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Burnbrain combo 2310

duo combo Spanish

"to lose" "perder"
"1 driving (car–subject) 2 management" "el manejo"
"to try to (not intentar)" "tratar de"
"the competition (besides concurso)" "la competencia / la competición"
"to be (an event)" "ser"
"to improve" "mejorar"
"to become (4)" "convertirse en / volverse hacerse"
"to advise" "aconsejar"
"how cool" "qué genial"
"the spelling" "la ortografía"
"the beginner" "el principiante"
"to fail (a course)" "reprobar (opposite = aprobar)"
"to practise" "practicar"
"the subject (school)" "la asignatura"
"to wear" "llevar puesto" o "llevar" o "vestir"
"to hurry" "apurarse"
"the square (geometric shape)" "el cuadrado"
"to print" "imprimir"
"all except that one" "todos menos ese"
"I will be (ser)" "seré (with an accent seremos is exception)"
"anyway" "de todas formas / maneras" o "de todos modos"
"to get better (NOT from illness)" "mejorar (not reflexive–it's an idiom)"
"the classroom" "la aula (fem but use EL aula)"
"the show" "el espectáculo"
"you have to have goals" "hay que tener objetivos (metas)"
"I want to borrow" "quiero pedir prestado (sic)"
"the lobby" "el vestíbulo"
"the directions (besides direcciones)" "las indicaciones"
"to climb" "escalar"
"to be in a hurry (not estar...)" "tener prisa"
"to rise / to go up" "subir"
"foreign" "foráneo"
"elevator (besides elevador)" "el ascensor"
"to take off (clothes)" "quitarse"
"these coffees" "estos cafés"
"this coffee" "este café"
"to save (on computer)" "guardar (en )"
"to thank for" "agradecer por"
"to offer" (besides brindar) "ofrecer"
"to kick" "patear"
"to grill" "asar (a la parilla)" (grillar = to chirp)
"to bake" "hornear"
"to kiss" "besar"
"the stage (theater)" "el escenario"
"to belong (with preposition)" "pertenecer a"
"the climate" "EL clima"
"they drove (preterite)" "condujeron"
"to make a wish" "pedir un deseo"
"to snack (per Duo)" "picar"
"poner – future stem" "pondr"
"salir – future stem" "saldr"
"venir – future stem" "vendr"
"hacer – future stem" "har"
"decir – future stem" "dir"
"saber – future stem" "sabr"
"poder – future stem" "podr"
"I am safe" "soy seguro"
"I am sure" "estoy seguro"
"to keep (a thing)" "quedarse (con)"
"querer – future stem" "querr___"
"to lie down" besides acostarse "tumbarse"
"I organized" "organicé"
"to click (computer)" "hacer clic"
"computing (noun)" "la informática"
"the last laugh" "la última risa (word ORDER–última risa)"
"to chat (online)" "chatear"
"the password (besides la clave)" "la contraseña"
"day before yesterday" "anteayer (use it like hoy or mañana)"
"to create" "crear"
"it rings" "suena"
"the forum" "el foro"
"I could / was able (poder pret yo)" "pude (no accent)"
"I knew (saber pret yo)" "supe"
"I put (poner preterite yo)" "puse (no accent)"
"I wanted (querer preterite yo)" "quise (no accent)"
"I gave (dar preterite yo)" "di (no accent)"
"I drove (conducir pret yo)" "conduje (no accent)"
"they drove (conducir preterite ellos)" "condujeron (no i)"
"he slept (preterite)" "durmió"
"I asked for / ordered" "pedí (i accent)"
"you asked for / ordered" "pediste"
"they preferred (preterite)" "prefirieron"
"he gave (pret)" "dio (no accent)"
"we gave (preterite)" "dimos (no accent)"
"they preferred" "prefirieron"
"an expert in informatics" "un experto en informática"
"there will be... / are there going to be..." "habrá"
"there are going to be (besides habrá)" "va a haber..."
"I died" "morí"
"he preferred (pret)" "prefirió"
"I correct" "corrijo"
"you correct (tú)" "corriges"
"he corrects" "corrige"
"they correct" "corrigen"
"he corrected" "corrigió"
"I was correcting" "corregía"
"correct (v. corregir imperative affirm tú)" "corrige"
"let's correct (corregir imperative affirm nosotros)" "corrijamos"
"she corrects" "corrige"
"you start (empezar tú)" "empiezas"
"I start (empezar)" "empiezo"
"he starts (empezar)" "empieza"
"we start (empezar)" "empezamos"
"they start (empezar)" "empiezan"
"I started (empezar preterite)" "empecé"
"I start (comenzar)" "comienzo"
"you start (comenzar tú)" "comienzas"
"he starts (comenzar)" "comienza"
"they start (comenzar)" "comienzan"
"I started (comenzar pret)" "comencé"
"I walked / andar pret" "anduve"
"you walked (tú andar pret)" "anduviste"
"he walked (andar pret)" "anduvo"
"we walked (andar pret)" "anduvimos"
"they walked (andar pret)" "anduvieron"
"I come" "vengo"
"you come (tú)" "vienes"
"he comes" "viene"
"we come" "venimos"
"they come" "vienen"
"drive (conducir tú imper)" "conduce"
"drive (conducir él imper)" "conduzca"
"let's drive (conducir imper)" "conduzcamos"
"drive (conducir Uds imperative)" "conduzcan"
"don't drive (conducir tú imper)" "no conduzcas"
"don't drive (conducir Ud )" "no conduzca"
"let's not drive (conducir)" "no conduzcamos"
"don't drive (conducir Uds)" "no conduzcan"
"I drove (conducir pret)" "conduje"
"you drove (conducir tú pret)" "condujiste"
"he drove (conducir pret)" "condujo"
"we drove (conducir pret)" "condujimos"
"they drove (conducir pret)" "condujeron (sic)"
"give (tú imper)" "da"
"give (Ud imper)" "dé"
"let's give" "demos"
"give (Uds imper)" "den"
"don't give (tú)" "no des"
"don't give (Ud)" "no dé"
"let's not give" "no demos"
"don't give (Uds)" "no den"
"I gave (pret)" "di"
"you gave (tú pret)" "diste"
"we gave (pret)" "dimos (no accent)"
"they gave (pret)" "dieron"
"say (tú imper)" "di"
"say (Ud imper)" "diga"
"let's say" "digamos"
"say (Uds imper)" "digan"
"don't say (tú)" "no digas"
"don't say (Ud)" "no diga"
"let's not say" "no digamos"
"don't say (Uds)" "no digan"
"I said (pret)" "dije"
"you said (pret)" "dijiste"
"he said (pret)" "dijo"
"we said (pret)" "dijimos"
"they said (pret)" "dijeron (sic)"
"I will go" "iré"
"you will go (tú)" "irás"
"he will go" "irá"
"we will go" "iremos"
"they will go" "irán"
"hear (tú imper)" "oye"
"hear (Ud imperative)" "oiga"
"let's hear" "oigamos"
"hear (imper Uds)" "oigan"
"don't hear (tú imper)" "no oigas"
"don't hear (Ud imper)" "no oiga"
"let's not hear" "no oigamos"
"don't hear (Uds imper)" "no oigan"
"I was hearing" "oía"
"you were hearing (tú)" "oías"
"he was hearing" "oía"
"we were hearing" "oíamos"
"they were hearing" "oían"
"I hear" "oigo"
"you hear (tú)" "oyes"
"he hears" "oye"
"we hear" "oímos"
"they hear" "oyen"
"I heard (pret)" "oí"
"you heard (tú pret)" "oíste"
"he heard (pret)" "oyó"
"we heard (pret)" "oímos"
"they heard (pret)" "oyeron"
"organize (tú imper)" "organiza"
"organize (Ud imper)" "organice"
"let's organize" "organicemos"
"organize (Uds imper)" "organicen"
"don't organize (tú)" "no organices"
"don't organize (Ud)" "no organice"
"let's not organize" "no organicemos"
"don't organize (Uds)" "no organicen"
"I was able (yo pret)" "pude"
"put (tú imper)" "pon"
"put (Ud imper)" "ponga"
"let's put" "pongamos"
"put (Uds imper)" "pongan"
"don't put (tú)" "no pongas"
"don't put (Ud imper)" "no ponga"
"let's not put" "no pongamos"
"don't put (Uds imper)" "no pongan"
"I will leave (salir)" "saldré"
"I uploaded (pret)" "subí"
"you uploaded (tú)" "subiste"
"he uploaded" "subió"
"we uploaded" "subimos"
"they uploaded" "subieron"
"I came (pret)" "vine"
"you came (tú pret)" "viniste"
"he came (pret)" "vino"
"we came (pret)" "vinimos"
"they came (pret)" "vinieron"
"bring (tú imper)" "trae"
"bring (Ud imper)" "traiga"
"let's bring" "traigamos"
"bring (Uds imper)" "traigan"
"don't bring (tú)" "no traigas"
"don't bring (Ud)" "no traiga"
"let's not bring" "no traigamos"
"don't bring (Uds imper)" "no traigan"
"I bring" "traigo"
"you bring (tú)" "traes"
"he brings" "trae"
"we bring" "traemos"
"they bring" "traen"
"I brought (pret)" "traje"
"you brought (tú)" "trajiste"
"he brought (pret)" "trajo"
"we brought (pret)" "trajimos"
"they brought (pret)" "trajeron"
"the paragraph" "el párrafo"
"at that moment" "en ese momento"
"at the moment" "por el momento"
"the issue (besides asunto)" "la cuestión"
"to eat up" "comerse"
"to make a decision" "tomar una decisión"
"I do not know whether..." "no sé si..."
"in your opinion (w/o using opinión)" "para ti"
"to splash" "salpicar"
"to have a cold" "estar resfriado" or "tener un resfriado"
"to find out, besides hallar" "enterarse"
"the advantage" "la ventaja"
"you start (tú) (besides comienzas)" "empiezas"
"tight" "apretado"
"I argued" "discutí"
"arbitrarily" "arbitrariamente"
"obvious" "obvio"
"different from" "distinto a"
"neither he nor she helps" "ni el ni ella ayudan (Spanish uses plural verb)"
"for the first time" "por primera vez"
"to make sense" "tener sentido"
"which do you like best" "cuál te gusta más"
"the analysis" "EL análisis"
"he makes progress" "hace progresos (sic plural)" or "progresa"
"to stand up (not levantar...)" "pararse (or even parar)"
"go (imperative tú)" "ve"
"the snack (not bocadillo)" "la merienda"
"the peanut (not cacahuate)" "el maní (w/ accent)"
"the gossip" "el chisme"
"he has put" "ha puesto"
"try (imperative tú)" "prueba"
"they try / they taste" "prueban"
"try / test (imper Ud) (not tratar)" "pruebe"
"don't try (imper tú)" "no pruebes"
"to spill" "derramar"
"the hat (not sombrero)" "el gorro (la gorra = the cap)"
"to be in style" "estar de moda (style is temporary)"
"nebulous" "nebuloso"
"don't open (imper tú)" "no abras"
"don't travel (imper tú)" "no viajes"
"don't take (llevar imper tú)" "no lleves"
"negative imperitive rule for endings /vowel changes" "(=pres subjunctive): –ar –> e –er & –ir–> a: ex:no hables no comas no abras"
"the resumé" "el currículum (with accent / also la per google)"
"the review (as in movie critic)" "la reseña"
"a vegetarian" "un vegetariano"
"the vegetable" besides "vegetal o legumbre" "la verdura"
"the vegetable (not verdura nor legumbre)" "el vegetal"
"great–grandmother" "bisabuela"
"the sailboat" "el velero"
"hot (not warm)" "caliente"
"warm (not hot)" "cálido"
"it's snowing" "nieva / está nevando"
"to snow" "nevar"
"intermediate" "intermedio"
"round (adj)" "redondo"
"the sword" "la espada"
"the connection" "la conexión"
"on foot (you can get there)" "a pie"
"as much as" "tanto como"
"to put on (jewellery clothes...)" "ponerse"
"the tuxedo" "el esmoquin (or el smoking)"
"tiny" "diminuto"
"the dresser" "la cómoda"
"the planet" "EL planeta"
"(sp) incluso (as ADVERB)" "even (Eng)"
"I would compete (conditional)" "competiría"
"I compete" "compito"
"you compete (tú)" "compites"
"he competes" "compite"
"we compete" "competimos"
"they compete" "compiten"
"he competed" "compitió"
"they competed" "compitieron"
"you competed (tú)" "competiste"
"to compete" "competir"
"the capital" "la capital (female)"
"the sock" "el calcetín (with i accent)"
"the errand" "el recado"
"the hunger" "la hambre (feminine)"
"the deck (ex. of cards)" "la baraja"
"the sleeve (of a shirt)" "la manga"
"the slide" "el tobogán"
"to raise a child" "criar a un niño"
"the faucet" "el grifo"
"to take off to wash off" "quitarse"
"to sweep" "barrer"
"the snack" "la merienda"
"to go on a trip" "hacer un viaje"
"the snake" "LA serpiente"
"the coat (besides abrigo)" "el saco"
"loose (clothing)" "suelto"
"the vest" "el chaleco"
"to combine" "combinar"
"the linen (fabric)" "el lino"
"the stripe" "la raya"
"colourful" "colorido"
"coloured" "de colores" o "colorado"
"the shoelace (or/ the cord)" "el cordón"
"to tie the shoelaces" "atarse los cordones"
"the pullover (sweater)" "el pulóver"
"to knit / to weave / to crochet" "tejer"
"a polka dot" "un lunar"
"a buckle (belt)" "una hebilla"
"flower print (adjective)" "floreado"
"the return (ex. of an item to the store)" "la devolución"
"the shawl" "el chal"
"the buckle (belt)" "la hebilla"
"to hoist (ex. a flag)" "izar"
"the refund" "el reembolso"
"the claim" "el reclamo"
"as soon as (not: tan pronto como)" "en cuanto"
"online (on line)" "en línea (w/ accent)"
"I prefer" "prefiero"
"he prefers" "prefiere"
"we prefer" "preferimos"
"i preferred (imperfect)" "prefería"
"we preferred (imperfect)" "preferíamos"
"I preferred (preterite)" "preferí (i – accent)"
"he preferred (preterite)" "prefirió"
"we preferred (preterite)" "preferimos"
"they preferred (preterite)" "prefirieron"
"I have preferred" "he preferido"
"I will prefer" "preferiré"
"they will prefer" "preferirán"
"I would prefer" "preferiría"
"I prefer (subjunctive)" "prefiera"
"we prefer (subjunctive)" "prefiramos"
"they prefer (subjunctive)" "prefieran"
"prefer (imperative tú affirm)" "prefiere"
"prefer (imperative él affirm)" "prefiera"
"let's prefer (imperative affirm)" "prefiramos"
"prefer (imperative Uds affirm)" "prefieran"
"don't prefer (imperative tú negative)" "no prefieras"
"don't prefer (imperative Uds negative)" "no prefieran"
"to prefer" "preferir"
"the book cover / the front page" "la portada"
"the stream" "el arroyo (note: this is not gulley or ravine)"
"the pretty bird (not pájaro)" "el ave bonita (it's feminine)"
"to be worried about" "estar preocupado por"
"to talk about politics" "hablar de la política"
"to sneeze" "estornudar"
"to resign from (a job)" "renunciar a"
"how expensive is the car" "qué tan caro es el carro"
"how fast are you" "qué tan rápido eres"
"the theme" "el tema"
"you agree that it is a brilliant idea" "estás de acuerdo en que es un idea brillante"
"a bandage (not vendaje)" "una venda"
"he goes running (down the st)" "va corriendo"
"the quality (meaning attribute)" "la cualidad (sic)"
"he has the right to publish his article" "tiene derecho a publicar su artículo (no article before derecho)"
"the cover letter" "la carta de presentación"
"the same situation as before" "la misma situación que antes"
"I was just getting to the airport when..." "Recién llegaba al aeropuerto cuando ..."
"to take a bath (not just "to bathe")" "bañarse"
"whenever you ate" "siempre que comías"
"affectionate" "cariñoso"
"to take it easy" "tomar con calma"
"to achieve" "lograr"
"might it all be a lie?" "¿puede que sea todo una mentira?"
"envious" "envidioso"
"I am worth" "valgo"
"to be worth" "valer"
"we are worth" "valemos"
"it was worth" "valía"
"it has been worth (pres perfect)" "ha valido"
"it will be worth" "valdrá"
"we would be worth" "valdríamos (w/ accent)"
"I am worth (subjunctive)" "valga"
"they are worth (subjunctive)" "valgan"
"to resign from" "renunciar a (sic)"
"the bank branch" "la sucursal del banco"
"I am worth" "valgo"
"to be worth" "valer"
"we are worth" "valemos"
"I am worth (subjunctive)" "valga"
"resign from ..." "renunciar a ..."
"the bank branch" "la sucursal del banco"
"as soon as possible" "cuanto antes"
"sensible" "sensato"
"to intend to" "tener intenciones de"
"engaged (to be married)" "comprometido"
"it's not certain" "no es seguro o no es cierto"
"the mind" "la mente"
"to be in agreement with..." "estar de acuerdo con..."
"to resign his job" "renunciar a su trabajo"
"how late? (are you)" "¿qué tan retrasado..."
"to cough" "toser"
"to sneeze" "estornudar"
"the birth" "el parto"
"the molar (tooth)" "la muela"
"I doubt him" "dudo de él (never direct or indirect object)"
"I am sure that they don't want to see each other in secret" "Estoy seguro de que no quieren verse en secreto"
"I doubt that Ana will invite you again.(I doubt that Ana invites you again.)" "Dudo que Ana te invite de nuevo. (Duo misuses future as if it were subjunctive.)"
"he intends to return the car" "tiene intenciones de devolver el auto"
"creo que.... & me parece que...What verb mood follows?" "affirmative (not subjunctive)"
"no creo que... & no me parece que...What verb mood follows?" "subjunctive"
"to admit (ex. to the hospital)" "internar"
"to recover (from illness)" "curarse"
"to undergo treatment" "hacer un tratamiento"
"slowly, besides despacio" "lentamente"
"attractive" "atractivo"
"he has a cold" "tiene un resfriado"
"often" [2 words] "a menudo"
"to be in contact with" "estar en contacto con"
"to rejoice / to be glad" "alegrarse" [festejar = to celebrate]
"to pardon" "perdonar"
"altogether" "en total"
"the relationship" besides "relación" "el parentesco"
"the loan" "el préstamo"
"the construction business" "el negocio de la construcción"
"they fired (ex. an employee)" "despidieron"
"on purpose" "a propósito"
"call 911" "llame al 911"
"just in case" "por si acaso"
"right now" "ya mismo"
"to break a leg" "fracturar la pierna"
"really hurt" "muy lastimado"
"I move (ex the furniture)" "muevo"
"he has moved (ex. the chair)" "ha movido"
"she move (ex. the book / subjunctive)" "mueva"
"don't move (tú / 2nd person)" "no te muevas"
"the bouquet" "el ramo"
"it's nothing / not at all (you're welcome)" "no hay de qué"
"a while ago" "hace rato" o "hace un rato"
"(per Duo) don't mention it" "no tiene por qué ( reason to...) ni lo menciones (per dictionary) [no tiene por qué = "it does not have to" per DeepL]"
"(per Duo) not at all (you're welcome)" "no hay de qué"
"I see (subjunctive)" "vea"
"we see (subjunctive)" "veamos"
"according to what I heard" "según oí / según lo que oí"
"we get off" "nos bajamos"
"let's get off" "bajémonos (missing 's')"
"let's not get off" "no nos bajemos"
"a sidewalk (not banqueta)" "una acera (more common than banqueta)"
"let's get on (ex. the train)" "subámonos"
"let's not get on (ex. the train)" "no nos subamos"
"to solve" "resolver"
"solved (past participle of to solve)" "resuelto"
"I solve" "resuelvo"
"we solve" "resolvemos"
"solve (imperative tú)" "resuelve"
"solve (imperative ellos)" "resuelvan"
"solving (gerund)" "resolviendo"
"the traffic jam" "el embotellamiento"
"the roundabout (traffic)" "la rotonda"
"it's about to rain" "está a punto de llover"
"straight (adjective not derecho)" "recto"
"he owes me one" "me debe una"
"not even Sam" "ni Sam"
"to fall behind" "quedarse atrás"
"the revision(s)" "la revisión DeepL says s/b plural (las revisiones)"
"let's meet (use ver)" "veámonos"
"let's keep going" "sigamos"
"it will fit" "cabrá (not caberá)"
"he owes me one" "me debe una (another mystery)"
"I thanked her" "le di las gracias"
"the right lane (right hand)" "el carril derecho"
"the jail" "la cárcel"
"she won't be late" "ella no llegará tarde (sic)"
"the truck" "el camión"
"the stew" "el guiso"
"the wrapper / wrapping" "el envoltorio"
"the weapon" "el arma"
"come (imperative tú)" "ven"
"I serve" "sirvo"
"we serve" "servimos"
"they were serving" "servían"
"he has served" "ha servido"
"he served" "sirvió"
"you serve (subjunctive tú)" "sirvas"
"they serve (subjunctive)" "sirvan"
"we repeat (subjunctive)" "repitamos"
"it is assumed" "se supone (que...)" o "se asume"
"painful" "doloroso"
"to scuba dive" "bucear"
"in the end" "a fin de cuentas"
"there must have been" "debe haber habido"
"tidy" "ordenado"
"the frame (picture)" "el marco"
"si ... ¿ is it followed by subjunctive mood?" "if unlikely–then yes: if likely–then no"
"to water (plants)" "regar"
"it's worth it" "vale la pena"
"goes with (matches coordinates)" "combina con"
"how do you form the imperfect subjunctive (regular verbs)?" "From the 3rd plural preterite––drop "..on" Endings are –a –as –a –amos –an"
"the doorman" "el portero"
"to scrub" "fregar"
"I scrub" "friego"
"What does RAE say are the 4 triggers for the subjunctive mood?" "Información:1 virtual (not actual imagined) 2 inespecifica 3 no verificada 4 no experimentada"
"outdoor" "al aire libre"
"disillusioned" "desilusionado"
"disappointed" "decepcionado"
"you came (tú)" "viniste"
"a blind date" "una cita a ciegas"
"they knew (pret)" "supieron"
"antiquated" "anticuado"
"(Spanish) lerdo" "dull dumb dim etc"
"polite" "cortés educado (equally popular words)"
"the hand" "la mano"
"the pea (not chicharo)" "el guisante (in Spain)"
"the zucchini" "el calabacín"
"the produce market (green grocer)" "la verdulería"
"the pie" "la tarta"
"the slice" "la rebanada"
"I water (the garden)" "riego"
"hopeful (not esperanzado: it's rarely used and starts with "i..." "ilusionado"
"we wanted (preterite)" "quisimos"
"How long has the doorbell not been working?" "Cuánto hace que el timbre no funciona."
"How do you form the present perfect subjunctive? [Duo misnames imperfect subjunctive as if it were called past subjunctive]" "haya + participle ex. que él haya querido hayas haya hayamos hayan"
"the router" "el rúter"
"is trending (per Duo)" "es tendencia está en tendencia"
"unnecessary" "innecesario"
"the key (of keyboard)" "la tecla"
"(Spanish) los alimentos" "the food (yup singular)"
"embarrassed" "avergonzado"
"a leak" "una gotera"
"the labour" "la mano de obra"
"the spout" "el caño (Duo uses for "pipe"): la cañeria also = the pipe (piping)"
"the screwdriver" "el destornillador"
"the fur" "el pelo (la piel)"
"the tray" "la bandeja"
"the vase (not florero)" "el jarrón"
"the decor" "la decoración"
"the stool" "la banqueta"
"the healthcare" "la atención médica"
"safely" "seguramente"
"an allergy" "una alergia"
"the caregiver" "el cuidador"
"the disability" "la discapacidad"
"on second thought" "pensándolo bien (per Duo)"
"she has had a strawberry allergy" "ha tenido alergia a las fresas"
"to complete (not cumplir)" "completar"
"the candle holder" "el candelabro"
"it measures" "mide"
"to place (a thing)" "colocar"
"funny (amusing)" "cómico"
"to insist on" "insistir en"
"the hairstyle" "el peinado"
"a nickname" "un apodo"
"I'm trying to see" "intento ver (no preposition)"
"the reincarnation" "la reencarnación"
"serious" "serio"
"cosmopolitan (adj)" "cosmopolita (same for masculine & feminine)"
"to fix (ex. your attention on...)" "fijar"
"to dream about" "soñar con"
"the topic" "el tema"
"to consist of" "consistir en"
"to celebrate (not celebrar)" "festejar"
"jewish" "judío (accent on i)"
"to decree" "decretar (un decretazo de AMLO)"
"half an hour ago" "hace media hora"
"so what?" "¿y eso qué?"
"to treat (ex. with a poison)" "tratar (intentar is better for try / but tratar de is also try)"
"I appear (subjunctive)" "aparezca"
"you appear (tú subjunctive)" "aparezcas"
"the fruit tree" "el frutal"
"to cultivate" "cultivar"
"the grains (wheat rye ...)" "los cereales"
"the frost" "la escarcha"
"to plant" "plantar"
"to ruin" "arruinar"
"to freeze" "congelar"
"the crop (ex. food crop)" "el cultivo"
"the orchard" "el huerto (also = vegetable patch)"
"the cast (broken arm)" "el yeso"
"to deserve" "merecer"
"temperate" "templado"
"to subscribe" "suscribirse"
"to boil" "hervir"
"the egg white" "la clara de huevo"
"the journalism" "el periodismo"
"the pumpkin" "la calabaza (sic)"
"it tastes like chicken" "sabe a pollo"
"if I sing while cooking" "Si canto cocinando / Si canto al cocinar / si cocino cantando (Duolingo's version)"
"to fry" "freir"
"sour" "agrio"
"to stir" "revolver"
"it's something" "algo es algo"
"the environment" "el medio ambiente"
"to blow (wind; ...out the candle;...)" "soplar"
"even so" "aún así"
"a tent (huge)" "una carpa (but la carpa = carp)"
"a tent (for camping)" "una tienda de campaña (in America it can be carpa)"
"to assemble" "armar (also––to set up to arm)" o "ensamblar" o "congregar"
"by train" "en tren"
"it takes three hours" "lleva tres horas"
"no matter what" "sí o sí (definitely one way or another)"
"the backpacker" "el mochilero"
"given that" "ya que"
"soft" "suave"
"to snowboard" "hacer snowboard"
"the sleeping bag" "el saco de dormir"
"that is a bed" "eso es una cama"
"to endow" "dotar"
"a match (a similarity)" "un match"
"I fry" "frío (with accent)"
"the publishing company" "la editorial"
"the publisher" "el editor"
"the public servant (worker)" "el funcionario"
"it takes three hours to get to the town" "lleva tres horas llegar al pueblo (no preposition before llegar)"
"lastly" "por último" o "últimamente"
"to say goodbye" "despedirse"
"how about...(verb)" "qué tal si ..."
"the fraternal twins" "los hermanos mellizos"
"a twin (not identical)" "un mellizo"
"to endure (to bear)" "soportar"
"for the seventh time" "por séptima vez"
"next–door" "de al lado"
"the parrot" "el loro"
"you never listen (tú)" "nunca haces caso"
"Oh well" "oh bien" o "ah bueno" o "y nada (per Dúo)"
"to get into trouble" "meterse en problemas"
"forever" "para siempre"
"briefly" "brevemente"
"to leave (not irse not salir)" "marcharse"
"the habit" "el hábito"
"probably (not proba...)" "a lo mejor (per Dúo) s/b maybe / perhaps"
"at best" "a lo mejor"
"the technique" "la técnica / la tecnica (w/ or w/o accent)"
"the relaxation" "la relajación"
"to encourage" "animar"
"to look into (research)" "investigar o inquirir"
"to relate to" "relacionarse con"
"to adopt" "adoptar"
"the sewer" "la alcantarilla (per Duo = drain)"
"this doesn't have to do with you" "esto no tiene que ver contigo"
"the ankle" "el tobillo"
"the wrist" "la muñeca"
"to drive away (push)" "ahuyentar"
"to bleed" "sangrar"
"the waist (body part)" "la cintura"
"the posture" "la postura"
"the trunk (of a car)" "el maletero"
"the underpants" "los calzoncillos"
"I stole the man's money" "le robé el dinero al hombre"
"a stay (ex. at a hotel) (besides estancia)" "una estadia"
"part–time" "de tiempo parcial"
"to jog" "trotar (& = to trot)"
"to slim down" "adelgazar"
"the alliance" "la alianza (& = wedding ring)"
"by the way (not a propósito)" or "certainly" "por cierto (& = certainly)"
"to rescue" "rescatar"
"the valley" "el valle"
"the canvas" "el lienzo (ex for painting)"
"to judge" "juzgar"
"to leave on a trip" "salir de viaje"
"to feel sorry" "dar pena"
"to go for a ride" "ir a dar un paseo"
"it shows that (it's evident)" "se nota que"
"the belly (besides, vientre, panza)" "la barriga"
"the barn" "el establo (sic) (& = stable)"
"the bucket" "el cubito" (Mex); "el balde"
"uncontrollably" "descontroladamente"
"the lizard" "la lagartija"
"the exception" "la excepción"
"disastrous" "desastroso"
"to cultivate" "cultivar"
"steep" "empinado"
"the breakwater" "el rompeolas"
"sting (sharp point)" "el espigón"
"the strategem" "la estratagema (f)"
"thick / with dense foliage" "copado"
"rowdy / noisy" "estrepitoso"
"mobility" la movilidad // less frequent"la motricidad"
"the basin (fluvial)" "la cuenca (& = (geography) bowl)"
"constantly" "continuamente"
"the pennant (small flag)" "el banderín"
"the bribery" "el cohecho"
"the ointment" "la pomada ( & = cream)"
"the sprain" "el esguince"
"in the long run" "a la larga"
"the painkiller (beside analgésico)" "el calmante"
"harmful" "perjudicial (& dañino)"
"to self–medicate" "automedicarse"
"if I were you" "yo que tú"
"the toilet (not inodoro)" "el retrete (Collins says = bathroom)"
"to abide" "acatar"
"the railing / handrail" "el barandal"
"underlying" "subyacente"
"you plan to give me" "piensas regalarme (seems to be more normal than planeas regalarme)"
"the feces" "las heces (singular hez)"
"to last / endure" "perdurar"
"the dam (river) / prey" "la presa"
"the riverbed" "el cauce (also irrigation channel or just channel)"
"to discourage (besides desanimar)" "desmentar"
"to deny (not negar)" "desmentir"
"the seat (parliament)" "la curul"
"to make bigger" "agrandar"
"a dressing room" "un vestidor (& = walk–in closet)"
"for rent" "en alquiler"
"in depth (ex clean in depth)" "a fondo"
"the attic" "el ático"
"to hike" "pistear"
"the dredging desilting" "el desazolve"
"to impose" "imponer"
"the amazement (not asombro)" "el pasmo"
"the siege" "el asedio"
"nestled interlocked" "enclavado"
"the emphasis (not énf...)" "el hincapié"
"stinging (adj?)" "urticante"
"the deadline" "el plazo"
"simultaneously" "simultáneamente"
"an orthopedic surgeon" "un cirujano ortopédico"
"(an) orthopedic surgeon (one word)" "un traumatólogo [also physician specializing in the treatment of severe; acute physical injuries]"
"to bandage" "vendar"
"beforehand" "de antemano"
"the crutch (walking aid)" "la muleta"
"the joint (body part)" "la articulación"
"to catch [an illness]" ""
"a discomfort (not desconfort)" "una molestia"
"the symptom" "el síntoma (i with accent)"
"there should be...(noun)" "debería haber ..."
"the spill / discharge" "el vertido"
"mild (not suave)" "leve"
"to suit / be suitable / to come to an understanding" "convenirse"
"to pop into one's head" "ocurrirse"
"don't even go there (think about it)" "ni se te ocurra ex. ni se te ocurra casarte"
"to obstruct / jam" besides obstruir "atascar"
"the repair part" "el repuesto"
"to obtain / get (not obtenir)" "conseguir"
"the hood (car)" "el capó"
"the factory" "la fábrica"
"to juggle" "malabar"
"a freelancer" "un trabajador autónomo"
"the muzzle" "el bozal"
"the expectation" "la expectativa"
"the advisor" "el consejero"
"just as big" "igual de grande"
"the intern" "el pasante (or la pasante)"
"in a way" "en cierto modo" or "de alguna manera"
"better late than never" "más vale tarde que nunca"
"on the contrary" "en cambio (also "on the other hand")"
"awful" "pésimo"
"to stutter" "tartamudear"
"to appear" "aparecer" less frequent is "aparentar"
"as far as I know" "que yo sepa (to my knowledge)"
"to be known for" "tener fama de"
"indignant" "indignado (participle of indignar)"
"conceited" or "snooty" "presumido"
"to imitate" "imitar"
"to make a fool of yourself" "hacer el ridículo"
"middle aged" "de mediana edad"
"as if nothing happened" "como si nada ( can add "hubiera pasado")"
"to fascinate" "fascinar"
"by then" "para entonces"
"with good reason" "con toda razón"
"to succeed (not w/ exito)" "triunfar"
"I have a hard time (to...)" "me cuesta"
"the scam / fraud" "el chanchullo"
"to cut down (ex trees)" "talar"
"to be due to" "deberse a"
"ecological" "ecológico"
"to be in play" "estar en juego (& stake)"
"to invest" "invertir"
"drastic" "drástico"
"sustainable" "sostenible"
"the consequence" "la consecuencia"
"to inherit" "heredar"
"to get wet" "mojar"
"to let go" "soltar"
"to cause / provoke (not causar)" "provocar"
"to crawl" "gatear"
"the half–light" "la penumbra"
"the brother–in–law" "el cuñado"
"the baby bottle" "el biberón"
"up to date" "al tanto"
"the pediatrician" "el/la pediatra"
"de sobra (sp)" "left over"
"to spoil" "estropear (ruin / damage)"
"the scorn / contempt" "el desprecio the verb is despreciar"
"the berry (not mora not arándano)" "la baya / also=grape hyacinth & many more"
"fascinating" "fascinante"
"to harm" "perjudicar" o "lastimar"
"by word of mouth" "de boca en boca"
"to sound (noise)" "sonar"
"the myth" "el mito"
"the hiccups" "el hipo"
"the know–it–all" "el sabelotodo"
"to own / take over" "adueñar"
"I have him talk" "le hago hablar"
"to discern / glimpse" "vislumbrar"
"to take for granted" "dar por sentado"
"the remorse" "el remordimiento"
"to stand (someone) up" "dejar plantado"
"the soulmate" "(el) alma gemela (feminine)"
"to make mistakes" "cometer errores"
"to be engaged (to marry)" "estar de novios"
"to be dating" "estar saliendo (Duo gets this wrong)"
"distrustful" "desconfiado"
"to get over (something bad)" "superar"
"reason (meaning motive)" "el motivo"
"it sounds" "suena"
"the embezzlement" "el peculado"
"to overlap" "solapar (&= cover up)"
"the treasury" "el erario"
"the payroll" "la nomina"
"a sharp weapon" "una arma blanca"
"the wishful thinking" "la ilusión"
"the rancor" "el rencor (bitter resentment / malice)"
"he meets her again (not otra vez or de nuevo)" "se reencuentra con ella [without the last two words the meaning changes]"
"he trusts her" "confia en ella (no direct object here)"
"to meet again" "reencontrarse (con él / ella...)"
"they reconcile" "se reconcilian"
"naive" "ingenuo"
"to be faithful" "ser fiel"
"optional" "optativo"
"the mid term exam" "el examen parcial"
"to study (not estudiar)" "cursar (&= take; do ...)"
"to mention" "mencionar"
"to comment" "comentar"
"confused (adj)" "confuso"
"the iota" "la jota"
"to misinterpret" "malinterpretar"
"acaso (sp)" "perhaps / maybe"
"after all (not después...)" "al fin y al cabo"
"theoretical" "teórico"
"the graduate (not lic___ nor grad___ nor tit____)" "el egresado"
"static (adj)" "estático"
"by chance / perhaps (first letter a___)" "acaso"
"the childhood" "la niñez"
"to pamper" "mimar"
"to indulge" "consentir (&=to spoil)"
"to get up early" (1 word) "madrugar"
"to play hide and seek" "jugar a las escondidas"
"to be completely ____ (ex. wrong screwed...)" "estar del todo (ex. estoy del todo equivocado)"
"atrocious" "espantoso"
"mischievous" "travieso"
"to refer" "referirse"
"confusing (adj)" "confuso"
"to research" (one word) "investigar"
"I will do research (about)" "haré investigación (sobre)"
"theoretical" "teórico"
"the substitute" "el / la suplente (also = adjective)"
"dim (adj)" "tenue"
"to wear out / down" "desgastar"
"the cast (ex. of a movie)" "el elenco"
"it seems untrue / incredible" "parece mentira"
"attentive / thoughtful" "atento"
"to miss [3 words] [What is the context?]" "echar de menos"
"the noodle" "el fideo"
"finger–licking good" "para chuparse los dedos"
"the praise" "el elogio (&= eulogy)"
"to accommodate / put in place" "acomodar"
"the after–dinner conversation" "la sobremesa (& = tablecloth)"
"the anecdote" "la anécdota"
"to run aground" "varar (& = stranded)"
"to attenuate" "atenuar"
"to refer to" "referirse a"
"to schedule (a meeting)" "agendar (una reunión)"
"in the meantime" "mientras tanto (sic)"
"indispensable" "imprescindible (& indispensable)"
"monthly" "mensual"
"basically" "básicamente"
"pros and cons" "pros y contras / los pros y los contras"
"to all appearances" "por lo visto"
"in short / anyway" "en fin (&= finally)"
"no way" "ni modo"
"it's no big deal" "no es para tanto"
"as long as I... (verb)...[not mientras / siempre que]" "con tal de que ..."
"to expire (not exp___)" "vencer"
"the band–aid" "la curita"
"to slip (not deslizarse)" "resbalarse"
"the stitches (wound)" "los puntos"
"I expire" "venzo"
"the paperwork" "el papeleo"
"the procedure" (besides procedimiento) "el trámite"
"the bureaucracy" "la burocracia"
"to give up (3 words)" "darse por vencido"
"unless (3 words)" "a menos que"
"it expires (subjunctive)" "venza"
"the registration" "la inscripción"
"first thing (time expression)" "a primera hora"
"to yelp" "gañir"
"it's my turn (not ...mi turno)" "me toca"
"no matter how much (you hurry)" "por más que (te apures) [by hurrying more]"
"willing (adj)" "dispuesto"
"to go unnoticed" "pasar desapercibido"
"the specimen" "el espécimen"
"narrowly" "por poco (& it's used as "almost")"
"swollen (adj)" "hinchado"
"to burn up" "arderse"
"the chills" "el / los escalofrío(s)"
"to eliminate doubts / to make sure" "salir de dudas"
"to take effect" "hacer efecto"
"the unease" "el malestar"
"to determine" "determinar"
"to resist" "resistir"
"to strengthen" "fortalecer"
"the unease" "el malestar"
"the unease" "el malestar"
"to top it off" "para colmo"
"on the outside" "por fuera"
"the crack" "la grieta"
"to urge / to be urgent" "urgir"
"the plumbing" "la cañería"
"the weed(s) / [not malas hierbas]" "la maleza"
"the switch / (ex. light switch]" "el interruptor"
"to fall to pieces" "caerse en pedazos"
"hacer falta (sp) / [not about being missing]" "to be necessary"
"the fence" "la cerca"
"that's all that was missing" "solo eso faltaba"
"to clear the table (dishes etc.)" "recoger la mesa"
"to look bad (lose face)" "quedar mal"
"to scold" "regañar"
"bossy" "mandón / mandona (f)"
"to talk up a storm" "hablar hasta por los codos"
"to spoil (ex. a child) / [not mimar; not consentir]" "malcriar"
"to change your mind / [not ...opinión]" "cambiar de parecer"
"a broken record" "un disco rayado / [repeating over and over]"
"the pretext" "el pretexto"
"to take something badly / to take something the wrong way" "tomar algo a mal"
"in the middle of winter" "en pleno invierno"
"on the inside" "por dentro"
"the climax" "el colmo (&= height; completion)"
"in the middle of the jungle" "en medio de la selva"
"the excuse (not pretexto)" "la excusa"
"an approval" "una aprobación"
"whatever I want (w/o querer)" "lo que me dé la gana"
"I give (subjunctive)" "dé"
"the inconvenient moment / off hours" "la deshora"
"to interfere" "interferir"
"the roller coaster" "la montaña rusa"
"to disclose" "divulgar"
"the plot (of a story)" "la trama"
"the more...[verb]...the better" "cuanto más...mejor..."
"to appear on television" "aparecer en televisión / salir en la televisión"
"the villain" "el villano"
"to limp" "cojear"
"in secret (not en secreto)" "a escondidas"
"(sp) salió arrastrándose del coche" "he dragged himself out of the car [se arrastró...]"
"to get/take revenge" "vengarse"
"a slap" "una cachetada"
"the hurt" "el dolido"
"(sp) No veo la hora de que empiece la película." "I can't wait for the movie to start."
"to beg" "rogar"
"he destroys (subjunctive)" "destruya"
"to scheme / plot" "tramar"
"at the wrong time" "a deshoras"
"he begs" "ruega"
"I beg (subjunctive)" "ruegue"
"to save" "salvar"
"to dye (ex. hair)" "teñir"
"to poison" "envenenar"
"the master's degree" "el título de master / master/maestría"
"it took two years" "duró dos años"
"to (make) progress" "progresar"
"daily (not diario) adj" "cotidiano"
"I skipped the exam" "falté al examen"
"routine (adj)" "rutinario"
"resentful" "rencoroso"
"clumsy" "torpe"
"reluctantly" "de mala gana"
"distressed" "angustiado"
"to disseminate" "difundir"
"eternal" "eterno"
"endless" "interminable"
"at that time" "en ese entonces"
"dead tired" "muerto de cansancio"
"to set about doing something" "ponerse a hacer algo"
"the monotony" "la monotonía"
"at most" "como mucho / como máximo"
"to lift your spirits" "levantarse el ánimo"
"frustrating" "frustrante"
"the fist" "el puño"
"to run away" "escaparse"
"to catch up (talking/visiting)" "ponerse al día"
"the extraterrestrial" "el/la extraterrestre (&=alien)"
"to whisper" "susurrar"
"at full volume" "a todo volumen"
"to throw in one's face" "echar en cara (&=reproach)"
"unbearable" "insoportable"
"the slumber party" "la pijamada"
"distracted" "distraído (&=absent–minded)"
"to be all the same" "dar lo mismo"
"old–fashioned" "pasado de moda"
"the estuary" "el estero"
"stingy" "tacaño"
"the crowd (4 syllables)" "la muchedumbre"
"muddied (adj)" "enlodado (&=bedraggled)"
"to pay attention (not prestar...)" "fijarse"
"rushed (& many others) (not apres...)" "apurado"
"on top of that" "por si fuera poco (&=to make matters worse)"
"to recover" "recuperar" o "recobrar"
"the surveyor" "el cadenero"
"relatively" "relativamente"
"to transfer" "trasladar"
"to shake hands" "dar la mano / darse la mano"
"cluttered (adj)" "agobiado (&=burdened)"
"to address another as "tú"" "tutear"
"exquisite" "exquisito (&=delicious)"
"this/that having been said" "dicho esto"
"to travel around" "recorrer"
"from now on" "desde ahora"
"to take into account" "tomar en cuenta"
"at least (not ...menos)" "como mínimo (accent on 1st i)"
"crammed (adj)" "abarrotado"
"I got the street wrong" "Me confundí de calle"
"(sp) a gritos" "loudly (sic)"
"the thingamajig" "el coso + ese = per Duo / [else el chirimbolo]"
"the mixer (food)" "la batidora"
"to whip" "azotar"
"to chop" "picar"
"edible" "comestible (&= food)"
"I could do with" "me vendría bien"
"to wring out / squeeze" "exprimir"
"rotten" "podrido"
"the mop" "el trapeador (L Amer)"
"the chopper (kitchen)" "el picador"
"(sp) el nosocomio" "the hospital"
"a planting (garden bed)" "un plantío"
"to bargain (haggle)" "regatear"
"looking forward to" "pendiente (&= sloping)"
"rebellious" "rebelde"
"demanding (adj)" "exigente (Duo says = estricto)"
"to know by sight" "conocer de vista"
"comprehensive" "comprensivo (&= understanding)"
"to gossip" "chismear"
"the party pooper" "el / la aguafiestas"
"adventurous" "aventurero"
"significant" "significativo"
"the obstacle" "el obstáculo"
"the triplets" "los trillizos (el trillizo singular)"
"to contribute (not contribuir)" "mocharse con"
"pensive" "pensativo"
"to consider / propose (not cons_____)" "plantear(se)"
"to count on (rely)" "contar con"
"hasty" "apresurado"
"to comfort" "consolar (&= to console)"
"to reflect (think)" "reflexionar"
"the streak (ex. luck)" "la racha (&=gust as in wind)"
"discouraged (adj)" "desanimado"
"to rant / vent" "desahogarse"
"to affect" "afectar"
"the sustainability" "la sostenibilidad"
"to rush at / ram" "embestir"
"awkward" "there's no equal in Span. Use a word that is specific to the sentence. Duo gave "raro" in a lesson."
"the dweller" "el morador"
"abrupt" "repentino"
"to overwhelm" "abrumar"
"the lash (whipping)" "el latigazo"
"to slash / cut with a machete" "machetear"
"the minutia" "el pormenor"
"the hoop / large ring" "el aro"
"¿hay algo que pued__ hacer? subjunctive or not?" "subjunctive i.e. pueda (...that I can do?)"
"the scavenger" "el carroñero (& as adj = rotting)"
"the flow / rate of flow (g___)" "el gasto"
"to go around in circles" "dar vueltas en círculo(s)"
"to fancy (British)" "antojarse"
"worn–out" "desgastado"
"the self–esteem" "la autoestima"
"up to date" "al tanto"
"to rotate" "rotar"
"to crave" "antojar"
"to toast to... (drinks)" "brindar por"
"to demolish" (besides demoler) "derribar"
"they come to life" "cobran vida"
"to coincide" "coincidir"
"never ever / never again" "nunca jamás"
"the congressman" "el congresista / diputado"
"once and for all" "de una buena vez"
"to take a long time (one word)" "tardarse"
"where were we (in talking)" "en qué estábamos"
"you missed it" "te lo perdiste"
"to miss (something)" "perderse"
"(sp) coincidir ____ nada (what preposition?)" "coincidir en nada"
"the pruning" "la poda"
"overnight" "de la noche a la mañana"
"once in a while (not de vez...)" "cada tanto"
"to collapse (ex. house)" "derrumbarse"
"to set fire to" "incendiar"
"tactless" "indiscreto (Duo) / or insensible"
"to confront" "enfrentar"
"to cause discomfort" "incomodar"
"the brat" "el mocoso"
"the marker" "el marcador"
"to accuse / denounce" "acusar"
"the irritation" "el fastidio" o "la irritación"
"to stretch" "estirar"
"the swing / or see–saw" "el columpio"
"the obstacle / hindrance" "el obstáculo" o "la traba"
"the surf" "la marejada (&=tidal wave surge)"
"early enough" "con tiempo"
"to slight, snub" desairar
Created by: firestrike
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