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Peripheral Vascular Disease

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Assc.with HTN, smoking, arteriosclerosis, and ^ age.Usually asymptomatic with a pulsing mass in the mid and upper abd. and a bruit over this mass.May cause mild to severe mid-abd to lwr back pain.Degree of pain usually indicative of it's severity.
Aneurysm Weakness and localized dialation of a blood vessel wall. Usually affect arteries and aorta due to the high pressure w/in their walls.
Arterial Leg Ulcer Skin is pale when elevated, but dark when dependent.Skin is thin/shiny. Areas of discoloration and alopecia.Thickened toenails. Peripheral pulses are weak or absent.May hear bruits.
Bueger's Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans) Occlusive disease of small & medium size periph. arteries.Vessels become inflamed,spastic, & thrombotic.Episodes of pain and impaired blood flow, then remission.Can lay dormant for years.Pain in calf or instep of foot relieved by rest.Smoking,cold, stress
Homan's Sign Pain in the calf when the leg is dorsiflexed.
Hypertension (HTN) P > than 140/90. Primary (essential)-no underlying cause.Secondary-known cause. Stage I - (mild) 140-159/90-99 Stage II - (moderate) 160-179/100-109 Stage III - (severe) 180-209/110-119 Stage IV - very severe) >210/120 "Silent killer".
Intermittent Claudication Cramping or aching sensation in the calves or the arch of the foot.Develops with activity and relieved with rest.
Peripheral Arterial Disease Atherosclerotic disease of the aortoiliac, axillary, carotid, or femoral arteries
Phlebothrombosis Clotting in a vein; phlebitis with secondary thrombosis
Polycythemia Abnormally high RBC count w/high Hct.HA,dizziness,tinnitus,and blurred vision.
Raynaud's Phenomenon (Blue-white-red disease) Spasms of the small arteries and arterioles of the extremities that limits blood flow.Fingers turn blue-white-red.S/S are intermittent at first then more frequent & pronounced & often follow exposure to cold or work-related vibration.
Thrombophlebitis Thrombo=clot Phlebo=vein -itis=inflammation Inflammation of a vein in conjunction with the formation of a thrombus.
Venous Stasis Disease Edema,dark discoloration, feels firm and hard.Skin is brownish,shiny,atrophic,and cyanotic.
Venous Stasis Ulcer A poorly and slowly healing ulcer, usually located on the lower extremity above the medial malleolus
Virchow's Triangle The three pathalogical factors assc'd w/thrombosis: venous stasis,increased blood coagulability,and vessel wall injury.
6 P's Pain,pulse,pallor,paresthesia,paralysis,poikiolthermia
Arteriosclerosis Thickening,loss of elasticity, and calcification of the arterial walls.
Atherosclerosis Lining of medium and large arteries are affected by lesions (atheromas or plaque) that may block blood flow.
Embolism Sudden obstruction of a blood vessel by debris.
Early Vs. Late Shock Early - Normal BP, increased pulse,skin is cool/moist normal color,anxious,increased depth and # of resps. Late - Decreased BP,increased weak pulse,pale cold skin,decreased shallow resps,coma
Created by: tater
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