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Bible6 Midterm 2024

ch1-24 Genesis-Esther

faith trust, belief in something not seen
gospel good news
inspiration God empowering people to write His truth
inspired God breathed
prophecy words God speaks through prophets
prophet represents God to people
Abraham promised a son but then had to sacrifice him
Bible Book
Genesis beginnings
Noah only man righteous, saved with his family from flood
Scripture writings
day 2 waters/atmosphere
day 4 sun, moon, stars
day 6 land animals, man
God's creation commands dominate earth; be fruitful and multiply; don’t eat from the tree...
Bible; Jesus God's words and actions are summarized how
miracle event that requires supernatural power
Jacob name changed to Israel; 12 sons became tribes of Israel
Joseph sold by brothers; thrown in prison; realized God planned everything for good
Moses led Israel out of Egypt wrote 1st 5 books of Bible rejected advice of bad spies and trusted God
Pharaoh title of Egypt’s king
holy set apart; devoted to God
priest represents ppl to God and offers their sacrifices
redeem buy back; release from bondage
Aaron 1st high priest
Deuteronomy 2nd Law / Law repeated
Ruth chose to be loyal to God and Naomi (mother-in-law)
Day of Atonement 1 time a year when the priest offered an animal for everyone
Sabbath day of rest when nobody could work; 7th day
cycle during judges sin, slavery, sorrow, salvation
Red Sea; Jordan River waters crossed on way to Canaan
humility not proud; putting others before self; accurate view of self
repent change your mind away from sin
David's title man after God's own heart
Elijah defeated prophets of Baal on Mt Carmel
Hannah prayed to God for a son
Judah/Israel Southern & Northern Kingdoms
Samuel name of son given by God because of prayer
Solomon's request to God wisdom
Esther bravely asked the king to save the Jews even though it was scary
Ezra rebuilt the people
Haman hated Mordecai for not bowing and tried to kill his people
Hezekiah example of praying
Josiah example of reading/obeying the Bible
Mordecai would not bow to Haman
Nehemiah rebuilt the wall
Zerubbabel rebuilt the temple
why God punished Israel idolatry
why God punished Judah turning from Him (in many ways) even though they had some Godly kings
Passover feast that celebrated Israel's deliverance when the death angel "passed over" their homes
Saul king who wanted to do things his way, NOT God's did NOT show humility
Holy of Holies; by itself place of the Ark of the Covenant
purpose of the Law reveal sin/point to Savior NOT as a way to heaven
Caleb and Joshua's decision Right: wanted to enter the land of Canaan
Created by: Bb2eng
Popular Religion sets




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