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WHII Unit 4.6 Test

Era of Exploration Review

Reasons Gold, Gold, Glory- ____ for exploration
Christianity Major religion in Europe during 1400-1700s
Middle East Technologies from this region of Asia allow for Europeans to travel across oceans
Maritime Sea, Ocean Travel aka as -
Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator of _____ established the first schools of navigation
Vasco da Gama Explorer, Portugal, established 1st European trading posts in India
Christopher Columbus Explorer, hired by Spain to find Western route to Asia, established the first European permanent settlements in the Western Hemisphere
Reasons Gold, Gold, Glory- ____ for exploration
Christianity Major religion in Europe during 1400-1700s
Middle East Technologies from this region of Asia allow for Europeans to travel across oceans
Maritime Sea, Ocean Travel aka as -
Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator of _____ established the first schools of navigation
Vasco da Gama Explorer, Portugal, established 1st European trading posts in India
Christopher Columbus Explorer, hired by Spain to find Western route to Asia, established the first European permanent settlements in the Western Hemisphere
Reasons Gold, Gold, Glory- ____ for exploration
Christianity Major religion in Europe during 1400-1700s
Middle East Technologies from this region of Asia allow for Europeans to travel across oceans
Maritime Sea, Ocean Travel aka as -
Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator of _____ established the first schools of navigation
Vasco da Gama Explorer, Portugal, established 1st European trading posts in India
Christopher Columbus Explorer, hired by Spain to find Western route to Asia, established the first European permanent settlements in the Western Hemisphere
Hernan Cortez Spanish Conquistador, explorer conquered the Aztecs
Francisco Pizarro Spanish Conquistador, explorer conquered the Incas
Aztec Empire American Empire located in modern-day central Mexico, wealthy (gold)
Inca Empire American Empire located in South America, Andes Mountains wealthy (silver)
Smallpox European disease that destroyed Native populations in the Western Hemisphere
Ferdinand Magellan Hired by Spain, explorer- crew was first to circumnavigate the globe
Sir Francis Drake English explorer- crew was second to circumnavigate the globe, "privateer" working for Queen Elizabeth I, crew was pirating Spanish ships
Jacques Cartier French explorer, explored modern-day Canada in North America and sailed the St. Lawrence river, established Quebec as French colony in Western Hemisphere
Treaty of Tordesillas Agreement between Spain and Portugal to "split" territories of the "New World" (Americas) prior to it being explored by Europeans
Race Rigid class system established in Spanish colonies of the Western Hemisphere were based on-
Africa millions of men, women, and children from ___ were brought to the Western Hemisphere to work on plantations
Cash Crops Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee, Cotton were all considered-
Plantation large farm that grows cash crops
Colony an area that is under direct control of another, stronger power or government
Native Europeans who migrated to the Americas first enslaved _____ people to work on plantations
Christianity type of religion that spreads in the Americas
Columbian Exchange goods, ideas, products traveling across the Atlantic from Western to Eastern Hemisphere is called
Triangular Trade Economic trade involving Africa, Europe, and the Americas is called-
Middle Passage journey from Africa to American colonies for enslaved men, women and children was known as-
Mercantilism more money (bullion-gold/silver) = more money The economic policy of European nations during the Era of Exploration
Songhai Empire African Empire that would trade gold and salt and eventually slaves leading to its' demise
Timbuktu Songhai trading city
Ottoman Empire traded coffee and ceramics, located in Northern Africa, Middle East, and Balkan Peninsula, Islamic Empire
Mughal Empire Northern India, Islamic leaders who ruled over a mainly Hindu population, traded textiles and silk
Chinese Empire porcelain, silk, tea, spices, gunpowder, paper-empire controlled trade through foreign enclaves and strict laws
Japanese Empire Isolated and ruled by a Shogun (weak emperor)
Islamic The astrolabe and the compass were items from the Ottoman, _____ Empire
Peninsulares Spanish colony class- people born in Spain, held power over land in colonies
Creoles Spanish colony class-people born in the Western Hemisphere, and were of European ethnicity
Mestizo Spanish colony class-people born in the Western Hemisphere, and were of European and Native ethnicity
Mulatto Spanish colony class-people born in the Western Hemisphere, and were of European and African ethnicity
Enslaved Spanish colony class-Native Americans and Africans
Encomienda System Spanish colony system where slaves provide labor and landowners control
Ethocentric belief during this time that Europeans consider themselves more advanced than natives and others
Created by: user-1848546
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