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communicable dz

varicella (chickenpox) * MOT: airborne & direct contact with fomites * fever, malaise/anorexia (1st 24hr), rash that rapidly progresses to papules and vesicles that break and form crusts * avoid aspirin to prevent Reye Syndrome
diphtheria * MOT: direct contact with infected client, carrier or fomites * smooth, adherent, white/gray membrane on tonsils/pharynx * low-grade fever, sore throat, malaise, anorexia * prep for emergency tracheostomy if airway obstruction occurs
erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) * MOT: unknown; possibly respiratory secretions and blood * erythema of face (1-4 days), symmetrical maculpapular red spots on U/LE's (1+weeks), rash subsides but can reappear with skin irritation or trauma * resp precautions
infectious mononucleosis MOT: direct contact with infected blood or secretions * fever, sore throat, headache, malaise, fatigue, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
mumps (parotitis) * MOT: direct contact or via droplets from infected client. source: saliva * jaw pain and/or ear pain aggravated by chewing * unilateral/bilateral swelling of parotid glands * institute resp precautions
pertussis (whooping cough) * MOT: direct contact or droplet; contact with freshly contaminated articles * droplet precautions
2 stages of pertussis 1. catarrhal: sneezing, rhinorrhea, low-grade fever, lacrimation 2. paroxysmal: high-pitched "whooping" coughs
poliomyelitis * MOT: fecal-PO route or oropharangeal * contact precautions - enforce strict handwashing.
rocky mountain spotted fever * MOT: bite of infected tick * chills, fever, anorxia, N, malaise, myalgia, mental confusion, HA, maculopapular/petechial rash often on extremities
roseola (exanthema subitum) MOT: unknown * fever >102F 3-4 days in child who appears well * sudden drop in fever followed by appearance of rose-pink macules * nonpruritis rash
rubeola (measles) * MOT: direct contact with droplets
rubella (german measles) * MOT: direct contact or contact with objects freshly contaminated with nasopharangeal secretions, urine or feces * low-grade fever, HA, malaise, coryza, rash * isolate children from pregnant women
scarlet fever * MOT: direct contact, droplets, indirect contact with fomites, ingestion of contaminated milk/food * resp precautions
smallpox MOT: droplets and contact w/ contaminated fomites
anthrax * MOT: contact w/ broken skin; spore inhalation/ingestion * cutaneous form: reddish-brown lesion > scab > brawny edema * GI: hemorrhage, abd pain, severe D * pulm: rapidly-developing resp distress/shock * Cipro or erythromycin for ALL TYPES
Created by: 39115207
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