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Code of ethics
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Tort law
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Ethical Laws


Code of ethics Guidelines usually expressed in a series of statements that provide ethical tankards of conductor professio to
Tort law Describes any civil wrong independence o a contract allows for a remedy in the form of an action for damages.
Risk management The efforts of health care provider organization to collect an ultilize data to decrease the chance of harm to patients or staff an age to property.
Malpractice Professional misconduct that results in harm to another negligence of a health care professional
Safe medical device act Established in 1990 this act requires medical device users to report to the mandated and or FDA. Incidents that resonantly suggest there is a probability that a medical device has caused or contributed to death
Ethics Branch of philosophy dealing it’s good conduct and mora values advance
Abandonment To leave a patient alone who
Accreditation Process whereby businesses educational institutions an
Advance directive Written instructions expressing the patients wishes concerning the types and
Scope of practice Professional duty i it’s based on state and federal law and on an individuals education and experience moral
Moral principles Guides for ethical decision making that include the concern individuals have for th well being of others s
Latrogenic injury Injury from activity of health care worker
Bona fide In good faith
Case law All legal decisions on a single legal subject
Larceny Taking property without consent
Precedent Court decisions that provides example for future judging
Perjury Intentionally lying Nader oath
Plaintiff Person who starts lawsuit
Subpoena Order to testify or produce documents
Tort Civil wrong intentional or unintentionally
Aeger primo The patient first
Doctrine of borrowed servant One controlling employee greater responsibility that one paying employee
Doctrine of foreseeability Know in advance that harm may result
Res ispa locuitur “The thing that speaks for itself” harm came from an act the defendant obviously had sole control over
Primum non nocere Above all do no harm
Respodeat superior Employer is responsible for actions “let the master answer”
EPA Environmental protection agency : agency of US government charged With protection human health
ARC/STSA Accreditation review council on education in surgical technology and surgical assisting:
Doctrine of personal liability Person is responsible for his or her actions
Created by: Arithebody14!
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