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Medical Terminology

Modules 1-3, Chapters 1-6, Midterm

adip/o fat
all/o different
ankyl/o crooked, stiff
arthr joint
blepahr/o eyelid
cardi/o heart
chondr cartilage
conjunctiv/o conjuctiva
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
cutane/o skin
cycl/o ciliary body
cyst bladder, cyst
dacry/o tears
dactyl finger, toe
derm/o skin
dur/o dura mater
enter/o (small) intestines
erythr/o red
fasci/o fascia
femor/o thigh bone (femor)
gangli ganglion
gastr stomach
graph recording instrument
hem/o blood
irid iris
kerat/o cornea, horny tissue
lacrim/o tear duct (lacrimal duct)
leuk/o white
lip/o fat
lob lobe
lumb/o lumbar, lower back
mening/o meninges
my/o muscle
myc/o fungus
myel spinal cord, bone marrow
myring/o eardrum
neur/o nerve
onych nail
opthalm eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
pachy thick
path feeling, disease
phren diaphragm
pil/o hair
presby/o old age
retin retina
scler/o sclera
spondyl/o vertebra
steat/o fat
tars/o ankle (tarus)
trich/o hair
troph/o nourishment/growth
ungu/o nail
xanth yellow
xen/o strange/foreign matter
xer/o dry
hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
heter/0 other, different
hom/o same, similar
a- not, without
ab- away from
ad- toward
anti- against
brady- slow
de- away from, down
dia- across, through
dys- abnormal, bad, difficult
exo- outside
extra- outside
hyper- high, above normal
hypo- low, below normal
par- equal
peri- around
pre- before
pro- before
sym- together
syn- together
tachy- fast
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-centesis puncture
-clasia break
-clasis breaking
-desis binding
-dynia pain
-ectomy removal
-emia blood condition
-gen formation, producing
-graft transplat
-gram image/record
-graphy recording (process)
-ia condition
-ic pertaining to
-itis inflammation
-listhesis slipping forward
-logy study of
-lysis breakdown, destruction
-malacia softening
-oma tumar, mass
-opia vision
-osis condition
-pathy disease
-plasty reconstruction
-porosis porous
-rraphy suture
-sclerosis hardening
-scope visual examination instrument
-scopy visual examination
-spasm spasm, contraction
-tomy incision
-tonia muscle tone, muscle tension
-y condition, process
Created by: gabbybaehl
Popular Nursing sets




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