Question | Answer |
"the childhood" | "la niñez" |
"by train" | "en tren" |
"they will prefer" | "preferirán" |
"I drove (conducir pret)" | "conduje" |
"it took two years" | "duró dos años" |
"the myth" | "el mito" |
"I put (poner preterite yo)" | "puse (no accent)" |
"to make bigger" | "agrandar" |
"I'm trying to see" | "intento ver (no preposition)" |
"don't say (Ud)" | "no diga" |
"the caregiver" | "el cuidador" |
"the tuxedo" | "el esmoquin (or el smoking)" |
"we get off" | "nos bajamos" |
"we preferred (preterite)" | "preferimos" |
"poner – future stem" | "pondr" |
"the backpacker" | "el mochilero" |
"antiquated" | "anticuado" |
"to lie down" besides acostarse | "tumbarse" |
"you agree that it is a brilliant idea" | "estás de acuerdo en que es un idea brillante" |
"loose (clothing)" | "suelto" |
"in the middle of winter" | "en pleno invierno" |
"painful" | "doloroso" |
"don't move (tú / 2nd person)" | "no te muevas" |
"I prefer" | "prefiero" |
"they said (pret)" | "dijeron (sic)" |
"a bandage (not vendaje)" | "una venda" |
"to try to (not intentar)" | "tratar de" |
"to give up (3 words)" | "darse por vencido" |
"he was hearing" | "oía" |
"the mind" | "la mente" |
"embarrassed" | "avergonzado" |
"the vest" | "el chaleco" |
"don't try (imper tú)" | "no pruebes" |
"to get/take revenge" | "vengarse" |
"outdoor" | "al aire libre" |
"let's not organize" | "no organicemos" |
"a stay (ex. at a hotel) (besides estancia)" | "una estadia" |
"to rescue" | "rescatar" |
"there should be...(noun)" | "debería haber ..." |
"let's get off" | "bajémonos (missing 's')" |
"you said (pret)" | "dijiste" |
"you heard (tú pret)" | "oíste" |
"hacer – future stem" | "har" |
"we see (subjunctive)" | "veamos" |
"go (imperative tú)" | "ve" |
"we come" | "venimos" |
"next–door" | "de al lado" |
"we solve" | "resolvemos" |
"the sock" | "el calcetín (with i accent)" |
"to clear the table (dishes etc.)" | "recoger la mesa" |
"I came (pret)" | "vine" |
"the slide" | "el tobogán" |
"the sleeve (of a shirt)" | "la manga" |
"to make sense" | "tener sentido" |
"to eat up" | "comerse" |
"the intern" | "el pasante (or la pasante)" |
"I scrub" | "friego" |
"to disclose" | "divulgar" |
"I would prefer" | "preferiría" |
"to discourage (besides desanimar)" | "desmentar" |
"to knit / to weave / to crochet" | "tejer" |
"the rancor" | "el rencor (bitter resentment / malice)" |
"I compete" | "compito" |
"I beg (subjunctive)" | "ruegue" |
"I do not know whether..." | "no sé si..." |
"to set about doing something" | "ponerse a hacer algo" |
"creo que.... & me parece que...What verb mood follows?" | "affirmative (not subjunctive)" |
"don't hear (Ud imper)" | "no oiga" |
"affectionate" | "cariñoso" |
"to refer" | "referirse" |
"the healthcare" | "la atención médica" |
"the procedure" (besides procedimiento) | "el trámite" |
"to comment" | "comentar" |
"the square (geometric shape)" | "el cuadrado" |
"nestled interlocked" | "enclavado" |
"he brings" | "trae" |
"the bucket" | "el cubito" (Mex); "el balde" |
"the password (besides la clave)" | "la contraseña" |
"he comes" | "viene" |
"to demolish" (besides demoler) | "derribar" |
"hear (imper Uds)" | "oigan" |
"he came (pret)" | "vino" |
"to catch [an illness]" | "" |
"to be in contact with" | "estar en contacto con" |
"the doorman" | "el portero" |
"to practise" | "practicar" |
"to throw in one's face" | "echar en cara (&=reproach)" |
"I would compete (conditional)" | "competiría" |
"the wishful thinking" | "la ilusión" |
"the traffic jam" | "el embotellamiento" |
"let's not get off" | "no nos bajemos" |
"to obstruct / jam" besides obstruir | "atascar" |
"the scorn / contempt" | "el desprecio the verb is despreciar" |
"to collapse (ex. house)" | "derrumbarse" |
"to combine" | "combinar" |
"he hears" | "oye" |
"really hurt" | "muy lastimado" |
"for the seventh time" | "por séptima vez" |
"the paragraph" | "el párrafo" |
"they start (comenzar)" | "comienzan" |
"to take into account" | "tomar en cuenta" |
"to self–medicate" | "automedicarse" |
"you gave (tú pret)" | "diste" |
"you were hearing (tú)" | "oías" |
"a planting (garden bed)" | "un plantío" |
"the wrist" | "la muñeca" |
"how late? (are you)" | "¿qué tan retrasado..." |
"first thing (time expression)" | "a primera hora" |
"reason (meaning motive)" | "el motivo" |
"I am worth (subjunctive)" | "valga" |
"the faucet" | "el grifo" |
"solving (gerund)" | "resolviendo" |
"to take for granted" | "dar por sentado" |
"they hear" | "oyen" |
"let's hear" | "oigamos" |
"I fry" | "frío (with accent)" |
"to water (plants)" | "regar" |
"the forum" | "el foro" |
"she move (ex. the book / subjunctive)" | "mueva" |
"querer – future stem" | "querr___" |
"you uploaded (tú)" | "subiste" |
"to set fire to" | "incendiar" |
"the beginner" | "el principiante" |
"(sp) salió arrastrándose del coche" | "he dragged himself out of the car [se arrastró...]" |
"they reconcile" | "se reconcilian" |
"they drove (preterite)" | "condujeron" |
"up to date" | "al tanto" |
"intermediate" | "intermedio" |
"we will go" | "iremos" |
"neither he nor she helps" | "ni el ni ella ayudan (Spanish uses plural verb)" |
"the planet" | "EL planeta" |
"venir – future stem" | "vendr" |
"to harm" | "perjudicar" o "lastimar" |
"don't give (tú)" | "no des" |
"to make a wish" | "pedir un deseo" |
"on the contrary" | "en cambio (also "on the other hand")" |
"he preferred (preterite)" | "prefirió" |
"let's prefer (imperative affirm)" | "prefiramos" |
"the inconvenient moment / off hours" | "la deshora" |
"to determine" | "determinar" |
"I was hearing" | "oía" |
"comprehensive" | "comprensivo (&= understanding)" |
"the half–light" | "la penumbra" |
"(per Duo) not at all (you're welcome)" | "no hay de qué" |
"I will go" | "iré" |
"they were serving" | "servían" |
"no matter how much (you hurry)" | "por más que (te apures) [by hurrying more]" |
"the frame (picture)" | "el marco" |
"the unease" | "el malestar" |
"to top it off" | "para colmo" |
"to solve" | "resolver" |
"she won't be late" | "ella no llegará tarde (sic)" |
"to poison" | "envenenar" |
"to create" | "crear" |
"a leak" | "una gotera" |
"even so" | "aún así" |
"abrupt" | "repentino" |
"to pamper" | "mimar" |
"he heard (pret)" | "oyó" |
"they uploaded" | "subieron" |
"I start (empezar)" | "empiezo" |
"to deny (not negar)" | "desmentir" |
"an approval" | "una aprobación" |
"the mixer (food)" | "la batidora" |
"to recover" | "recuperar" o "recobrar" |
"jewish" | "judío (accent on i)" |
"in the long run" | "a la larga" |
"to research" (one word) | "investigar" |
"the streak (ex. luck)" | "la racha (&=gust as in wind)" |
"at that time" | "en ese entonces" |
"the buckle (belt)" | "la hebilla" |
"in the middle of the jungle" | "en medio de la selva" |
"put (Uds imper)" | "pongan" |
"mischievous" | "travieso" |
"I said (pret)" | "dije" |
"warm (not hot)" | "cálido" |
"I am worth (subjunctive)" | "valga" |
"to lose" | "perder" |
"in your opinion (w/o using opinión)" | "para ti" |
"constantly" | "continuamente" |
"you hear (tú)" | "oyes" |
"the registration" | "la inscripción" |
"say (Uds imper)" | "digan" |
"to slim down" | "adelgazar" |
"hear (tú imper)" | "oye" |
"we heard (pret)" | "oímos" |
"I skipped the exam" | "falté al examen" |
"we repeat (subjunctive)" | "repitamos" |
"I want to borrow" | "quiero pedir prestado (sic)" |
"the pea (not chicharo)" | "el guisante (in Spain)" |
"the parrot" | "el loro" |
"it has been worth (pres perfect)" | "ha valido" |
"drive (conducir él imper)" | "conduzca" |
"to get into trouble" | "meterse en problemas" |
"the publishing company" | "la editorial" |
"the journalism" | "el periodismo" |
"you bring (tú)" | "traes" |
"I move (ex the furniture)" | "muevo" |
"they come to life" | "cobran vida" |
"the show" | "el espectáculo" |
"the slice" | "la rebanada" |
"he intends to return the car" | "tiene intenciones de devolver el auto" |
"the excuse (not pretexto)" | "la excusa" |
"the right lane (right hand)" | "el carril derecho" |
"the stitches (wound)" | "los puntos" |
"on the inside" | "por dentro" |
"significant" | "significativo" |
"he corrected" | "corrigió" |
"to study (not estudiar)" | "cursar (&= take; do ...)" |
"don't hear (Uds imper)" | "no oigan" |
"they come" | "vienen" |
"a blind date" | "una cita a ciegas" |
"the vegetable (not verdura nor legumbre)" | "el vegetal" |
"to go around in circles" | "dar vueltas en círculo(s)" |
"the railing / handrail" | "el barandal" |
"he competed" | "compitió" |
"clumsy" | "torpe" |
"flower print (adjective)" | "floreado" |
"the sailboat" | "el velero" |
"stinging (adj?)" | "urticante" |
"it shows that (it's evident)" | "se nota que" |
"the decor" | "la decoración" |
"the obstacle / hindrance" | "el obstáculo" o "la traba" |
"to get wet" | "mojar" |
"I see (subjunctive)" | "vea" |
"different from" | "distinto a" |
"he preferred (pret)" | "prefirió" |
"disappointed" | "decepcionado" |
"a twin (not identical)" | "un mellizo" |
"the analysis" | "EL análisis" |
"never ever / never again" | "nunca jamás" |
"the wrapper / wrapping" | "el envoltorio" |
"on purpose" | "a propósito" |
"let's drive (conducir imper)" | "conduzcamos" |
"we gave (preterite)" | "dimos (no accent)" |
"to last / endure" | "perdurar" |
"I preferred (preterite)" | "preferí (i – accent)" |
"I expire" | "venzo" |
"hopeful (not esperanzado: it's rarely used and starts with "i..." | "ilusionado" |
"so what?" | "¿y eso qué?" |
"the swing / or see–saw" | "el columpio" |
"the fur" | "el pelo (la piel)" |
"solve (imperative tú)" | "resuelve" |
"I am worth" | "valgo" |
"in short / anyway" | "en fin (&= finally)" |
"attractive" | "atractivo" |
"to cause discomfort" | "incomodar" |
"the refund" | "el reembolso" |
"nebulous" | "nebuloso" |
"all except that one" | "todos menos ese" |
"to sneeze" | "estornudar" |
"the labour" | "la mano de obra" |
"to go on a trip" | "hacer un viaje" |
"the book cover / the front page" | "la portada" |
"he corrects" | "corrige" |
"temperate" | "templado" |
"the pretty bird (not pájaro)" | "el ave bonita (it's feminine)" |
"to admit (ex. to the hospital)" | "internar" |
"the deck (ex. of cards)" | "la baraja" |
"the feces" | "las heces (singular hez)" |
"a polka dot" | "un lunar" |
"prefer (imperative Uds affirm)" | "prefieran" |
"the stew" | "el guiso" |
"the frost" | "la escarcha" |
"to talk up a storm" | "hablar hasta por los codos" |
"we compete" | "competimos" |
"they brought (pret)" | "trajeron" |
"Oh well" | "oh bien" o "ah bueno" o "y nada (per Dúo)" |
"anyway" | "de todas formas / maneras" o "de todos modos" |
"at the moment" | "por el momento" |
"tactless" | "indiscreto (Duo) / or insensible" |
"to spill" | "derramar" |
"they walked (andar pret)" | "anduvieron" |
"the riverbed" | "el cauce (also irrigation channel or just channel)" |
"drive (conducir tú imper)" | "conduce" |
"the underpants" | "los calzoncillos" |
"the molar (tooth)" | "la muela" |
"to eliminate doubts / to make sure" | "salir de dudas" |
"computing (noun)" | "la informática" |
"the capital" | "la capital (female)" |
"tidy" | "ordenado" |
"he prefers" | "prefiere" |
"to make mistakes" | "cometer errores" |
"just as big" | "igual de grande" |
"you correct (tú)" | "corriges" |
"harmful" | "perjudicial (& dañino)" |
"the relaxation" | "la relajación" |
"I correct" | "corrijo" |
"to meet again" | "reencontrarse (con él / ella...)" |
"might it all be a lie?" | "¿puede que sea todo una mentira?" |
"to whip" | "azotar" |
"muddied (adj)" | "enlodado (&=bedraggled)" |
"the belly
(besides, vientre, panza)" | "la barriga" |
"pros and cons" | "pros y contras / los pros y los contras" |
"mobility" | la movilidad // less frequent"la motricidad" |
"to put on (jewellery clothes...)" | "ponerse" |
"to ruin" | "arruinar" |
"we are worth" | "valemos" |
"altogether" | "en total" |
"the vase (not florero)" | "el jarrón" |
"a sidewalk (not banqueta)" | "una acera (more common than banqueta)" |
"the mid term exam" | "el examen parcial" |
"you start (empezar tú)" | "empiezas" |
"let's put" | "pongamos" |
"the pie" | "la tarta" |
"on foot (you can get there)" | "a pie" |
"dead tired" | "muerto de cansancio" |
"early enough" | "con tiempo" |
"the pennant (small flag)" | "el banderín" |
"indispensable" | "imprescindible (& indispensable)" |
"he competes" | "compite" |
"I will do research (about)" | "haré investigación (sobre)" |
"to become (4)" | "convertirse en / volverse hacerse" |
"the bureaucracy" | "la burocracia" |
"to imitate" | "imitar" |
"the jail" | "la cárcel" |
"to be worth" | "valer" |
"a dressing room" | "un vestidor (& = walk–in closet)" |
"to judge" | "juzgar" |
"let's correct (corregir imperative affirm nosotros)" | "corrijamos" |
"foreign" | "foráneo" |
"to fall behind" | "quedarse atrás" |
"to be known for" | "tener fama de" |
"they preferred (preterite)" | "prefirieron" |
"she corrects" | "corrige" |
"resentful" | "rencoroso" |
"he walked (andar pret)" | "anduvo" |
"to cough" | "toser" |
"to get over (something bad)" | "superar" |
"the more...[verb]...the better" | "cuanto más...mejor..." |
"the mop" | "el trapeador (L Amer)" |
"the painkiller (beside analgésico)" | "el calmante" |
"I will be (ser)" | "seré (with an accent seremos is exception)" |
"they prefer (subjunctive)" | "prefieran" |
"don't prefer (imperative Uds negative)" | "no prefieran" |
"I died" | "morí" |
"to assemble" | "armar (also––to set up to arm)" o "ensamblar" o "congregar" |
"they serve (subjunctive)" | "sirvan" |
"to talk about politics" | "hablar de la política" |
"he meets her again (not otra vez or de nuevo)" | "se reencuentra con ella [without the last two words the meaning changes]" |
"the sustainability" | "la sostenibilidad" |
"resign from ..." | "renunciar a ..." |
"What does RAE say are the 4 triggers for the subjunctive mood?" | "Información:1 virtual (not actual imagined) 2 inespecifica 3 no verificada 4 no experimentada" |
"the bouquet" | "el ramo" |
"I knew (saber pret yo)" | "supe" |
"the substitute" | "el / la suplente (also = adjective)" |
"right now" | "ya mismo" |
"the exception" | "la excepción" |
"I serve" | "sirvo" |
"the consequence" | "la consecuencia" |
"a while ago" | "hace rato" o "hace un rato" |
"decir – future stem" | "dir" |
"organize (Uds imper)" | "organicen" |
"the weed(s) / [not malas hierbas]" | "la maleza" |
"to take it easy" | "tomar con calma" |
"sour" | "agrio" |
"to go for a ride" | "ir a dar un paseo" |
"it sounds" | "suena" |
"to resign from (a job)" | "renunciar a" |
"the crack" | "la grieta" |
"by the way (not a propósito)" or "certainly" | "por cierto (& = certainly)" |
"the brat" | "el mocoso" |
"let's say" | "digamos" |
"the technique" | "la técnica / la tecnica (w/ or w/o accent)" |
"the joint (body part)" | "la articulación" |
"we bring" | "traemos" |
"to go unnoticed" | "pasar desapercibido" |
"acaso (sp)" | "perhaps / maybe" |
"let's not get on (ex. the train)" | "no nos subamos" |
"by chance / perhaps (first letter a___)" | "acaso" |
"they were hearing" | "oían" |
"often" [2 words] | "a menudo" |
"let's organize" | "organicemos" |
"he has the right to publish his article" | "tiene derecho a publicar su artículo (no article before derecho)" |
"to tie the shoelaces" | "atarse los cordones" |
"the orchard" | "el huerto (also = vegetable patch)" |
"she has had a strawberry allergy" | "ha tenido alergia a las fresas" |
"as long as I... (verb)...[not mientras / siempre que]" | "con tal de que ..." |
"the coat (besides abrigo)" | "el saco" |
"day before yesterday" | "anteayer (use it like hoy or mañana)" |
"to indulge" | "consentir (&=to spoil)" |
"I am sure that they don't want to see each other in secret" | "Estoy seguro de que no quieren verse en secreto" |
"on second thought" | "pensándolo bien (per Duo)" |
"the plot (of a story)" | "la trama" |
"the issue (besides asunto)" | "la cuestión" |
"don't give (Ud)" | "no dé" |
"at full volume" | "a todo volumen" |
"to kiss" | "besar" |
"the scavenger" | "el carroñero (& as adj = rotting)" |
"the paperwork" | "el papeleo" |
"discouraged (adj)" | "desanimado" |
"to run away" | "escaparse" |
"obvious" | "obvio" |
"I doubt that Ana will invite you again.(I doubt that Ana invites you again.)" | "Dudo que Ana te invite de nuevo. (Duo misuses future as if it were subjunctive.)" |
"he gave (pret)" | "dio (no accent)" |
"to wring out / squeeze" | "exprimir" |
"the hand" | "la mano" |
"the deadline" | "el plazo" |
"the surf" | "la marejada (&=tidal wave surge)" |
"the peanut (not cacahuate)" | "el maní (w/ accent)" |
"conceited" or "snooty" | "presumido" |
"to recover (from illness)" | "curarse" |
"coloured" | "de colores" o "colorado" |
"it's my turn (not ...mi turno)" | "me toca" |
"the spout" | "el caño (Duo uses for "pipe"): la cañeria also = the pipe (piping)" |
"to reflect (think)" | "reflexionar" |
"to fail (a course)" | "reprobar (opposite = aprobar)" |
"to slight, snub" | desairar |
"the fraternal twins" | "los hermanos mellizos" |
"the stripe" | "la raya" |
"I come" | "vengo" |
"the party pooper" | "el / la aguafiestas" |
"to spoil" | "estropear (ruin / damage)" |
"they preferred (preterite)" | "prefirieron" |
"to overwhelm" | "abrumar" |
"to treat (ex. with a poison)" | "tratar (intentar is better for try / but tratar de is also try)" |
"he has a cold" | "tiene un resfriado" |
"forever" | "para siempre" |
"how about...(verb)" | "qué tal si ..." |
"the band–aid" | "la curita" |
"the basin (fluvial)" | "la cuenca (& = (geography) bowl)" |
"underlying" | "subyacente" |
"frustrating" | "frustrante" |
"the valley" | "el valle" |
"the symptom" | "el síntoma (i with accent)" |
"in secret (not en secreto)" | "a escondidas" |
"in a way" | "en cierto modo" or "de alguna manera" |
"hot (not warm)" | "caliente" |
"to climb" | "escalar" |
"(sp) a gritos" | "loudly (sic)" |
"to fry" | "freir" |
"middle aged" | "de mediana edad" |
"to leave (not irse not salir)" | "marcharse" |
"they drove (conducir preterite ellos)" | "condujeron (no i)" |
"the obstacle" | "el obstáculo" |
"you start (tú) (besides comienzas)" | "empiezas" |
"to be (an event)" | "ser" |
"don't put (tú)" | "no pongas" |
"the breakwater" | "el rompeolas" |
"sustainable" | "sostenible" |
"probably (not proba...)" | "a lo mejor (per Dúo) s/b maybe / perhaps" |
"I solve" | "resuelvo" |
"it tastes like chicken" | "sabe a pollo" |
"slowly, besides despacio" | "lentamente" |
"the attic" | "el ático" |
"to leave on a trip" | "salir de viaje" |
"the cover letter" | "la carta de presentación" |
"let's not drive (conducir)" | "no conduzcamos" |
"the barn" | "el establo (sic) (& = stable)" |
"I brought (pret)" | "traje" |
"serious" | "serio" |
"try (imperative tú)" | "prueba" |
"How do you form the present perfect subjunctive? [Duo misnames imperfect subjunctive as if it were called past subjunctive]" | "haya + participle ex. que él haya querido hayas haya hayamos hayan" |
"an orthopedic surgeon" | "un cirujano ortopédico" |
"the know–it–all" | "el sabelotodo" |
"given that" | "ya que" |
"he uploaded" | "subió" |
"beforehand" | "de antemano" |
"you came (tú)" | "viniste" |
"static (adj)" | "estático" |
"it will be worth" | "valdrá" |
"we wanted (preterite)" | "quisimos" |
"they knew (pret)" | "supieron" |
"they competed" | "compitieron" |
"he has put" | "ha puesto" |
"mild (not suave)" | "leve" |
"to be all the same" | "dar lo mismo" |
"you compete (tú)" | "compites" |
"to accommodate / put in place" | "acomodar" |
"to break a leg" | "fracturar la pierna" |
"the graduate (not lic___ nor grad___ nor tit____)" | "el egresado" |
"a nickname" | "un apodo" |
"the muzzle" | "el bozal" |
"don't drive (conducir Ud )" | "no conduzca" |
"to juggle" | "malabar" |
"don't open (imper tú)" | "no abras" |
"steep" | "empinado" |
"to cultivate" | "cultivar" |
"to sound (noise)" | "sonar" |
"the sword" | "la espada" |
"to stir" | "revolver" |
"sting (sharp point)" | "el espigón" |
"attentive / thoughtful" | "atento" |
"to travel around" | "recorrer" |
"to be faithful" | "ser fiel" |
"the climax" | "el colmo (&= height; completion)" |
"by word of mouth" | "de boca en boca" |
"he owes me one" | "me debe una (another mystery)" |
"(Spanish) lerdo" | "dull dumb dim etc" |
"whenever you ate" | "siempre que comías" |
"to bake" | "hornear" |
"at best" | "a lo mejor" |
"to endow" | "dotar" |
"you start (comenzar tú)" | "comienzas" |
"the vegetable" besides "vegetal o legumbre" | "la verdura" |
"we prefer" | "preferimos" |
"from now on" | "desde ahora" |
"to scheme / plot" | "tramar" |
"to accuse / denounce" | "acusar" |
"to misinterpret" | "malinterpretar" |
"to snowboard" | "hacer snowboard" |
"to stutter" | "tartamudear" |
"come (imperative tú)" | "ven" |
"let's not give" | "no demos" |
"uncontrollably" | "descontroladamente" |
"to attenuate" | "atenuar" |
"the monotony" | "la monotonía" |
"to hike" | "pistear" |
"you missed it" | "te lo perdiste" |
"how fast are you" | "qué tan rápido eres" |
"arbitrarily" | "arbitrariamente" |
"it's no big deal" | "no es para tanto" |
"that's all that was missing" | "solo eso faltaba" |
"to say goodbye" | "despedirse" |
"to chat (online)" | "chatear" |
"indignant" | "indignado (participle of indignar)" |
"to subscribe" | "suscribirse" |
"straight (adjective not derecho)" | "recto" |
"which do you like best" | "cuál te gusta más" |
"to take off (clothes)" | "quitarse" |
"after all (not después...)" | "al fin y al cabo" |
"to succeed (not w/ exito)" | "triunfar" |
"(an) orthopedic surgeon (one word)" | "un traumatólogo [also physician specializing in the treatment of severe; acute physical injuries]" |
"to be in a hurry (not estar...)" | "tener prisa" |
"the pretext" | "el pretexto" |
"they start (empezar)" | "empiezan" |
"to own / take over" | "adueñar" |
"I doubt him" | "dudo de él (never direct or indirect object)" |
"i preferred (imperfect)" | "prefería" |
"we brought (pret)" | "trajimos" |
"the sprain" | "el esguince" |
"the bank branch" | "la sucursal del banco" |
"to fascinate" | "fascinar" |
"to (make) progress" | "progresar" |
"I gave (pret)" | "di" |
"the directions (besides direcciones)" | "las indicaciones" |
"you will go (tú)" | "irás" |
"the iota" | "la jota" |
"distracted" | "distraído (&=absent–minded)" |
"I heard (pret)" | "oí" |
"the reincarnation" | "la reencarnación" |
"I organized" | "organicé" |
"to be engaged (to marry)" | "estar de novios" |
"salir – future stem" | "saldr" |
"the berry (not mora not arándano)" | "la baya / also=grape hyacinth & many more" |
"don't travel (imper tú)" | "no viajes" |
"cosmopolitan (adj)" | "cosmopolita (same for masculine & feminine)" |
"to adopt" | "adoptar" |
"to be completely ____ (ex. wrong screwed...)" | "estar del todo (ex. estoy del todo equivocado)" |
"they correct" | "corrigen" |
"to slash / cut with a machete" | "machetear" |
"reluctantly" | "de mala gana" |
"to relate to" | "relacionarse con" |
"I argued" | "discutí" |
"to burn up" | "arderse" |
"the advisor" | "el consejero" |
"there are going to be (besides habrá)" | "va a haber..." |
"the lash (whipping)" | "el latigazo" |
"the roller coaster" | "la montaña rusa" |
"to play hide and seek" | "jugar a las escondidas" |
"we preferred (imperfect)" | "preferíamos" |
"the amazement (not asombro)" | "el pasmo" |
"envious" | "envidioso" |
"to plant" | "plantar" |
"they preferred" | "prefirieron" |
"to be in play" | "estar en juego (& stake)" |
"to scrub" | "fregar" |
"just in case" | "por si acaso" |
"funny (amusing)" | "cómico" |
"the ankle" | "el tobillo" |
"the stage (theater)" | "el escenario" |
"bossy" | "mandón / mandona (f)" |
"to fall to pieces" | "caerse en pedazos" |
"don't bring (tú)" | "no traigas" |
"rowdy / noisy" | "estrepitoso" |
"we would be worth" | "valdríamos (w/ accent)" |
"¿hay algo que pued__ hacer? subjunctive or not?" | "subjunctive i.e. pueda (...that I can do?)" |
"to dye (ex. hair)" | "teñir" |
"an allergy" | "una alergia" |
"to beg" | "rogar" |
"to rejoice / to be glad" | "alegrarse" [festejar = to celebrate] |
"I will prefer" | "preferiré" |
"goes with (matches coordinates)" | "combina con" |
"the snake" | "LA serpiente" |
"to be worried about" | "estar preocupado por" |
"hasty" | "apresurado" |
"to dream about" | "soñar con" |
"polite" | "cortés educado (equally popular words)" |
"negative imperitive rule for endings /vowel changes" | "(=pres subjunctive): –ar –> e –er & –ir–> a: ex:no hables no comas no abras" |
"to improve" | "mejorar" |
"the anecdote" | "la anécdota" |
"the factory" | "la fábrica" |
"to limp" | "cojear" |
"to comfort" | "consolar (&= to console)" |
"crammed (adj)" | "abarrotado" |
"the waist (body part)" | "la cintura" |
"unbearable" | "insoportable" |
"he slept (preterite)" | "durmió" |
"hear (Ud imperative)" | "oiga" |
"they drove (conducir pret)" | "condujeron (sic)" |
"to consider / propose (not cons_____)" | "plantear(se)" |
"it's something" | "algo es algo" |
"how expensive is the car" | "qué tan caro es el carro" |
"the crop (ex. food crop)" | "el cultivo" |
"this doesn't have to do with you" | "esto no tiene que ver contigo" |
"he said (pret)" | "dijo" |
"how cool" | "qué genial" |
"to count on (rely)" | "contar con" |
"to blow (wind; ...out the candle;...)" | "soplar" |
"the snack" | "la merienda" |
"sensible" | "sensato" |
"the candle holder" | "el candelabro" |
"let's keep going" | "sigamos" |
"at the wrong time" | "a deshoras" |
"a sharp weapon" | "una arma blanca" |
"it takes three hours to get to the town" | "lleva tres horas llegar al pueblo (no preposition before llegar)" |
"I start (comenzar)" | "comienzo" |
"to rush at / ram" | "embestir" |
"the return (ex. of an item to the store)" | "la devolución" |
"the marker" | "el marcador" |
"these coffees" | "estos cafés" |
"they came (pret)" | "vinieron" |
"the pruning" | "la poda" |
"distressed" | "angustiado" |
"to affect" | "afectar" |
"disastrous" | "desastroso" |
"the pullover (sweater)" | "el pulóver" |
"briefly" | "brevemente" |
"de sobra (sp)" | "left over" |
"don't put (Uds imper)" | "no pongan" |
"to sneeze" | "estornudar" |
"to resist" | "resistir" |
"to get up early" (1 word) | "madrugar" |
"in the meantime" | "mientras tanto (sic)" |
"saber – future stem" | "sabr" |
"the environment" | "el medio ambiente" |
"to hurry" | "apurarse" |
"I have a hard time (to...)" | "me cuesta" |
"they bring" | "traen" |
"put (Ud imper)" | "ponga" |
"pensive" | "pensativo" |
"great–grandmother" | "bisabuela" |
"he makes progress" | "hace progresos (sic plural)" or "progresa" |
"to be due to" | "deberse a" |
"to transfer" | "trasladar" |
"round (adj)" | "redondo" |
"how do you form the imperfect subjunctive (regular verbs)?" | "From the 3rd plural preterite––drop "..on" Endings are –a –as –a –amos –an" |
"let's give" | "demos" |
"the congressman" | "el congresista / diputado" |
"to deserve" | "merecer" |
"don't prefer (imperative tú negative)" | "no prefieras" |
"they compete" | "compiten" |
"the habit" | "el hábito" |
"confused (adj)" | "confuso" |
"to make a fool of yourself" | "hacer el ridículo" |
"the flow / rate of flow (g___)" | "el gasto" |
"the review (as in movie critic)" | "la reseña" |
"put (tú imper)" | "pon" |
"it's not certain" | "no es seguro o no es cierto" |
"we are worth" | "valemos" |
"to schedule (a meeting)" | "agendar (una reunión)" |
"the baby bottle" | "el biberón" |
"I give (subjunctive)" | "dé" |
"the quality (meaning attribute)" | "la cualidad (sic)" |
"the unease" | "el malestar" |
"don't take (llevar imper tú)" | "no lleves" |
"by then" | "para entonces" |
"the same situation as before" | "la misma situación que antes" |
"don't bring (Uds imper)" | "no traigan" |
"that is a bed" | "eso es una cama" |
"tight" | "apretado" |
"no matter what" | "sí o sí (definitely one way or another)" |
"to complete (not cumplir)" | "completar" |
"narrowly" | "por poco (& it's used as "almost")" |
"dim (adj)" | "tenue" |
"don't say (tú)" | "no digas" |
"the last laugh" | "la última risa (word ORDER–última risa)" |
"to drive away (push)" | "ahuyentar" |
"optional" | "optativo" |
"old–fashioned" | "pasado de moda" |
"if I sing while cooking" | "Si canto cocinando / Si canto al cocinar / si cocino cantando (Duolingo's version)" |
"the pediatrician" | "el/la pediatra" |
"to shake hands" | "dar la mano / darse la mano" |
"swollen (adj)" | "hinchado" |
"to freeze" | "congelar" |
"to yelp" | "gañir" |
"we came (pret)" | "vinimos" |
"they fired (ex. an employee)" | "despidieron" |
"the embezzlement" | "el peculado" |
"to stand up (not levantar...)" | "pararse (or even parar)" |
"to stand (someone) up" | "dejar plantado" |
"the stool" | "la banqueta" |
"the spelling" | "la ortografía" |
"to endure (to bear)" | "soportar" |
"lastly" | "por último" o "últimamente" |
"to click (computer)" | "hacer clic" |
"si ... ¿ is it followed by subjunctive mood?" | "if unlikely–then yes: if likely–then no" |
"to pardon" | "perdonar" |
"the sewer" | "la alcantarilla (per Duo = drain)" |
"I will leave (salir)" | "saldré" |
"to confront" | "enfrentar" |
"to mention" | "mencionar" |
"the specimen" | "el espécimen" |
"the disability" | "la discapacidad" |
"I appear (subjunctive)" | "aparezca" |
"the after–dinner conversation" | "la sobremesa (& = tablecloth)" |
"to whisper" | "susurrar" |
"to find out, besides hallar" | "enterarse" |
"we gave (pret)" | "dimos (no accent)" |
"to bargain (haggle)" | "regatear" |
"the roundabout (traffic)" | "la rotonda" |
"the snack (not bocadillo)" | "la merienda" |
"overnight" | "de la noche a la mañana" |
"to run aground" | "varar (& = stranded)" |
"bring (Ud imper)" | "traiga" |
"organize (Ud imper)" | "organice" |
"I stole the man's money" | "le robé el dinero al hombre" |
"rebellious" | "rebelde" |
"the estuary" | "el estero" |
"to invest" | "invertir" |
"to let go" | "soltar" |
"they are worth (subjunctive)" | "valgan" |
"to resign his job" | "renunciar a su trabajo" |
"I started (empezar preterite)" | "empecé" |
"there must have been" | "debe haber habido" |
"the errand" | "el recado" |
"once in a while (not de vez...)" | "cada tanto" |
"to resign from" | "renunciar a (sic)" |
"as much as" | "tanto como" |
"the villain" | "el villano" |
"to appear on television" | "aparecer en televisión / salir en la televisión" |
"you brought (tú)" | "trajiste" |
"to save" | "salvar" |
"the shawl" | "el chal" |
"let's bring" | "traigamos" |
"on top of that" | "por si fuera poco (&=to make matters worse)" |
"to discern / glimpse" | "vislumbrar" |
"a buckle (belt)" | "una hebilla" |
"the dredging desilting" | "el desazolve" |
"not even Sam" | "ni Sam" |
"the weapon" | "el arma" |
"endless" | "interminable" |
"the chills" | "el / los escalofrío(s)" |
"the emphasis (not énf...)" | "el hincapié" |
"awful" | "pésimo" |
"you plan to give me" | "piensas regalarme (seems to be more normal than planeas regalarme)" |
"to pay attention (not prestar...)" | "fijarse" |
"to coincide" | "coincidir" |
"he starts (comenzar)" | "comienza" |
"to take a bath (not just "to bathe")" | "bañarse" |
"he begs" | "ruega" |
"the posture" | "la postura" |
"as if nothing happened" | "como si nada ( can add "hubiera pasado")" |
"edible" | "comestible (&= food)" |
"the hoop / large ring" | "el aro" |
"we uploaded" | "subimos" |
"the hunger" | "la hambre (feminine)" |
"the triplets" | "los trillizos (el trillizo singular)" |
"the advantage" | "la ventaja" |
"it will fit" | "cabrá (not caberá)" |
"the scam / fraud" | "el chanchullo" |
"(per Duo) don't mention it" | "no tiene por qué ( reason to...) ni lo menciones (per dictionary) [no tiene por qué = "it does not have to" per DeepL]" |
"simultaneously" | "simultáneamente" |
"the crutch (walking aid)" | "la muleta" |
"the dweller" | "el morador" |
"the plumbing" | "la cañería" |
"it's worth it" | "vale la pena" |
"the pumpkin" | "la calabaza (sic)" |
"bring (Uds imper)" | "traigan" |
"to bleed" | "sangrar" |
"it expires (subjunctive)" | "venza" |
"I asked for / ordered" | "pedí (i accent)" |
"the shoelace (or/ the cord)" | "el cordón" |
"prefer (imperative tú affirm)" | "prefiere" |
"colourful" | "colorido" |
"to fancy (British)" | "antojarse" |
"don't organize (Ud)" | "no organice" |
"don't put (Ud imper)" | "no ponga" |
"he served" | "sirvió" |
"to kick" | "patear" |
"I drove (conducir pret yo)" | "conduje (no accent)" |
"basically" | "básicamente" |
"the noodle" | "el fideo" |
"he brought (pret)" | "trajo" |
"the alliance" | "la alianza (& = wedding ring)" |
"the lizard" | "la lagartija" |
"no creo que... & no me parece que...What verb mood follows?" | "subjunctive" |
"to take a long time (one word)" | "tardarse" |
"to have a cold" | "estar resfriado" or "tener un resfriado" |
"to address another as "tú"" | "tutear" |
"the subject (school)" | "la asignatura" |
"I got the street wrong" | "Me confundí de calle" |
"to snow" | "nevar" |
"the public servant (worker)" | "el funcionario" |
"the bank branch" | "la sucursal del banco" |
"the repair part" | "el repuesto" |
"to decree" | "decretar (un decretazo de AMLO)" |
"the crowd (4 syllables)" | "la muchedumbre" |
"to scold" | "regañar" |
"disillusioned" | "desilusionado" |
"(Spanish) los alimentos" | "the food (yup singular)" |
"the truck" | "el camión" |
"hacer falta (sp) / [not about being missing]" | "to be necessary" |
"the surveyor" | "el cadenero" |
"naive" | "ingenuo" |
"poder – future stem" | "podr" |
"to miss [3 words] [What is the context?]" | "echar de menos" |
"I was correcting" | "corregía" |
"the extraterrestrial" | "el/la extraterrestre (&=alien)" |
"I walked / andar pret" | "anduve" |
"the switch / (ex. light switch]" | "el interruptor" |
"the relationship" besides "relación" | "el parentesco" |
"I wanted (querer preterite yo)" | "quise (no accent)" |
"on the outside" | "por fuera" |
"(sp) el nosocomio" | "the hospital" |
"the hurt" | "el dolido" |
"you drove (conducir tú pret)" | "condujiste" |
"I hear" | "oigo" |
"let's not hear" | "no oigamos" |
"it's about to rain" | "está a punto de llover" |
"to feel sorry" | "dar pena" |
"to overlap" | "solapar (&= cover up)" |
"better late than never" | "más vale tarde que nunca" |
"I have preferred" | "he preferido" |
"the irritation" | "el fastidio" o "la irritación" |
"demanding (adj)" | "exigente (Duo says = estricto)" |
"to print" | "imprimir" |
"engaged (to be married)" | "comprometido" |
"atrocious" | "espantoso" |
"the unease" | "el malestar" |
"a discomfort (not desconfort)" | "una molestia" |
"the bribery" | "el cohecho" |
"the payroll" | "la nomina" |
"awkward" | "there's no equal in Span. Use a word that is specific to the sentence. Duo gave "raro" in a lesson." |
"the thingamajig" | "el coso + ese = per Duo / [else el chirimbolo]" |
"let's not bring" | "no traigamos" |
"the revision(s)" | "la revisión DeepL says s/b plural (las revisiones)" |
"try / test (imper Ud) (not tratar)" | "pruebe" |
"(sp) No veo la hora de que empiece la película." | "I can't wait for the movie to start." |
"the hood (car)" | "el capó" |
"a tent (for camping)" | "una tienda de campaña (in America it can be carpa)" |
"to belong (with preposition)" | "pertenecer a" |
"the screwdriver" | "el destornillador" |
"you walked (tú andar pret)" | "anduviste" |
"to advise" | "aconsejar" |
"a broken record" | "un disco rayado / [repeating over and over]" |
"to disseminate" | "difundir" |
"at least (not ...menos)" | "como mínimo (accent on 1st i)" |
"elevator (besides elevador)" | "el ascensor" |
"don't say (Uds)" | "no digan" |
"he owes me one" | "me debe una" |
"the slumber party" | "la pijamada" |
"I am sure" | "estoy seguro" |
"I could / was able (poder pret yo)" | "pude (no accent)" |
"to save (on computer)" | "guardar (en )" |
"the cast (ex. of a movie)" | "el elenco" |
"we drove (conducir pret)" | "condujimos" |
"to insist on" | "insistir en" |
"I gave (dar preterite yo)" | "di (no accent)" |
"as soon as possible" | "cuanto antes" |
"to know by sight" | "conocer de vista" |
"it rings" | "suena" |
"he trusts her" | "confia en ella (no direct object here)" |
"to cut down (ex trees)" | "talar" |
"we start (empezar)" | "empezamos" |
"don't drive (conducir tú imper)" | "no conduzcas" |
"he has served" | "ha servido" |
"to scuba dive" | "bucear" |
"I am worth" | "valgo" |
"distrustful" | "desconfiado" |
"to celebrate (not celebrar)" | "festejar" |
"I started (comenzar pret)" | "comencé" |
"in depth (ex clean in depth)" | "a fondo" |
"you appear (tú subjunctive)" | "aparezcas" |
"routine (adj)" | "rutinario" |
"to be worth" | "valer" |
"a slap" | "una cachetada" |
"it measures" | "mide" |
"I am safe" | "soy seguro" |
"to splash" | "salpicar" |
"give (Ud imper)" | "dé" |
"the minutia" | "el pormenor" |
"don't give (Uds)" | "no den" |
"to take something badly / to take something the wrong way" | "tomar algo a mal" |
"to consist of" | "consistir en" |
"the construction business" | "el negocio de la construcción" |
"to rant / vent" | "desahogarse" |
"at that moment" | "en ese momento" |
"the fruit tree" | "el frutal" |
"to encourage" | "animar" |
"the trunk (of a car)" | "el maletero" |
"to snack (per Duo)" | "picar" |
"adventurous" | "aventurero" |
"the stream" | "el arroyo (note: this is not gulley or ravine)" |
"unnecessary" | "innecesario" |
"bring (tú imper)" | "trae" |
"a freelancer" | "un trabajador autónomo" |
"daily (not diario) adj" | "cotidiano" |
"they gave (pret)" | "dieron" |
"it seems untrue / incredible" | "parece mentira" |
"you come (tú)" | "vienes" |
"I bring" | "traigo" |
"we were hearing" | "oíamos" |
"don't hear (tú imper)" | "no oigas" |
"to take effect" | "hacer efecto" |
"at most" | "como mucho / como máximo" |
"to be in agreement with..." | "estar de acuerdo con..." |
"to abide" | "acatar" |
"to keep (a thing)" | "quedarse (con)" |
"relatively" | "relativamente" |
"worn–out" | "desgastado" |
"the self–esteem" | "la autoestima" |
"the expectation" | "la expectativa" |
"the tray" | "la bandeja" |
"the fist" | "el puño" |
"to cause / provoke (not causar)" | "provocar" |
"to cultivate" | "cultivar" |
"according to what I heard" | "según oí / según lo que oí" |
"How long has the doorbell not been working?" | "Cuánto hace que el timbre no funciona." |
"if I were you" | "yo que tú" |
"organize (tú imper)" | "organiza" |
"the dam (river) / prey" | "la presa" |
"to rise / to go up" | "subir" |
"soft" | "suave" |
"to inherit" | "heredar" |
"to lift your spirits" | "levantarse el ánimo" |
"it is assumed" | "se supone (que...)" o "se asume" |
"1 driving (car–subject) 2 management" | "el manejo" |
"to pop into one's head" | "ocurrirse" |
"an expert in informatics" | "un experto en informática" |
"I thanked her" | "le di las gracias" |
"the hairstyle" | "el peinado" |
"whatever I want (w/o querer)" | "lo que me dé la gana" |
"in the end" | "a fin de cuentas" |
"the competition (besides concurso)" | "la competencia / la competición" |
"monthly" | "mensual" |
"once and for all" | "de una buena vez" |
"you have to have goals" | "hay que tener objetivos (metas)" |
"it's snowing" | "nieva / está nevando" |
"we walked (andar pret)" | "anduvimos" |
"the remorse" | "el remordimiento" |
"to take off to wash off" | "quitarse" |
"I water (the garden)" | "riego" |
"to obtain / get (not obtenir)" | "conseguir" |
"to rotate" | "rotar" |
"to raise a child" | "criar a un niño" |
"the master's degree" | "el título de master / master/maestría" |
"to gossip" | "chismear" |
"ecological" | "ecológico" |
"it takes three hours" | "lleva tres horas" |
"the fence" | "la cerca" |
"let's get on (ex. the train)" | "subámonos" |
"correct (v. corregir imperative affirm tú)" | "corrige" |
"to intend to" | "tener intenciones de" |
"it's nothing / not at all (you're welcome)" | "no hay de qué" |
"to wear out / down" | "desgastar" |
"drastic" | "drástico" |
"to impose" | "imponer" |
"the dresser" | "la cómoda" |
"the publisher" | "el editor" |
"the hat (not sombrero)" | "el gorro (la gorra = the cap)" |
"to undergo treatment" | "hacer un tratamiento" |
"the canvas" | "el lienzo (ex for painting)" |
"exquisite" | "exquisito (&=delicious)" |
"for rent" | "en alquiler" |
"it was worth" | "valía" |
"the birth" | "el parto" |
"I was able (yo pret)" | "pude" |
"to fix (ex. your attention on...)" | "fijar" |
"(sp) incluso (as ADVERB)" | "even (Eng)" |
"the strategem" | "la estratagema (f)" |
"to slip (not deslizarse)" | "resbalarse" |
"you competed (tú)" | "competiste" |
"he starts (empezar)" | "empieza" |
"the climate" | "EL clima" |
"he goes running (down the st)" | "va corriendo" |
"to spoil (ex. a child) / [not mimar; not consentir]" | "malcriar" |
"you never listen (tú)" | "nunca haces caso" |
"to catch up (talking/visiting)" | "ponerse al día" |
"to get better (NOT from illness)" | "mejorar (not reflexive–it's an idiom)" |
"to contribute (not contribuir)" | "mocharse con" |
"don't even go there (think about it)" | "ni se te ocurra ex. ni se te ocurra casarte" |
"to stretch" | "estirar" |
"he will go" | "irá" |
"I could do with" | "me vendría bien" |
"rotten" | "podrido" |
"the classroom" | "la aula (fem but use EL aula)" |
"the lobby" | "el vestíbulo" |
"say (Ud imper)" | "diga" |
"I prefer (subjunctive)" | "prefiera" |
"cluttered (adj)" | "agobiado (&=burdened)" |
"to expire (not exp___)" | "vencer" |
"the produce market (green grocer)" | "la verdulería" |
"to interfere" | "interferir" |
"they will go" | "irán" |
"theoretical" | "teórico" |
"the theme" | "el tema" |
"fascinating" | "fascinante" |
"thick / with dense foliage" | "copado" |
"to be in style" | "estar de moda (style is temporary)" |
"he destroys (subjunctive)" | "destruya" |
"you came (tú pret)" | "viniste" |
"no way" | "ni modo" |
"to all appearances" | "por lo visto" |
"to look into (research)" | "investigar o inquirir" |
"to hoist (ex. a flag)" | "izar" |
"for the first time" | "por primera vez" |
"we hear" | "oímos" |
"with good reason" | "con toda razón" |
"to crawl" | "gatear" |
"I uploaded (pret)" | "subí" |
"the brother–in–law" | "el cuñado" |
"the soulmate" | "(el) alma gemela (feminine)" |
"eternal" | "eterno" |
"the seat (parliament)" | "la curul" |
"to miss (something)" | "perderse" |
"the chopper (kitchen)" | "el picador" |
"the claim" | "el reclamo" |
"to be dating" | "estar saliendo (Duo gets this wrong)" |
"this/that having been said" | "dicho esto" |
"they try / they taste" | "prueban" |
"a vegetarian" | "un vegetariano" |
"unless (3 words)" | "a menos que" |
"to thank for" | "agradecer por" |
"where were we (in talking)" | "en qué estábamos" |
"to prefer" | "preferir" |
"the hiccups" | "el hipo" |
"the sleeping bag" | "el saco de dormir" |
"a match (a similarity)" | "un match" |
"prefer (imperative él affirm)" | "prefiera" |
"you asked for / ordered" | "pediste" |
"to jog" | "trotar (& = to trot)" |
"the linen (fabric)" | "el lino" |
"is trending (per Duo)" | "es tendencia está en tendencia" |
"the treasury" | "el erario" |
"the grains (wheat rye ...)" | "los cereales" |
"as soon as (not: tan pronto como)" | "en cuanto" |
"let's not put" | "no pongamos" |
"online (on line)" | "en línea (w/ accent)" |
"the zucchini" | "el calabacín" |
"to toast to... (drinks)" | "brindar por" |
"the siege" | "el asedio" |
"to sweep" | "barrer" |
"the praise" | "el elogio (&= eulogy)" |
"willing (adj)" | "dispuesto" |
"to crave" | "antojar" |
"the cast (broken arm)" | "el yeso" |
"to offer"
(besides brindar) | "ofrecer" |
"the gossip" | "el chisme" |
"to grill" | "asar (a la parilla)"
(grillar = to chirp) |
"to suit / be suitable / to come to an understanding" | "convenirse" |
"to appear" | "aparecer" less frequent is "aparentar" |
"don't bring (Ud)" | "no traiga" |
"safely" | "seguramente" |
"half an hour ago" | "hace media hora" |
"give (Uds imper)" | "den" |
"to compete" | "competir" |
"to achieve" | "lograr" |
"drive (conducir Uds imperative)" | "conduzcan" |
"tiny" | "diminuto" |
"don't drive (conducir Uds)" | "no conduzcan" |
"they heard (pret)" | "oyeron" |
"as far as I know" | "que yo sepa (to my knowledge)" |
"a tent (huge)" | "una carpa (but la carpa = carp)" |
"there will be... / are there going to be..." | "habrá" |
"this coffee" | "este café" |
"stingy" | "tacaño" |
"to boil" | "hervir" |
"up to date" | "al tanto" |
"let's not say" | "no digamos" |
"to wear" | "llevar puesto" o "llevar" o "vestir" |
"(sp) coincidir ____ nada (what preposition?)" | "coincidir en nada" |
"to change your mind / [not ...opinión]" | "cambiar de parecer" |
"the spill / discharge" | "el vertido" |
"to look bad (lose face)" | "quedar mal" |
"rushed (& many others) (not apres...)" | "apurado" |
"finger–licking good" | "para chuparse los dedos" |
"the toilet (not inodoro)" | "el retrete (Collins says = bathroom)" |
"we said (pret)" | "dijimos" |
"he has moved (ex. the chair)" | "ha movido" |
"don't organize (Uds)" | "no organicen" |
"the router" | "el rúter" |
"to chop" | "picar" |
"I have him talk" | "le hago hablar" |
"we prefer (subjunctive)" | "prefiramos" |
"call 911" | "llame al 911" |
"to urge / to be urgent" | "urgir" |
"to strengthen" | "fortalecer" |
"the ointment" | "la pomada ( & = cream)" |
"I was just getting to the airport when..." | "Recién llegaba al aeropuerto cuando ..." |
"the resumé" | "el currículum (with accent / also la per google)" |
"to make a decision" | "tomar una decisión" |
"solved (past participle of to solve)" | "resuelto" |
"theoretical" | "teórico" |
"part–time" | "de tiempo parcial" |
"to bandage" | "vendar" |
"let's meet (use ver)" | "veámonos" |
"to place (a thing)" | "colocar" |
"say (tú imper)" | "di" |
"don't organize (tú)" | "no organices" |
"the topic" | "el tema" |
"you serve (subjunctive tú)" | "sirvas" |
"the egg white" | "la clara de huevo" |
"the loan" | "el préstamo" |
"we serve" | "servimos" |
"looking forward to" | "pendiente (&= sloping)" |
"confusing (adj)" | "confuso" |
"to refer to" | "referirse a" |
"he drove (conducir pret)" | "condujo" |
"the connection" | "la conexión" |
"the key (of keyboard)" | "la tecla" |
"solve (imperative ellos)" | "resuelvan" |
"give (tú imper)" | "da" |