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APUSH Units 1-2

What were the Key Colonies in New England? Massachusetts (Rhode Island and Connecticut)
What were the Key Colonies in the Middle Colonies? New York and Pennsylvania
What were the Key Colonies in the Chesapeake region? Maryland and Virginia
What were the Key Colonies in Southern, Caribbean, and the West Indies? South Carolina, Georgia, Barbados
Who were key figures in New England's colonies? John Winthrop (founder) Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams (dissenters)
Who were key figures in the middle colonies? William Penn
Who were key figures in the Chesapeake region? Lord Baltimore, John Smith, John Rolfe
What was the Geography/Climate like in the New England colonies? Colder, rocky soil, coast
What was the Geography/Climate like in the middle colonies? warmer
What was the Geography/Climate like in the Chesapeake colonies? warmer, rich soil
What was the Geography/Climate like in the Southern, Caribbean, and West Indies? warmest
What were economic activities in the New England colonies? fishing, trading, shipbuilding, farming (corn, mostly subsistence), timber
What were economic activities in the Middle colonies? cereal crops (wheat), farming
What were economic activities in the Chesapeake colonies? cash crops, especially tobacco
What were economic activities in the Southern, Caribbean, and West Indies? cash crops: -rice -indigo -sugar
What were reasons to settle in New England colonies? Religion, towns/families
What were reasons to settle in Middle colonies? Tolerance/diversity (Pennsylvania), money
What were reasons to settle in the Chesapeake colonies? tolerance (Maryland), money (the Virginia company)
What were reasons to settle in the Southern, Caribbean, and West Indies? money
What was the religion for the New England colonies? Protestants: -puritans -separatists (aka pilgrims)
What were the religions in the Middle colonies? -Reformed (Dutch) -Quakers (Pennsylvania)
What were religions in the Chesapeake colonies? -Catholic -Anglican
What were the religions in the South, Caribbean, and West Indies? -Anglican -Voodoo and Santeria
How much slavery was there in New England? a little bit (not average)
How much slavery was there in the Middle colonies? Slaves in ports ("stevedores")
How much slavery was there in the Chesapeake region? Lots of Indentured servants and enslaved Africans
How much slavery was there in the South, Caribbean, and West Indies? LOTS! -task system
What are some things in common between all of these colonies? benefit from slavery, farm, Christian (mostly protestant), mercantilism, self-government (House of Burgesses, town halls & meetings), English common laws & rights, language, conflicts with Natives (Tuscarora, Pequot, King Phillip's War, Culture: PC, E, GA
What was King Philip's War? A conflict between New England settlers and that region's American Indians. Casualties were high and fighting fierce. Settlers won. This started b/c the leader Metacom thought the way to survive was to force Europeans out.
What was the Tuscarora War? A war launched by Tuscarora Indians against European setllers in North Carolina and their allies. This started because Native Americans were being forced off of their land.
Big 4 and their main pursuits? 1. Spanish: (SW and Florida) Encomiendas, Caste, Conquistadors 2. English: (East coast) settlers and religion 3. French: (Canada and Great Lakes) fur! 4. Dutch: (NYC/New Amsterdam) settlers, trappers, fur
What were the main Native American groups and their ways of life in 1491? 1. Plains: hunted bison, nomadism (Great Plains, Sioux) 2. SE and NW: hunting and gathering (Shasta and Cherokee) 3. SE and Mississippi: agriculture 4. Pueblos: Maize cultivation
Motivations of European settlers? -crusades -capitalism -Sugar cultivation -reformation -reconquista
Methods that allowed for colonization? -caravel -astrolabe -compass
Important aspects of colonial exchange? -tomatoes+potatoes to England -horses, smallpox to Americas -Great Dying
Contrasts between Europeans and Natives? -Land:Europeans were more possessive -Gender roles: Europeans more Patriarchal, Natives more Egalitarian -Relgion: Europeans Catholic, Natives nature-based
Created by: amayal22
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