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TULIP-T Total Depravity, we are unable to save ourselves
TULIP-U Unconditional Election: Based soley on his will
TULIP-L Limited Atonement: Jesus only died for the elect
TULIP-I Irresistable Grace: Inevitably respond
TULIP-P Perseverance of the Saints: You can't be un-saved
Remonstrance points- Free Will/Human Ability By grace we are able to achieve salvation
Remonstrance Points- Conditional Election Election is based on forseen faith
Remonstrance Points- General Atonement Christ's death obtained salvation for everyone
Remonstrance Points- Resistable Grace We can refuse grace
Remonstrance Points- Falling From Grace Grace preserves the faithful, but you can lose it
Order of Salvation 1. Election 2. Calling 3. Regeneration 4. Conversion 5. Justification 6. Adoption 7. Sanctification 8. Glorification
Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Ephesians 1:3-6 Believers were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world
What is the Gospel call? Offer of salvation in Jesus Christ
3 Aspects of Gospel Call 1. An explanation 2. Invitation 3. Promise of Forgiveness and Eternal Life
What is the Effective Call? The act of God in which he summons people to himself
What is Regeneration? It is the calling from dark to light; happens before faith
What is Conversion? Our willing response to the Gospel
What is Repentance? Turning from sin
3 Aspects of Repentance 1. Intellectual 2. Emotional 3. Volitional
What is Saving Faith? Turning away from sin and turning to God
3 Elements of Saving Faith 1. Knowledge of the Truth 2. Assent to the Truth 3. Trust or Commitment
Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is salvation in Jesus
5 Aspects of Union with Christ 1. Spiritual 2. Relational 3. Mystical 4. Personal 5. Posistional
Justification Rooted in the OT; Received by faith alone; Needed because of sin; Established y Christ's death; Real because of God's character
Catholic View of Justification Justification is the ability to please God, meaning after we are justified we can earn our salvation
3 Imputations 1. All our infractions are charged to Christ's account 2. Christ's righteousness is accredited to us 3. Adam's sin once was accredited to us
What is Adoption? We are received as God's children
Romans 3:21-28 This is the central passage on the doctrine of Justification
Genesis 15:6 Abraham believed GOd and He credited it to him as righteousness
What is Sanctification? Work of the Holy Spirit that we participate in
3 Aspects of Sanctification 1. Positional 2. Progressive 3. Final
How do we grow in Sanctification? Rpentance, faith, and the spiritual disciplines
What is the Perseverance of the Saints? A promise
Who is involved in Perseverance? God and us
What is Eternal Security? We can't lose our salvation
Wesleyan Arminian Viwe of Perseverance You can lose your salvation
What is Assurance of Salvation? Subjective feeling that can come and go
What is Glorification? When we completed and made wholly perfect
Ephesians 2:8-10 We are saved through faith, not as a result of works. But we are created in Christ Jesus for good works
Galatians 5:16 Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh
Romans 8:35-39 Nothing can separate believers from God's love in Christ
John 10:27-29 No one can snatch the believer from the Father's hand
3 Arguments for Spirit's Personality 1. Elements of personality 2. Distinct Identity 3. Activities indicate Personhood
5 Arguments for Spirit's Deity 1. He is included in the Trinity 2. Closely related to the Father individually 3. Closely related to the Son individually 4. Performs divine works 5. Equated with God
At What Council Was the Deity of the Spirit Fully Expressed? The Council of Nicea
The Spirit's Work in the Life of Christ The agent in conception; active in his ministry; active in crucifixion and resurection; helped in the miracles
Acts 5:3-5 The Holy Spirit is referred to as God
Two Works the Spirit Does in Believers Before Conversion 1. Effectual Call 2. Regeneration
The Sealing Work of the Spirit Future guarantee that begins at baptism of the spirit; signifies ownership, security, and purity.
1 Corinthians 12:13 By Spirit Baptism we are all baptized into the unified body of Christ
What are Angels? Spiritual beings sent as messengers from God
What is Satan's destiny? To be thrown into hell
How do demons affect us? They can possess most people, but not Christians, because we have the Holy of Spirit in us.
Greek word for church and use kuriakon, a place of meeting or the people who meet
What does Ekklesia mean? local assembly or wider set of people
What is the Universal Church? The greater body of believers that transcends time and space
What is the Local Church? A distinct community of believers at a specific location, all of which may not be truly saved
What are metaphors? Word pictures that correspsond to and illustrate truth
Metaphors for the Church: Branches of a Vine Jesus is the true vine, life-giving connection to Christ, fruitfulness only comes from this connection
Metaphors for the Church: Flock of Sheep Chirst is the Good Shepherd: owns, loves, seeks
Metaphors for the Church: Priesthood Catholics and Orthodox believe in continued formal office; Protestants believe every believer offers living sacrifices
Metaphors for the Church: Temple/Building of God Believers are temple for the Holy Spirit, Christ as the cornerstone and foundation, believers as the living stones
Metaphors for the Church: Bride of Christ The church is Christ's bride
Metaphors for the Church: Body of Christ Christ is the head and the believers are the parts of the body
Views of the Origin of the Church 1. Started with Adam, 2. Started with Abraham, 3. Started with the disciples, 4. Started at Pentecost, 5. Started with Paul's conversion
History of Dispensationalism Formalized by Darby, popularized by Scofield, and progressified in the 1980s
Essential element of Dispensationalism Distinction between Israel and the Church
Principles of Dispensationalism 1. Literal Hermeneutic 2. Opposite to Covenant Theology 3. History divided into different dispensations
What is Covenant Theology? One covenant of grace; anything addressed to Israel is now addressed to the church
2 Key Differences Between Dispensational Theology: Nature of the Kingdom C: God's plan for Israel is on pause. P: The church is a sneak peak at the future millenial kingdom
2 Key Differences Between Dispensational Theology: Relationship between dispensations C: Each dispensation is basically unique P: Each dispensation emerges from the previous as the plan unfolds
6 Elements of the Mission of the Church Evangelism Baptism Teaching Fellowship Communion Prayer/Worship
Acts 2:1-13 The church was formed by the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:42-47 A charter verse on the ministries of the church
Romans 6:3-4 Describes the meaning of Christian baptism
1 Corinthians 1:23-34 Describes the origins and belebration of the Lord's Supper
Views on Church Government: Episcopal Led by Bishops, priests, and deacons, only bishops have the right to ordain other authorities
Views on Church Government: Presbyterian Authority is placed in local pastors elected by the people, "the session" part of the Prebytery, part of the Synod, part of the General Assembly
Views on Church Government: Congregational Local congregation is autonomous, may cooperate with other churches voluntarily, democracy
Major Church Offices: Elder/Overseer Mature wise leader; cares, teaches, leads, protects
Major Church Offices: Deacon Special servants appointed to take care of necessary affairs to free up the time of the Elders/Overseers
What is Complementarism and Egalitarianism? C say governing and teaching are male only, E say all positions are open to women
Ordinance vs. Sacrament Sacrament usually implies the conferral of grace through the rite
3 Views on Baptism Catholic: means of saving grace; Reformed: sign and seal; Symbolic: public testimony
3 Biblical Themes of Baptism Marks the beginning of the Christian life, Marks our union with Christ, Signifies cleansing from sin
4 Views on Communion Transubstantiation (bread=body) Consubstantiation (bread contains body) Spiritual Presence (spiritually contains body) Symbolic (bread memorializes body)
1 Timothy 3 Qualifications for Elders and Deacons
3 Kinds of Death and commonality Physical, spiritual, and eternal; separation
What is the Intermediate State? The state of our soul between now and the rapture/great white throne
Revelation 19-22 Describes the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, the Return of Christ, Armageddon, the Millennium, the Great White Throne, and the Eternal State
What are the two phases of the Second Coming? The Rapture and the Return
3 Views on the Timing of the Rapture Pre, mid, and post tribulational
Arguments for Pretribulationalism It's for Israel and the nations, not for the church
What is the Great Tirbulation? Outpouring of God's wrath
What is the Millennium? Christ's 1000 year reign on earth
What are the four views on the Millennium? Amillennial, Postmillennial, Historic/Covenant Millennial, Dispensational Millennial
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The Lord will descend, the dead in Christ shall rise, and living Christians will meet them in the air.
Daniel 9 Describes the 70th week of Daniel and predicts the date of Messiah's death
What are the different Resurrections? Christ's, Saved, and Unsaved
Three Phases of Judgment Believers at Rapture, Tribulation Saints, and the Hell-bound
Who will be judged at the second coming? Those who survived Tribulation (involves Israel + the nations)
Who will be judged at the end of the Millennium? Devil and all people
What is the Eternal State? The two eternal destinies of heaven and hell
1 Corinthians 3:10-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:10 Describes the Bema Seat Judgment and rewards or loss of rewards for believers
Created by: agoshert
Popular Religion sets




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