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Geography Chs 3 & 4

Troposphere The home of the biosphere; the lowest layer of the homosphere; occurs at 18 to 13 km
Stratosphere The portion of the homosphere that ranges from 20 to 50 km above earth's surface; contains the functional ozonosphere
Mesosphere The upper region of the homosphere from 50 to 80 km above the ground
Thermosphere A region of the heterosphere extending from 80 to 480 km in altitude
Conduction The slow molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat through a medium, from warmer to colder poles
Convection Currents A current in a fluid that results from convection
Ozone A colourless gas made of three Oxygen molecules
Evaporation The movement of free water molecules away from a wet surface into air that is less saturated
Water Vapour One state of water within the hydrosphere
Insolation Solar radiation that is incoming to Earth's systems
Lapse Rate The rate of temperature decrease with increasing altitude in Earth's lower atmosphere
Transmission The passage of longwave and shortwave energy through space, the atmosphere, or water
Refraction The bending effect on electromagnetic waves that occurs when insolation enters the atmosphere or other medium
Reflection The portion of arriving insolation that is returned directly to space
Albedo The reflective quality of a surface; a function of surface colour, angle of incidence, and surface texture
Absorption Assimilation and conversion of radiation from one form into another medium
Microclimatology The study of local climates at or near the Earth's surface
Gulf Stream A strong, northward-moving, warm current off the east coast of North America, which carries its water far into the North Atlantic
Solar Radiation Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun
Infrared Radiation A type of energy invisible to the naked eye; felt as heat
Carbon Dioxide A colourless, odorless gas found in the atmosphere
Greenhouse Gases Gases in the lower atmosphere that delay the passage of longwave radiation to space by absorbing and reradiating specific wavelengths
Greenhouse Effect The process by which some gases delay the loss of infrared to space
Temperature A measure of sensible heat energy present in the atmosphere and other media
Latitude The angular distance measured North or South of the equator from a point at the centre of Earth
Altitude The height of an object or point in relation to sea or ground level
Land-water heating differences Differences in temperature caused by location relative to large bodies of water
Transparency The quality of a medium that allows light to easily pass through it
Thermal Equator The isoline on an isothermal map that connects all points of highest mean temperature
Heat wave A prolonged period of abnormally high temperatures, normally, but not always, in association with humid weather
Created by: TheresaH
Popular Geography sets




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