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Civil War Stack-S.S.

Civil War Vocabulary

Abolitionist Someone who joined the movement to abolish,or end slavery
Agrarian Relating to or concerning the land and its ownership
Auction The process of buying and selling goods by offering them up for bid.
Bayonet A blade adapted to fit the muzzle end of a rifle and used in a close combat
Blockade Isolation of a nation,city, area, or harbor by hostile ships or forces in order to prevent the entrance and exit
Carpetbagger A Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War for political or financial advice.
Compromise A settlement in which both sides give up something they want.
Confedercy The name chosen by the states that left the Unionat the time of the Civil War
Emancipate The freeing of enslaved people
Musket A muzzle loaded, smooth, bore, long gun fired from the shoulder
Plantation A large farm on which crops are raised by workers who live there.
Reconstruction The period when the South rejoined the Union.
Scalawag A white Southerner working for or supporting the federal government during "Recontruction"
Secede To withdraw formally from membership in an organization, association, or alliance
Textile Cloth or fabric
Union Another name for the United States back day
Sharecropper Afican Americans gave the owner of the land a share of the crops the slaves raised
Seige Surrounding and blockading of a city, town, or fortress by an army attempting to capture it
Underground Railroad A series of escape routes and hiding places to bring slaves out of the South
Created by: arushikgupta
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