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American Civics Exam

limited government the government can only do things the constitution gives it the power to do
precedent old court decision that present day judges rely on
separations of powers the constitution divides powers of the government into three separate but equal branches
checks and balances each branch has the power to stop/check the power of other branches
constitution plan that is a higher law for a government
constitutional government government that a constitution places limits on those who govern
monarchy form of government where one person has great power
Founders political leaders in the 13 colonies who worked to get freedom from Great Britain
democracy ruled by the people
direct democracy form of government that the people govern themselves and vote firsthand
representative democracy form of government where citizens choose leaders to make decisions on their behalf
republic a representative democracy where citizens choose their lawmakers the society belongs to the whole public no to a king
bill proposed law
law set of rules by which a society is run
rule of law all people are bound by the law
legislature a group or body of elected officials
legislator ONE member of a group or body of elected officials think of senators and members of the house
legislative having the power to make and change laws
legislation bill that is being considered by a legislature
delegate a person chosen to act for others
representative a person chosen to act for others
inalienable rights rights that every person is born with
segregation separation based on skin color
Jim Crow laws laws in the south that separated black and white people
civil rights rights of full citizenship and equality under law
political party group that seeks to elect candidates to office
primary election election to choose a nominee from a party to the general election
party convention meeting of delegates to formally select the party's candidates for President and Vice for the general election
two-party system system of government that two major parties compete for power
third parties parties besides Republican and Democratic
incumbent current holder of a position that is running again
swing states states that do not regularly vote for democrat or republican
independents voters who do not affiliate with either main parties
partisanship strong attachment to a particular party
bipartisanship cooperation between two major political parties
confederation alliance of individual states that untie for a common purpose
Framers 55 men who attended the Constitutional Convention
civil discourse discussion that encourages many points of views
abolition officially ending slavery
abolitionist person who advocated for the end of slavery
freedom suit lawsuits after 1776 filed by enslaved people to claim freedom
suffrage right to vote
federalism division between national and state government
constituent person represented by and elected official
unicameral containing one chamber or house
bicameral containing two chambers or houses
repersentation having a voice in the government through officials
proportional representation determining the number of representatives for a state by size the population of the state shown in the House
Census official counting of the population of the U.S. that occurs every 10 years to determine each state's representatives
apportionment dividing seats in the House among the states according to the population of each state
Electoral College system the Framers made to elect the President
electors members of the Electoral College # members of the H of R + # Senators
winner takes all system assigning all of a states Electoral College votes to the winner of the popular vote
electorate group of people entitled to vote in an election
amendment a change in a legal document
ratification formal approval of a legal document
state conventions meeting held in each state to vote on ratification of the Constitution
popular soverighty idea that the government gets its power from the people it governs
Federalists people in support of the ratification of the Constitution; they believed that federal law should have more weight than state laws
Anti-Federalists people who opposed the ratification of the Constitution; favored a weaker federal government with less power over the states
The Federalist Papers a series of 85 essays written by James Madison, John jay, and Alexander Hamilton to argue in favor of the ratification of the Constitution
Created by: Dbriones
Popular U.S. History sets




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