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CT/MR Pelvis

What structure makes up the posterior portion of the pelvis? sacrum/coccyx
What structure makes up the lateral walls of the pelvis? os coxae
What is the function of the pelvis? transmits the weight of upper body to lower limbs
Describe the difference between a male and female pelvis? male pelvis is more narrow compared to a wider female pelvis
How many fused bones make up the sacrum? 5
What bony structure is the end of the abdomen and beginning of pelvis? sacral promontory
What is the name of the space between the sacrum and os coxae? sacroiliac joint
What three bones make up the os Coxae? ilium, pubis, ischium
What structure articulates with the head of the femur and is part of the os coxae? acetabulum
What is the name for the superior ridge of the ilium? iliac crest
What bone is the largest of the bones that make up the os coxae? ilium
What bone forms the lower anterior portion of the acetabulum? pubis
What bone forms the lower posterior portion of the acetabulum? ischium
What is the name of the structure that is formed by two pubic bones anteriorly at the midline in the pelvis? pubic symphysis
What is the prominent portion of bone on the ischium that when sitting can become painful? ischial tuberosity
What is the longest and strongest bone in the body? Femur
What portion of the femur is part of the pelvis/hip joint? proximal fenur
What is the purpose of the greater trochanter? provides attachments for several muscles in the gluteal region
What is the function of the lesser trochanter? serves as insertion site for insertion of iliopsoas muscles
What is the name of the pathology where arterial blood supply has been disrupted to bone? avascular necrosis; AVN
What is the function of the bladder? to store urine
How much urine can the average bladder hold? 500-750 ml
What is the anterior to posterior order of the following organs: male/female reproductive organ, bladder, rectum? bladder, male/female reproductive organ, rectum
What is the name for the terminal part of the large intestines? rectum
What is the name for the termination of the rectum and GI tract? anus
What is the function of the female reproductive system? to produce sex hormones, ova and to protect and support a developing fetus
What is the name of the inner layer of the uterus? endometrium
What is the name of the middle layer of the uterus? myometrium
What is the name of the outer layer of the uterus? perimetrium
What is the name of the layer of the uterus that is responsible for contractions during childbirth? myometrium
What portion of the female reproductive system protects and supports a developing fetus? uterus
What portion of the female reproductive system produces ova? ovaries
What portion of the female reproductive system traps and transports ova to the uterus? oviducts (uterine tubes/fallopian tubes)
What is the name of the area posterior to the uterus but anterior to the rectum? rectouterine pouch/pouch of Douglas/ posterior cul-de-sac
What is the significance of the area posterior to the uterus and anterior to the rectum? area for evaluation of excessive free pelvic fluid
What is the collective name of the area in the pelvis where the ovaries, oviducts and ligament is found? adnexal area/adnexa
What is largest accessory gland of the male reproductive system? prostate gland
What is the anterior abdomen and pelvis muscle that supports the abdomen and helps flex the lumabr? rectus abdominis
What muscle extends along the lateral aspects of the lumbar spine and helps to flex the thigh and trunk? psoas
What two muscles come together to make the iliopsoas muscle? psoas and iliacus
What muscle inserts on the lesser trochanter and flexes the leg? iliopsoas muscle
What muscle is found on the anterior surface of the os coxae? iliacus
What muscle is on the lateral side of the thigh and abduct, flexes, and rotates the thigh medially? tensor fascia latae
Which hip muscle is also part of the quadriceps muscle and acts to flex the hip joint? rectus femoris
What hip muscle is the most anterior and acts to flex, adduct and laterally rotate the thigh? sartorius
Which gluteal muscle will you see first when reviewing axial images of the pelvis superior to inferior? gluteus medius
Which gluteal muscle will you see last when reviewing axial images of the pelvis superior to inferior? gluteus maximus
What muscle(s) make up the majority of the buttocks? gluteal muscles
What arteries does the aorta bifurcate into? Rt and LT common iliac artieries
What veins do the inferior vena cava bifurcate into? RT and LT common iliac veins
Which pelvic vessel continues on outside of the pelvis as the femoral artery? external iliac artery
Which pelvic vessel supplies blood to the pelvis? internal iliac artery
Which pelvic vessel drains blood from the pelvis? internal iliac vein
Which pelvic vessel drains blood from the legs? external iliac veins via the femoral veins
Which pelvic vessels provides blood to the legs? the external iliac arteries via the femoral arteries
Created by: jacook3
Popular Radiology sets




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