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amicus, amici, m.
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cibus, cibi, m.
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LFA, Unit II Vocab

Latin for Americans Unit II vocabulary

amicus, amici, m. friend
cibus, cibi, m. food
copia, copiae, f. supply, abundance
cura, curae, f. care, worry, anxiety
filia, filiae, f. daughter
forma, formae, f. form, shape
hora, horae, f. hour
iniuria, iniuriae, f. injustice, injury
littera, litterae, f. letter (of alphabet); plural: letter (written)
memoriae, memoriae, f. memory
nauta, nautae, m. sailor
numerus, numeri, m. number
pecunia, pecuniae, f. money
poena, poenae, f. punishment
praeda, praedae, f. loot, booty
provincia, provinciae, f. province, state
pugna, pugnae, f. fight
regina, reginae, f. queen
unda, undae, f. wave
victoria, victoriae, f. victory
clarus, -a, -um clear; famous
gratus, -a, -um grateful
meus, -a, -um my, mine
planus, -a, -um flat, level
quintus, -a, -um fifth
dono, donare, donavi, donatus give, donate
incito, incitare, incitavi, incitatus incite, stir up, excite
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus entrust
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus show, demonstrate, point out
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus sail
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus announce
occupo, occupare, occupavi, occupatus seize, occupy
probo, probare, probavi, probatus test, prove; approve
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus fight
servo, servare, servavi, servatus save, protect
cras tomorrow
paene almost
semper always
tum then
ad (+ acc.) to, towards, near
Created by: edavislatin
Popular Latin sets




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