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WHII Unit 4.2 Test

The Reformation Review

Reform root word meaning to change
RCC Church in Europe that held power during the Dark Ages
Pope Head of the RCC
Indulgences RCC practice of selling forgiveness for money and receiving a paper certificate
Merchants The RCC condemned ____ for charging usury and even bans the practice
Absolute How much power the RCC held during the Dark Ages
Tithe A 10% ____ (alms) was required by Europeans to give to the RCC during the Dark Ages
Italian City States People from the ______________ held many powerful positions in the RCC during the Dark Ages
Protestant A Western European Christian who is not Catholic is a-
Printing Press Jan Huss and John Wycliffe questioned RCC teachings before this invention
Heretics Huss and Wycliffe were declared _____ by the RCC because of their opinions
Martin Luther Started the first Protestant Church in Western Europe
Salvation Luther taught that faith alone in Jesus would lead to-
95 Thesis Posted on the Church door in Wittenberg, Prussia (North Germany today)
Selling of Indulgences Luther's 95 Thesis argues against the -
Vernacular Your spoken and understood language- Luther taught that the Bible must be in all languages, not just Latin
John Calvin Protestant Reformer who believed in Predestination" - the elect or certain number of people go to Heaven
King Henry VIII (8th( English king who broke with the RCC because he needed a divorce from his first wife
Anglican Church Church of England- established (STARTED) by King Henry VIII
Act of Supremacy Law that makes English Monarch (king or queen) the head of the Anglican Church
Divorce The RCC did not allow for this practice of dissolving a marriage
Protestant The Church of England: Catholic or Protestant?
Six Total number of wives of King Henry VIII
Bloody Mary English King Henry VIII's first born daughter
Queen Elizabeth Protestant daughter of King Henry VIII
Peacemaker Queen Elizabeth I of England nickname
Official Queen Elizabeth I of England makes the Anglican Church the ______ Church of England
Tolerance Queen Elizabeth I grants _____ to religious groups in England
Spanish Armada In 1588, Queen Elizabeth and England defeat the _____
Privateers English explorers (pirates) hired by Queen Elizabeth I to explore and claim lands in North America
Excommunicated Martin Luther was _____(kicked out) from the RCC
Edict of Worms RCC law that made Luther an outlaw, banned his writings
30 Years War Religious wars in modern-day Germany Catholics v Protestants
Peace of Westphalia Officially ends the last religious war in Europe
Hapsburg Family Southern Germans who remain Catholic
Prussia Northern German areas who convert to Lutheranism (Protestant)
Huguenot derogatory term in France for Protestants
Cardinal Richelieu Finance minister of France who supported the continuation of the 30 Years War
Political Cardinal Richelieu changed the focus of the 30 Years War from Religious to ______.
Edict of Nantes French law that granted Huguenots the right to worship in France
Counter Reformation The RCC trying to fix their issues from within, Catholic Revival
Society of Jesus RCC missionary group started during Counter-Reformation
Ignatius Loyola Founder of the Society of Jesus, Jesuits
Inquisition Spanish courts that punished Protestant heretics and Jews with torture
Council of Trent RCC hearing that banned future selling of indulgences
Created by: user-1848546
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