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68wm6 A&P 3

Lymphatic & Cardio Systems

ABO Blood Groups a system of grouping blood based on the presence or absence of two antigens
Albumin small plasma proteins synthesized in the liver that are the primary components of osmotic pressure in the bloodstream
Anemia a condition that results from too few erythrocytes or hemoglobin
Antibodies soluble, globular proteins that directly attack antigens, activate complement, or stimulate changes that prevent the spread of pathogens
Antigens a chemical compound attached to a cell surface which, if not recognized by the lymphatic system, elicits an immune responsef
Coagulation an effective hemostatic mechanism that causes blood clots through the use of clotting factors
Colloid Osmotic Pressure the pressure resulting from water moving toward an area of a higher concentration of a solute
Embolus a dislodged blood clot that is moving through the blood vessels
Erythrocytes biconcave disks, also known as red blood cells, used to transport gases
Erythropoietin a hormone that is secreted by the kidney and liver to control rate of erythrocyte production
Fibrin insoluble threads of protein that form a meshwork at sites of injury that entrap blood cells and platelets forming blood clots
Fibrinogen a large protein synthesized in the liver that functions in blood coagulation
Globulin three types of proteins synthesized in the liver and lymphatic tissue and are important in the transport of lipids and fat-soluble vitamins and immunity
Hematocrit the percentage of formed elements in a volume of whole blood Erythrocytes Leukocytes Platelets
Hemoglobin oxygen carrying portion of the erythrocyte
Hemostasis the processes responsible for stopping blood loss when a blood vessel is damaged
Leukocytes five types of cells, also known as white blood cells, that protect against disease Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes Lymphocytes
Lipoprotein proteins that combine with lipids to allow transport of lipidsthrough the bloodstream
Plasma clear, straw-colored liquid portion of whole blood which contains acomplex mixture of chemicals
Rh Blood Group a system of grouping blood based on the presence of the Rh antigen
Thrombocytes cell fragments, as known as platelets, that close breaks in damaged blood vessels and initiate the formation of blood clots
Thrombopoietin a hormone responsible for the initiation the formation of thrombocytes
Thrombus a blood clot that abnormally forms in a blood vessel
Whole Blood the combination of all fluid and components in the blood
Aorta The major systemic artery that receives blood from the left ventricle
Arteriole A small branch of an artery that communicates with a capillary network
Artery Thick-walled elastic vessels that always carry blood away from the heart
Atrium Chamber of the heart that receives blood
Capillary A small blood vessel that connects an arteriole and a venule
Cardiac cycle A series of myocardial contractions and relaxations that constitute a complete heartbeat
Cardiac output The volume of blood per minute that the heart pumps
Diastole Phase of the cardiac cycle when a heart chamber wall relaxes
Electrical event The electrical conduction of the heart as visualized on the EKG
Endocardium Inner lining of the heart chambers
Epicardium The visceral portion of the pericardium on the surface of the heart
Ischemia Deficiency of blood in a body part
Mechanical Event The muscular contraction of the heart that sends blood out of the heart
Mitral valve Heart valve between left atrium and left ventricle also known as the bicuspid valve
Myocardium Muscle tissue of the heart
Myocardial Infarction A MI is the irreversible necrosis of heart muscle secondary to prolonged ischemia
Pacemaker Mass of specialized muscle tissue that controls the rhythm of the heartbeat AV and SA
Stroke volume The volume of blood that each ventricle discharges in a heartbeat
Systole The phase of the cardiac cycle when a heart chamber wall contracts
Systemic circulation Involves movement of blood from the left ventricle throughout the body and back to the right atrium
Vasoconstriction A decrease in the diameter of a blood vessel
Vasodilatation An increase in the diameter of a blood vessel
Vein A vessel that carries blood toward the heart
Vena Cava The large vein that conveys deoxygenated blood to the right atrium
Ventricle Chamber of the heart that contract to send blood the lungs and body
Created by: jason.flora
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