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General Surgery

A hernia that occurs within Hesselbach's triangle and does not have a sac is called? direct
The defect in an inguinal hernia occurs in the? transversalis
Which of the following is a type of oblique incision? kocher
A hemolytic disease of the newborn is known is called? erythroblastosis fetalis
Is not an intestinal instrument? heaney forceps
The instrument used for common duct exploration during an open cholecystectomy is? baked dilator
The incision commonly used for an appendectomy is? mcburney
Glisson's capsule is the? external covering of the liver
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is performed to? visualize biliary and pancreatic tracts
What can be accomplished when postioning the patient for a thyroidectomy to facilitate exposure of the surgical site? rolled sheet placed under shoulder
A Sengstaken-Blakemore tube is used when treating? esophageal varices
Omental flaps, falciform ligament, or Gerota's fascia flaps may be used to? control liver hemorrhage
If the surgeon's preference card listed a Bookwalter or Omnitract, what type of instrument would be used? self retaining retractor
The procedure performed for decompression of the cecum due to colonic obstructionis? cecostomy
Pancreatiocojejunostomy is performed for? pancreatic pseudocysts
The incision used for splenectomy is? subcostal
A Silverman biopsy needle is used for? liver biopsy
A cholelithotripsy is performed to fragment? gallstones
Choledochotomy is performed to? drain the common bile duct
The incision for a resection of the sigmoid colon is a? paramedian
A thoracoabdominal incision is used when performing a? open hiatal hernia repair
A type of deep retractor commonly used during an open cholecystectomy is? harrington
The procedure for a lower rectal malignancy that requires an abdominal and rectal insicion is? abdominoperineal resection
Another name for a partial gastrectomy is? billroth 1
At the completion of the anastomosis of an intestine, the instruments used on the bowels are placed? in separate basin
What other procedure is performed with a vagotomy? pyloroplasty
The type of ostomy established when a total colectomy is performed is? ileostomy
Another name for Whipple's procedure is? pancreatiocoduodenectomy
The procedure performed to correct pyloric stenosis in the newborn is? fredet-ramstedt
The instrument commonly used to provide traction on the gallbladder during an open cholecystectomy is? kocher clamp
A purse string suture is placed in the cecal serosa for an appendectomy to? invert the appendiceal stump
The Heller procedure is performed to correct? esophageal obstruction
The procedure to correct intrahepatic obstruction is? portacaval shunt
A forceps commonly used to remove gallstones from the comon bile duct during an open cholycystectomy is? randall
During an appendectomy, the structure that must be dissected free from its attachment to the ecum is called? mesoappendix
During a thyroidectomy, the nerve that must be preserved is the? recurrent laryngeal
During a mastectomy, which irrigating solution is used on the muscle layer due to its hypotonic properties? sterile water
A left subcostal incision indicates surgery of the? spleen
An irreducible hernia in which the abdominal contents have become necrotic is called? strangulated
Tetany is a possible postoperative complication following an? thyroidectomy
Is not an indication for a Splenectomy? biliary obstruction
The instrument used to grasp the appendix during an open appendectomy? babcock forceps
The structures that must be ligated prior to removal of the gallbladder? cystic artery, hepatic duct
A Meckel's diverticulum occurs on the? distal ileum
The organ that often sustains an incidental injury during a transverse colectomy is the? spleen
During a laparoscopi Nissen fundoplication, the instrumentused to grasp the upper portion of the fundus of the stomach is? endo-babcock
During a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the laparoscope with attach video camera is inserted through the? umbilical port
During a laparoscopic appendectomy, what instrument is commonly used to dissect, free the appendix from its attachment to the mesoappendix? endoscopic linear stapler
During a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, the size of the lateraly placed trocars is? 5mm
What type of hernia is a combination of direct and indirect inguinal hernai? pantaloon
Created by: youroneandonly
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