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pharm test3

What is the second leading cause of death in the US and number one in ages 1 - 15 Cancer
What is a written plan for the treatment of cancer called Protocols
What information is included on a protocol Drug, Dose, Interval and additional drugs
To control tumor growth, palliative care, to shrink the tumor and to help improve quality of life are the purpose of Angioplastic Agents
Chemo in high doses that kills the tumor is known as tumoricidal
In the event there is infiltration or extravacation of chemotherapy what are the steps the nurse should take Stop the infusion, aspirate, call the doctor and apply a warm compress
Chemo that is given by IV access works systemically
Chemo is given in cycles to give the body time to recover
What is the number 1 reason for hospitalization of chemo patients dehydration
These drugs work by causing cross linking of dna strands, abnormal base pairing or dna strand breaks, preventing the cell from dividing Alkylating Agents
What is the most common Alkylating Agent used Cycophosphamide (Cytoxan)
What is a common Antimetabolite that can cause renal and hepatic dysfunction Folic Acid Antagonists (Methotextrate)
Which medication is mostly excreted in the lungs as CO2, and S?E’s include Stomatitis , hyperpigmentation & severe bone marrow suppression Flourouracil: 5-FU, Adrucil
What should you avoid when taking Flourouracil: 5-FU, Adrucil Live virus vaccines
The most common Antitumor Antibiotic that is excreted in the urine, metabolized in the urine, and you should run ecg and cardiac enzymes b4 administering Doxorubicin (Adriamycin)
What is the blistering of tissue by a cancer drug called vesication
Whan a pt is taking Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) what can increase the effects of the drug green tea and some herbs
Some side effects of Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) are hyperpigmentation, esophagitis, severe cardiotoxic effects and red urine
When taking Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) you should monitor the cardiac enzymes and liver enzymes
Do not handle or take Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) when pregnant or for how many years before 2
What is a common mitotic inhibitor drug that is developed from the periwinkle plant Vincristine (Onconvin)
Vincristine is a vesicant and must be given by IV only
Vincristine (Onconvin) can cause peripheral neuropathy, stocking glove syndrome, constipation, neurotoxicity, hyponatremia, hyperuricemia and perilitic illeus
Antineoplastic/other agents like hormone therapy, corticosteroids, sex hormones and other agents are used to enhance the protocol of cancer treatments
Bone marrow suppression can cause death
Gardicil and Hep B vaccines are considered to be Biotherapy Agents
Any drug that ends in “mycin” will effect the Liver and hearing
A therapy that is extremely expensive, has severe GI issues so you should stay hydrated, have dermatological S/E and is safe to take at home are Targeted Therapies
What are given with cancer protocols, help a bodies immune system, not tumoricidal & pts may need heparin therapy Colony Stimulating Factors
Erythropoetin Stimulating Agents (ESA), Epoetin and Darepoetin Alpha agents, stimulate the RBC growth in the body so you must monitor what HGB
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factors (G-CSF), Filgrastim (Neupogen) and Pegilfrstim(Neulasta) all stimulate WBC to fight infection
You can not give CSF’s within how many hours of chemotherapy 24
Some side effects of RBC stimulating agents are Arthralgias(joint pain), clots, headaches and what Hypertension
Side effects of WBC stimulators are sore throat, expanding of bone marrow, chest pain and skeletal pain
With WBC stimulating Factors watch for what to accidently rupture Spleen
What is the lowest WBC level possible Nadir
What is the gas exchange in the alveoli called respiration
What is the exchange of air between external and internal ventilation
What is the blood flow in the alveoli perfusion
How does perfusion relate to respiration The blood is where the gases are exchanged
What drug blocks a histamine response antihistamine
What are the safety precautions for taking diphenhydramine don’t drive or operate heavy machinery
What are 1st generation antihistamines S/E’s cause drowsiness and dry mouth
What are 2nd generation S/E’s little to no sedation
In a H1 histamine response what happens The nasal cavity is constricted
What type of tissue is the tracheobronchial tube made of smooth involuntary muscle
What is low lung compliance lungs don’t open as much, they are non stretchy. Can’t breathe as well
People with an acute asthma attack, severe liver disease, lower resp disease, neonates or on MAOI’s should not take diphenhydramine
What are anticholenergic symptoms dry mouth, decreased secretions, blurred vision and urinry retention
What are common uses for diphenhydramine rhinitis, itching, allergic reactions, sleep aid and motion sickness
Why shouldn’t you give diphenhydramine to children nightmares, nervousness and irritability
Why shouldn’t you give diphenhydramine to the elderly confusion, dry mouth, N/T, dizziness, painful urination, drowsiness
How do nasal decongestants work shrink nasal mucous membranes, reduce fluid secretions
Created by: 1078380780
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