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WHII Unit 5.7

English Civil War Review

Henry VIII (8th) King ____ of England created the Anglican Church of England
Protestant The Church of England was ____ and not Catholic
Anglican Church of England other name
Bloody Mary Henry VIII's first daughter
Elizabeth I Henry VIII's second daughter
Peacemaker Queen Elizabeth I's nickname
True True or False? Queen Elizabeth I's time of rule in England mad England a great power and very strong
Spain In 1588, England was able to defeat the nation of _____ and establish itself as a leading European Power.
Divine Right European belief that God gives monarchs the right to rule
Parliament English lawmakers and advisors to the monarch, who also control money
Civil War war within a nation, typically weakens the country as a whole
Power The English Civil War was fought over the debate over who should hold _____ in England
Children Queen Elizabeth I had no ____ (heirs) so after her death, there was debate on who would ascent the throne
King James I After Elizabeth dies, her cousin ______ becomes King of England.
True True or False? King James I was not a very popular monarch in England.
King Charles I This English monarch fires member of Parliament over money issues
taxes King Charles I raises ____ and becomes very unpopular. (Like his father King James I)
English Civil War Begins after King Charles I tries to arrest the leaders of Parliament
Power Struggle The English Civil War was a _____ between supporters of Parliament having power and supporters of the Monarch having power.
Royalists English Civil War -Cavaliers -loyal to King Charles I -wealthy nobles
Roundheads English Civil War -New Model Army -loyal to Parliament members -working class
Oliver Cromwell Military leader/general of the Roundheads
Roundheads Winner of the English Civil War
Beheaded What happened to King Charles I after he is captured?
Monarchy England is no longer a ______after King Charles I is executed
Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell becomes leader of England after King Charles I is executed. What title does Cromwell take?
Blue Laws Cromwell passes strict________ that the English people hate and his popularity dissolves.
Not Oliver Cromwell was ____ a monarch!
Charles II The Restoration King
Charles I Charles II is the son of ______.
Parliament Charles II restores and establishes a decent relationship with the members of _________ in England
Monarchy Sytem Charles II is known as the Restoration King because he brings back the ______ when he becomes king.
James II Brother of King Charles II, Catholic, rules England for about 3 years and then exiled out of England
Glorious Revolution Co-Rulers William and Mary become Monarchs AKA the Bloodless Revolution
Protestant Mary (daughter of James II) is a ______ Christian
English Bill of Rights In order for William and Mary to become monarch of England, they must sign the -
Divine Right A part of the deal to bring William and Mary to co-rule England was that they must agree to dissolve the belief of ______ (God-given right to rule)
Catholic English Bill of Rights Terms: No future _______ Monarchs
Parliament English Bill of Rights Terms: This group will have more power than any monarch and will control money in England-
Trial English Bill of Rights Terms: _____ by Jury
Punishment English Bill of Rights Terms: No cruel or unusual ______
Habeas Corpus English Bill of Rights Terms: A person arrested on suspicion of a crime, must be charge with said crime
Limited Monarchy Because William and Mary Agree to terms of the English Bill of Rights, England then became a __________ System.
Bloodless Revolution AKA Glorious Revolution because it was peaceful and William and Mary willingly gave up power and agreed to English Bill of Rights terms
Created by: user-1848546
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