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U.S.A. History Final

final exam review

FDR's first 100 days 15 new acts proposed to Congress were passed immediately. all went into effect in FDR's first 100 days
Roosevelt's relationship with Congress very good. worked well and efficiently together
Homefront gov't agencies that regulate economy *Agricultural Adjustment Act. *Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. *National Recovery Admin. *Civilian Conservation Corps.
Sacco and Vanzetti Italian immagrants accused and convicted of murdering 2 men in robbery in 1920. Both executed in 1927
Japanese-American Internment Japanese put into camp so they could not attack again (Pearl Harbor)
Examples of containment policy under President Truman Korean War entered to stop China&North Korea from spreading communism to South Korea
Domino Theory belief that if one country in a region fell to communism then the surrounding countries would follow
Sputnik First man mad satelite in space. Soviet Union. Made U.S. feel beaten in Space Race. long range missile concerns.
U.S. in Space Race goes w/ Arms Race. wanted to show technoloty and power. US vs Soviet Union
U2 incident Soviets shot down plain w/guided missile flying 15 miles through air. shatted US confidence&showed we were lagging behind in Space Race
Senator McCarthy McCarythism. face of anticommunist US. used influence to root out&accuse people of being communists. Attacked: gov't officials. Hollywood stars. US army.
Goals of New Frontier Education, medical care, increased minimum wage, tax cuts, increase federal spending
Bay of Pigs Invasion attemped invasion of Southern Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro
Great Society President Johnson's domestic programs which carried on JFK's ideals of gov't which focused on meeting societal needs. minorities&immigrants
Causes for US entry into Vietnam Gulf of Tonkin: North Vietnamese torpedo boat attacked US destroyers in international waters off Gulf of Tonkin, 30 miles from N.V. 1965-1973
Anger at Draft being forced to enter war when they did not support or believe in what they were fighting for. college students exempt
Brown v Board of Ed. Young black girl wanted to attend white only school. Supreme Court overturns Plessy v Ferguson. legal end to education segregation
Affirmative Action laws that benefit minorities and women to make up for past discrimination from society
Civil disobedience Bus boycotts, freedom rides, Rosa Parks, sit-ins
Defacto Segregation society segregation. de jure=laws
changing roles of women in society women began pushing for more rights: equal pay, reproductive rights
Nixon's use of "executive privilege" means don't have to disclose info so Nixon put gaps in Watergate tapes
Camp David Accords Carter brough Egyptian and Israeli leaders to Camp David to compromise. Peace in the middle east
NATO North American Treaty Organization. alliance so if one country went to war, all would come to defense
U.S. Relations w/ Middle East in 1970s friends w/ Isreal and Egypt. The Iran Hostage Crisis caused ugly relations.
Oppurtunity cost in Reagan administration decrease of federal spending meant less social programs. tax cuts meant less gov't money
Trickle-dpwn economics by having wealthier big companies, the money would trickle down to the little people
End of Cold War and Gorbachev a weakened Soviet Union b/c of failing economy. meetings with Bush led to INF treaty 1987. detente=eased tensions.
Iran Contra Affair U.S. CIA armed Nicaraguan freedom fighters in secret b/c didnt like gov't. Nicaraguans sold weapons on Iran (our enemy) b/c needed $. Violation of US laws
Persian Gulf War related to oil. Iraq invaded Kuwait and we got involved by helping Kuwait
NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) 1994 agreement removes most barriers to trade (tarriffs) &investment among N. America. not very successful
Hillary Clinton President Clinton's wife. Head of healthcare reform
Impeachment Clinton impeached b/c of sexual relations w/ a white house intern
Growth of Diversity immigrants. more latin americans
Advances in Medicine new treatment and research. HIV/AIDS, cancer, surgery (microscopic)
Advances in technology computers, cars, planes, phones (cells), cameras
recycling used products to create new products. help environment.
Two Party system Democrats and Republicans dominate US politics
the re-count Bush&Algore. Florida votes=so close state mandated re-count. lasted 36 days
Supreme Court's Ruling discontinue recounts. Bush = president
Changing role of American Society after 9/11 greater security entering and leaving. limits on individual freedom=Patriot Act
Marshall Plan 1947-51. plan to strengthen economies of Western Europe.
Truman Doctrine support Greece and Turkey w/economic and military aid to prevent fall to Soviet
38th parallel seperate North and South Korea
17 parallel seperate north and south vietnam
nuclear arms reduction SALT: reduced arms. Ford. Soviet Union&US
Star Wars Reagan. a sheild for nuclear arms (not possible)
reason for middle east/arab affair intervention petroleum needed
enemy vs friend WW2, Korean War, Vietnam
Berlin Wall seperated East and West Germany
Created by: jumpthemoon
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