jaunt A short journey for pleasure (Trip)
Solidarity Agreement between and support for the members of a group (Unity)
Tepid Only slightly warm; lukewarm (Mild)
Perspective A particular way of considering something (Position/View)
Appropriate V: Take (something) for one's own use (Hijacking)
Indifferent Having no particular interest or sympathy (Disinterested)
Candid Truthful and straight forward (Honest)
Adequate Enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose (Sufficient)
Revoke To take back or withdraw (Retract)
Indelible Not able to be forgotten or removed (Permanent)
Palatable Pleasant to taste, acceptable (Tolerable)
Receptive Willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas (Open)
Terse Sparing in the use of words (Brief)
Tyrant Exercise absolute power brutally (Cruelty)
Flattery Excessive praise to get what you want (Sycophant)
Genteel Polite, refined or respectable often in an affected way (Respectable)
Sycophant A person who brown noses to gain advantages (Flattery)
Insomniac A person who regularly unable to sleep (Sleeplessness)
Hallowed Very respected and praised because of great importance (Sacred)
Nomadic Someone who goes from place to place (Wandering)
Anarchist A person who rebels against any authority (Disorder)
Pacifist A person who belief that war is unjustifiable (Peace)
Clergy A group ordained to perform pastoral or sacerdotal functions in a christian church (Religion)
Pungent Having a sharply strong taste or smell (Spicy/Tangy)
Quill One of the hollow sharp spines of a porcupine or hedgehog (Feather)
Tainted Something polluted or spoiled (Contaminated)
Despairing Showing the loss of all hope (Weeping)
Insightfulness Showing or having insight or perceptive (Wise)
Parsimonious Unwilling to spend money or use resources (Stingy)
Ecotistical Excessively, conceited or absorbed in oneself (Selfish/Self-centered)
Contemplative Expressing or involving prolong thought (Thoughtful)
Lavish Spending profusely (Elaborate)
Elaborate To add more information or explain something that you have said (Lavish)
Miserly Being unwilling or showing unwillingness to share with others (Stingy/Cheap/Penuriously)
Truant A student who stays away from school without leave or explanation (Absent)
Tenacious Tending to keep a firm hold of something (Stubborn)
Viscous Having a thick or sticky consistency (Thickness)
Lucrative Producing a great deal of profit (Profitable)
Blunder A stupid or careless mistake and to err is to make a mistake (Err)
Disheveled Having loosely or in disorder, unkept, very messy, nor neat (Untidy)
Parry - To ward off a weapon or blow - To evade or turn aside from something (Dodge/Avoid)
Constrictive To make narrow or draw together (Compress/Squeeze/Restrictive)
Invigorate To give life and energy (Energize)
Relinquish To withdraw or retreat from (Renounce)
Interpolate To alter or corrupt by inserting new or foreign matter (Insert)
Baffling Extremely confusing or difficult to understand (Puzzling)
Lenient Of mild and tolerant disposition of effect; not harsh, severe, or strict (Not strict)
Repulsive Serving or able to repulse; to drive or beat back (Disgusting)
Audacious Intrepidly daring; recklessly bold (Bold)
Prevalent Generally or widely accepted, practiced or favored (Widespread)
Ominous Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen (Threatening)
Incredible Impossible to believe or difficult to believe (Unbelievable)
Ophthalmologist Eye Doctor
Supersede To cause to be set aside (Take the place of)
Anonymous Of unknown authorship or origin (One whose name is not known)
Indefatigable Incapable of being fatigued (Tireless)
Atheist Disbeliever in God
Loquacity The quality of talking a great deal (Talkativeness)
Incorrigible Not able to correct, improved or reform (beyond correction or reform)
Ocular Connected with the eyes or vision (Visual)
Demagogue A leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims, stirs-up the pot (Rabble-Rouser)
Naive Showing a lack of experience wisdom or judgement (Unsophisticated)
Afflunce The state of having a great deal of money (Wealth)
Retrospect A survey or review of a past course of events or period of time (View of the past)
Gourmet A person who knows a lot about food and cooking (Connoisseur in food)
Simulate Imitate the appearance or character of (Pretend)
Clandestine Kept secret or done secretly (Secret)
Apathetic Showing or feeling no interest (Indifferent, uninterested, uninvolved)
Vacillate To hesitate in choice of opinions or courses (To swing back and forth)
Nostalgic The state of being homesick (Homesick)
Antipathy A deep seated feeling of dislike (Aversion/Hostility)
Intrepid Characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance (Fearless)
Malign Evil in nature, influence or effect (Slander)
Congenital An existing at or dating from birth (Occurring at or during birth)
Neurosis Describe mental disorders caused by past anxiety (Emotional disturbance)
Unequivocal Leaving no doubt (Clear and forth right)
Vicarious Experience by reading or watching someone else do something (Occurring from a feeling of identification with another/Delegation)
Psychogenic Originating in the mind or in mental or emotional conflict (Originating in the mind)
Anachronous An error in chronology (Belonging to a different time)
Iconoclastic A person who attacks settles beliefs or institutions (Sneering at traditions)
Tyro A beginner in learning (Beginner)
Laconic Using very little words (Terse and Meaningful)
Semantic The study of reference meaning or truth (Relating to the meaning of words)
Cavalier An arrogant attitude towards others (Haughty and Highhanded)
Anomalous Deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected (Unusual)
Posthumous Born after a death of a father
Enervated Drained of energy (Completely exhausted)
Perspicacity The quality of having a ready insight into things, ready to respond (Mental Keenness)
Martinet Someone who demands that rules and orders always be obeyed (Strict Disciplinarian)
Gregarious Tending to associate with other of one's kind (Very Sociable)
Phlegmatic Not easily excited to action or display of emotions (Emotionally Unresponsive)
Inveterate Confirmed in a habit (Habitual)
Cacophony Harsh or jarring sound (Unpleasant noises, harsh sounds)
Prurient Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters (Sexually Longing)
Uxorious Excessively fond of or submissive to a wife (Fondly and foolishly dating on his wife)
Conflagration Especially: a large disastrous fire (Fire/Holocaust/Inferno)
Denuded To strip of all covering or surface layers (Stripped)
Annihilation The state or fact of being completely destroyed or obliterated (Demolishment/Destruction)
Reverently Expressing or characterized by honor or respect felt or shown (Respectfully)
Melancholy Depression of spirits : dejection (Depressed/Dejected)
Vestibule A passage, hall, or room between the outer door and the interior of a building: lobby (Entranceway)
Untenable Not able to be defended (Unreasonable)
Compartmentalize To arrange or assign according to type (Categorize)
Curt Sparing of words (Blunt)
Prominent Standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line (Conspicuous)
Superfluous Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary (Extra/Excess)
Chastise To inflict punishment on (as by whipping) (Berate)
Berate To scold or condemn vehemently and at length (Chastise)
Prelim Coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else (Introduction)
Wriggled To move the body or a bodily part to and fro with short writhing motions like a worm (Squirm)
Finesse Skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering (Adroitness)
Adroitness Having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations (Finesse)
Tribunal A court or forum of justice (Court/Benched)
Percolator - One has to put through a sieve - Awareness of an issue may percolate slowly into the minds of the public (Strain/Bleed/Ooze)
Staccato Cut short or apart in performing (Disconnected)
Percussion The act of percussing; tap sharply (Strong Announced Sound)
Admonition Counsel or warning against fault or oversight (Counsel/Guideness)
Wiry Being lean, supple, and vigorous (Sinewy/Lean)
Dilapidated Showing signs of advanced wear and tear and neglect (Neglected)
Derelict - Abandoned especially by the owner or occupant - Lacking a sense of duty (Run-Down/Neglected)
Melodrama A work (such as a movie or play) characterized by extravagant theatricality and by the predominance of plot and physical action over characterization (Tragicomedy)
Albeit Even though (Although)
Trudged To walk or march steadily and usually laboriously (Pound/Scuffled)
Patently Protected by a trademark or a brand name so as to establish proprietary rights analogous to those conveyed by letters patent or a patent (Crystal Clear)
Scrutiny A searching study, inquiry, or inspection (Examination)
Lackey Someone who does menial tasks or runs errands for another (Servant)
Envelop To enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering (Surround)
Reconnoiter - To make a reconnaissance (a preliminary survey to gain info) of - To engage in reconnaissance (Survey)
Perspire To emit matter through the skin (Sweat)
Quibble To evade the point of of an argument by caviling about words (Criticism)
Austerity The quality or state of being austere: such as a stern and serious quality or a plain and simply quality (Severity)
Sacrosanct - Most sacred or holy - Treated as if holy: immune from criticism or violation (Sacred)
Commensurate Corresponding in size, extent, amount or degree : proportinate (Proportional)
Nebulous Of, relating to, or resembling a nebula (Hazy)
Mollify To soothe in temper or disposition (Lessen)
Entrance To hold the complete interest and attention of someone (Captivate)
Mingle To bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity (Mix)
Annihilate To cause to cease to exist : to do away with entirely so that nothing remains (Raze)
Raze To destroy to the ground : demolish (Annihilate)
Impede To interfere with or slow the progress of (Halt)
Antiquated Outmoded or discredited by reason of age : old and no longer useful, popular, or accepted (Outdated)
Primordial Existing in or persisting from the beginning
Utopia A place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
Coherent Orderly and logical
Captivate Attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm. (Charm)
Ultimate Being or happening at the end of a process; final.
Compensate Give (someone) something, typically money, in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury incurred; recompense. (Award)
Dogged Keep going at it. (Persistance)
Optimal Most desirable or satisfactory. (Ideal)
Feeble Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness. (Weak)
Succinct Briefly and clearly expressed (Brief)
Toiled Work extremely hard (Grinding)
Creed A set of beliefs or aims which guides someone’s actions (Faith)
Trajectory A path followed by a projectile or an object moving under the action of a given force. (Course or Route)
Matriculate Be enrolled into a college or university. (Enrolled)
A journey, especially a long or meandering one.
Created by: nateorious
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