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Unit 4 Written Study

General senses touch, pain, temperature, pressure vibration, proprioception
Special senses hearing, balance, vision, smell, taste
Sensory receptors Specialized cells or multicellular structures that collect information from the environment Stimulate neurons to send impulses along sensory fibers to the brain
What are the receptor types? Chemo receptor, Pain receptors, Thermorecptors, Mechanorecptors, and Photoreceptors
Chemo receptor detects changes in chemical concentration.
Pain receptors detects tissue damage
Thermorecptors detect temperature changes
Mechanorecptors detects mechanical forces (pressure, vibration, twisting, pulling)
Photoreceptor responds to light and light changes
The bones of the middle ear Auditory ossicles Malleus (Hammer) Incus (Anvil) Stapes (Stirrup)
Describe Auditory ossicles 3 tiny bones Vibrate in response to tympanic membrane vibrations; amplify force
What are Rods and Cones? visual receptors located in the retina.
Rods Sensitive to light Long, thin projections; Contain light sensitive pigment called rhodopsin
Cones Sensitive to color Short, blunt projections Contain light sensitive pigments called erythrolabe (red), chlorolabe (green), and cyanolabe (blue)
Endocrine Glands release hormones into bloodstream without a duct that only act on target cells.
Exocrine glands release secretions through a duct or gland that goes to a body surface. They can secrete anywhere but the blood stream
Upregulation Increase in number of receptors on a target cell, in response to a prolong decrease in a hormone level.
Downregulation Decrease in number of receptors on a target cell, due to a prolonged increase in that hormone.
What happens to the body in a stressful situation? The hypothalamus activates sympathetic nervous system and increases secretion of adrenal hormones
stressor The Factor capable of triggering the hypothalamus to activate the sympathetic nervous system and increase secretion of adrenal hormones
Stress the condition produced in response to stressors
Psychological stressor Danger, personal loss, anger, fear, guilt
Physical stressor Temperature extremes, infection, injury, O2 deficiency
Nervous system releases neurotransmitters into synapses which bind to the other neuron and opens a channel.
Endocrine system secretes hormones into bloodstream that bind to target tissues and creates a response.
List the 9 major endocrine glands Pituitary Hypothalamus Pineal Thyroid Parathyroid Thymus Pancreas Adrenal Gonads (ovaries = women, testes = men)
Head endocrine glands Pituitary Hypothalamus Pineal
Neck endocrine glands: Thyroid Parathyroid
Chest endocrine glands: Thymus
Abdominopelvic endocrine glands: Pancreas Adrenal Gonads (ovaries = women, testes = men)
Pituitary Gland Function: Regulate activities of other endocrine organs.
Thyroid Gland FUNCTION: Regulates metabolism and calcium concentrations.
Pituitary Gland Hormones GH, PRL, TSH, ACTH, FSH, LH/ISCH, MSH, Vassopressin, Oxytocin
Thyroid Gland Hormones T4 (thyroxine), speeds up metabolism T3 (triiodothyronine) speeds up metabolism Calcitonin: lower calcium
Parathyroid gland Controls calcium and phosphate concentrations
What kind of relationship do Parathormone and Calcitonin have? antagonistic
Parathyroid gland They secrete 1 hormone, PTH (Parathyroid hormone, also called Parathormone) regulates Ca+2 and PO4-2 concentrations in blood
Adrenal Glands (Suprarenal) Adrenal cortex and Adrenal medulla:
Adrenal cortex Secretes steroid hormones
Adrenal medulla stimulates activities of the adrenal medulla. Secretes amine hormones
Adrenal Glands Hormones Aldosterone, Cortisol,Cortisone, Androgens, Epinephrine (adrenaline), Norepinephrine (noraderenaline)
Aldosterone increase absorption of water and salt
Cortisol, Cortisone increase blood sugar
Androgens male sex hormone
Epinephrine (adrenaline), Norepinephrine (noraderenaline get the body ready for fight of flight
Thymus Gland Stimulates lymphoid cells Secretes lrg # hormones
Thymus Gland Hormones thymosin
Thymosin stimulate T cells to kill cancer and viruses
Pancreas Endocrine/ exocrine gland; Controls blood sugar level
Pancreas Hormones glucagon, insulin, and somatostatin
glucagon raises blood sugar
insulin decreases blood sugar
somatostatin stops the secretion of growth hormone
Pineal gland Sleep cycles Causes change in body temps. Slows down sperm cell maturation
Pineal gland Hormone Melatonin
Gonads gland Function Maturation of sex organs; Hormone production; reproduction
Reproductive Hormones Estrogen, Progesterone, Inhibin, Testoterone
Estrogen thickens uterine lining
Progesterone: prevents over thickening of the uterine lining
Testosterone stimulates sperm development and sex drive
Inhibin increases testosterone
Created by: Finah215
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