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Fluid and Electr

Fluid and Electro

What are the 4 functions of water Transportation, Heat Regulation, Maintenance of Hydrogen (H+) balance, & Medium for the enzymatic action of digestion.
Hydrogen determines... How much acid is in the body
Medium for the enzymatic action of digestion serves as A median for digestion
Intracellular makes up ____ of total body fluid? 2/3
Intracellular is high in what content? Potassium (K+)
Most cell walls are permeable to Water
Intracellur is located where and provides what? Located primary in skeletal muscle mass, and provides nutrients for metabolism.
Intracellular is Fluid contained within the cell walls
Extracellular makes up about ___ of total body water 1/3
Extracellular transports Water, nutrients, oxygen, waste products to and from the cells.
Extracellular is regulated by... The renal, metabolic and neurologic factors
Extracellular is high in Sodium (Na +)
What are the 3 compartments of ECF: Interstitial, Intravascular, and Transcellular
What is intravascular Fluid within the blood vessel
Intravascular consists of Plasma and fluid within the blood cells (RBC's, WBC's, & PLT's)
What does intravascular contain and what color is it? Plasma, proteins, electrolytes, and H2O. It is clear in color
What is interstitial fluid Fluid in the spaces surrounding the cells
Interstitial fluid is high in what content? Sodium (Na+)
Intertitial fluid is a great... Medium to transport nutrients and wastes to and from the ICF and ECF
What is the biggest extracellular ion in the blood? Sodium (Na+)
Transcellular fluid consists of: Aqueous humor, Saliva, Cerebrospinal fluid, Pleural, Peritoneal, Synovial, Pericardial fluid, GI secretions, & fluid in the urinary and lymphatic systems.
Aqueous humor: Fluid behind the eye
Saliva: Fluid in the mouth
Cerebrospinal Fluid: Fluid in the brain and spinal cord
Pleural Fluid between the lung and chest wall
Peritoneal Abdominal Cavity
Synovial Around the joint
Pericardial Fluid Around the heart
GI Secretions Secretions from the GI
The control of fluid balance is managed by: Thirst mechanism, Antidiuretic hormone, Aldosterone and Atrial natriuretic peptide, & Barorecptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch.
How does the thirst mechanism work? Osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense the internal enviroment and promote the intake of fluid when needed.
What does ADH control and cause? It controls how much fluid leaves the body in the urine. It causes reabsorption of water from the kidney tubles
What does Aldosterone and ANP do? Regulates the reabsorption of water and sodium ions from the kidney tubules, usually when trauma occurs
What does Baroreceptors do? Detect pressure changes indicating an increase or decrease in blood volume. They stimulate the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system to return the pressure to normal.
Movement of fluid and electrolytes occur by what 2 types of transports? Passive and Active Transport
What are the type(s) of passive transport Diffusion, Osmosis, Isotonic, Hypertonic, Hypotonic, Osmotic pressure, Filtration and hydrostatic pressure
What is an example of Active transport Sodium pump & ATP
Diffusion: Is the process by which substances move back and forth across the membrane until they are evenly distributed throughout the available space until homeostasis is achieved. Also, a random movement of solutes from high to low concentrations.
How does diffusion occur? Spontaneously
Hydrostatic pressure: Pressure exerted by fluid within the capillaries, which causes fluid to press outward on the vessel.
Osmosis Movement of water only across a semi-permeable membrane.
Water diffues by Osmosis.
What is the movement of Osmosis From lower to higher concentration (WATER ONLY)
What is the purpose of semipermeable membranes? Seperates the exchange of fluids, allows some particles to pass through but not others
Water follows Salt
The direction of flow depends on? Glucose, oxygen, CO2, H2O, and other small ions. All move by diffusion
What is osmolality? Concentration of the solution determined by the number of solutes in it.
What is the greatest contributor to osmolality and why? Sodium (Na+) and due to its abundance in fluids
Which non-electrolytes can affects osmolality too? Protein, Urea, Glucose, Creatinine and Bilirubin
What is the normal osmolality of body fluids range: 280-294 milliosmols per kg Higher: HypertonicLower: Hypotonic
Filtration Is the movement of water and solutes outward through a semipermeable membrane
Where does filtration occur? In the kidneys eliminating waste substances and excess water.
What is Hypertonic IV Fluid Expands plasma volume by drawing H2O away from tissues and cells
What is the effect of Hypertonic Fluid Cells shrink and dehydrate
What do you monitor for with Hypertonic fluid and what would you use it for? HTN To help get rid of edema
What are the types of Hypertonic IV Fluids: 3% NaCl, D5NS, D5 1/2, D10W
Hypotonic IV fluid Water moves from plasma (intravascular space) to interstitial space to intracellular space. Too much salt, dehydrated
What would you monitor pts for with Hypotonic IV fluids Hypotension and Peripheral edema
What is the effect of Hypotonic fluids Cells swell from overhydration (It causes a decrease in plasma volume)
What type of IV fluid would you use for Hypotonic 0.45% NaCl (half normal saline)and D5 1/4 NS
Isotonic fluids are of Equal concentration of solutes to water and it just increases volume
What are some examples of Isotonic IV fluids 0.9% NaCl, D5W, & LR
What posititon would your pt be in with isotonic? Semi-fowlers or Fowler'sBecause of the potential for fluid volume overload
What does D5W help treat and how Hypernatremia (too much salt) and dilutes the salt
What is D5W made up of Sugar and H2O
Does D5W contain electrolytes NO
If D5W provides water and calories what type of pt should you be careful with Diabetics
LR (Lactated Ringers) is what type of solution Isotonic
What does LR resemble The electrolyte composition of the normal blood serum and plasma
A pt who is getting LR may need Additional potassium (K) replacement
When is LR generally used Surgery, lower GI losses and burns
What type of IV fluid is 0.9% NaCl Isotonic
What does 0.9% NaCl replace and restore Replaces NaCl deficit and restores/expands extracellular fluid volume
Created by: mnunn5038
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