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VN 147: Finals

Physiology of Urinary System Urine production, urine elimination, regulation of serum calcium and phosphate, regulation of blood pressure & hormonal stimulation of RBC production
Erythropoietin RBC production hormone; made by cells in kidney which releases the hormone when oxygne levels are low
age related changes in the Urinary system loss of nephrons, creatinine clearance decrase w age, nocturia, bladder muscles weaken, incontinence, urethral obstruction (prostate)
URETHRITIS inflammation of the urethra. By microoranisms, trauma or hypersensitivity to chemicals in products such as vaginal deodorants, spermicidal jellies or bubble baths
URETHRITIS - S/S dysuria, frequency, urgency and bladder spasms. Urethral discharge may be noted
URETHRITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS based on pt s/s, urinalysis and urethral smear
URETHRITIS - ASSESSMENT comfort, possible causative factors, and understanding of treatment and prevention
URETHRITIS - INTERVENTIONS sitz baths, instruct female pts to wipe from front to back after toileting; void before and after sexual intercourse. Discourage bubble baths & vaginal deodorants; instruct uncircumcised male pts to clean penis under foreskin regularly
CYSTITIS inflammation of the urinary bladder. Common cause is bacterial contramination; prolonged immobility, renal calculi, urinary diversion and indwelling catheters
CYSTITIS - S/S urgency, frequency, dysuria, hematuria, nocturia, bladder spasms, incontinence and low grade fever; urine may be dark or cloudy, fever, fatigue & pelvic or abdominal discomfort
CYSTITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS urinalysis, culture and sensitivity, WBCs
CYSTITIS - MEDICAL TREATMENT antibiotics, mild analgesic, hyoscyamine (Cystospaz) and flavoxate (Urispas) ANTISPASMODICS
CYSTITIS - ASSESSMENT pt symptoms, causative factors and understanding of treatment and prevention
CYSTITIS - INTERVENTION pt teaching regarding meds, fluids and prevention - no kink on foley cath. When cath needs to get out, take it out. Usually 48 hrs after operation
INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS inflammatory disease of the bladder, usualy chronic; cause is unknown; bladder/pelvic pain; urinary frequency & urgency
INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS - MEDICAL TREATMENT symptom management; attempts to treat causes
INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS - NURSING CARE primary role is teaching and support
PYELONEPHRITIS inflammation of the renal pelvis
PYELONEPHRITIS - ACUTE Most often caused by ascending bacterial infection, but it may be bloodborn
PYELONEPHRITIS - CHRONIC often the result of reflux of urine from inadequate closure of the ureterovesical junction during voiding
PYELONEPHRITIS - S/S - ACUTE ALWAYS have high fever!, chills, nausea, vomiting & dysuria; severe pain or a constant dull ache occurs in the flank area
PYELONEPHRITIS - S/S - CHRONIC bladder irritation, chronic fatigue and slight aching over one or both kidneys. CHRONIC FATIGUE - puts a lot of stress on kidneys (anemia due to Erythropoietin
PYELONEPHRITIS -MEDICAL TREATMENT antibiotics, urinary tract antiseptics, analgesics, and antispasmodics. Drink at least 8 ounce glasses of fluids daily. IV fluids may be ordered if nausea & vomitting. Dietary salt & protein restriction for pt w chronic disease
PYELONEPHRITIS -ASSESSMENT related s/s, history of UTI disorders, predisposing factors and effects of the infection on daily activities.
PYELONEPHRITIS - INTERVENTIONS acute pain; activity intolerance (start slow); deficient fluid volume & imbalanced nutrition (due to nausea & vomitting - antiemetics; hydrate w IV); ineffective management of therapeutic regimen
POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE hereditary disorder; 2 types: childhood & adult; in adults usually manifested by age 40 yrs; grapelike cysts in place of normal kidney tissue; cysts enlarge, compress functional renal tissue & result in renal failure.
POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE - S/S dull, aching abdominal, lower back or flank pain, or colicky pain that begins abruptly
POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT supportive treatment is recommended to preserve kidney function, treat UTI & control hypertension; infections treated promptly w antibiotics; dialysis, nephrectomy & transplantation once end stage renal disease develops
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS immunologic disease; inflammation of the capillary loops in the glomeruli
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS - S/S urine becomes tea colored as output decreases; peripheral & periorbital edema; as glomerular filtration decreases, mild to severe hypertension occurs & hypervolema results
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS pt assessment & lab tests. Urinalysis, BUN, creatinine & albumin. Renal ultrasound, renal biopsy, or both
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS - MEDICAL TREATMENT diuretics, antihypertensive meds & antibiotics; bed rest; activity restriction; fluids, sodium, potassium & protein may be restricted; if renal failure develops, dialysis is necessary
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS - ASSESSMENT s/s, recent infections and changes in urine
ACUTE GLOMERULONEPHRITIS - INTERVENTIONS excess fluid volume, activity tolerance, self-care deficit, anxiety
RENAL CALCULI STONES; urinary tract obstruction; precipitations of calcium salts (calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate) uric & magnesium ammonium phosphate or cystine; normally found in urine
FACTORS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CALCULI concentrated urine; excessive intake of ca, vit D, protein, oxalate, ca-based antacids; familial tendency; hyperparathyroidism; immobility; urinary stasis; sedentary lifestyle; altered urine pH; lack of kidney substance that inhibits calculi formation
RENAL CALCULI - S/S pain, dull flank pain; a calculus in the renal pelvis or stretching of the renal capsule from urine retention (hydronephrosis); if calculus lodges in ureter, excruciating pain in abs that radiates from groin or the perineum; nausea, vomittin, hematuria
RENAL CALCULI - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS KUB, IBP, retrograde pyelogram, or ultrasound
RENAL CALCULI - MEDICAL TREATMENT most calculi are passed spontaneously; ambulation & adequate hydration facilitate passage; opioid analgesics/antispasmodics relieve pain; lithotripsy (shatters calculi); endourologic procedures; neph, pyelo, uretero
RENAL CALCULI - PREVENTION high fluid intake to keep urine dilute, dietary restrictions for specific elements (ie calcium and purines), regular exercise, meds to alter urine ph (normal = acidic)
RENAL CALCULI - ASSESSMENT pt's usual fluid intake & diet, including vit & mineral supplements; location, severity & nature of the pain; changes in urine amt of characteristics
RENAL CALCULI - INTERVENTIONS acute pain (drugs); impaired urine elimination; risk for deficient fluid volume (monitor fluid intake); risk for infection; decreased cardiac output (kidneys regulates blood); ineffective breating patterns (due to pain)
UROLOGIC TRAUMA penetrating injuries most often from knives or guns; blunt trauma; a force is applied to the abdominal wall and the energy is diffused into the abdominal cavity
UROLOGIC TRAUMA when trauma is suspected, observe for bruising or abdomen or in the flank area; assess for signs of shock, pain & palpable abdominal mass (hematoma)
UROLOGIC TRAUMA - GREY TURNER'S SIGN bruising over the flank and lower back; occurs with retroperitonial bleeding
UROLOGIC TRAUMA - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS KUB, urography, CT or ultrasound to determine extent of injury
RENAL CANCER 80% of malignancies: adenocarcinomas; primarily affect men 55-60 yrs of age; less common squamous cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis affect men & women equally
RENAL CANCER tumor may be large before it is detected. Renal malignancies metastacize to the liver, lungs, long bones & other kidney.
RENAL CANCER - S/S anemia, weakness, weight loss; painless, gross hematuria classic sign, but usually occurs in the advanced stage. A dull ache in the flank area also is a late area
RENAL CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS excretory urography, IVP, retrograde pyelography, ultrasound, arteriography, computed tomography, MRI, & renal biopsy
RENAL CANCER - MEDICAL TREATMENT radical nephrectomy; in general, renal tumors are not responsive to radiation or chemotherapy; radiation is sometimes used as a palliative measure for inoperable cancer; biotherapy with alpha-interferon & interleukin-2 for metastatic disease
RENAL CANCER - ASSESSMENT weakness, fatigue & changes in the urine; pt's emotional state, usual coping strategies, & support systems
RENAL CANCER - PREOPERATIVE CARE ineffective coping r/t potentially fatal disease (provide support, talk to them, refer to counselor); deficient knowledge of tests, procedures & effects of nephrectomy
RENAL CANCER - POSTOPERATIVE CARE monitor VS, record I&O, routinely check drains & tubes; monitor dressings for drainage; auscultate breath sounds & bowel sounds
RENAL CANCER - INTERVENTIONS acute pain, risk for deficient fluid volume, ineffective breathing pattern; risk for injury, risk for infection, ineffective coping, deficient knowledge
BLADDER CANCER most common malignancy of urinary tract; ureteral orifices and bladder neck are the most common sites.
BLADDER CANCER - cause tars in smoking tobacco, aniline dyes in industrial compounds, and tryptophan have been implicated in development of bladder cancer.
BLADDER CANCER - S/S painless, intermittent hematuria; other s/s: bladder irritability; infection w dysuria, frequency & urgency & decreased stream of urine
BLADDER CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS urinalysis, IVP, CT scan, and cystoscopy
BLADDER CANCER - MEDICAL TREATMENT surgery is the treatment of choice. Cystoscopic resection & fulguration or laser photocoagulation; segmental bladder resection & radical cystectomy; URINARY DIVERSION
BLADDER CANCER - ASSESSMENT description of urinary s/s; fatigue & wt loss; health history may reveal use of tobacco or exposure to carcinogenic chemicals; pt's emotional state, coping strategies & sources of support
BLADDER CANCER - INTERVENTIONS acute pain, impaired urinary elimination; impaired skin integrity; risk for infection; risk for injury; deficient knowledge
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE - PRERENAL FAILURE decreased blood flow to glomeruli
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE - INTRARENAL FAILURE nephrotoxic agents, kidney infections, occlusion of intra renal arteries, hypertension, diabetis mellitus, direct trauma to the kidney
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE - POST RENAL FAILURE obstructions beyond the kidneys that cause urine to back up.
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - ONSET STAGE short (1-3 days); increasing BUN and serum creatinine with normal to decreased urine output
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - OLIGURIC STAGE the urine output decrease to 400 ml/day or less. Serum values for BUN, creatinine, K, and phosphorus increase. Serum calcium & bicarbonate decrease. Follows onset stage and continues for up to 14 days.
what are the stages of acute renal failure ONSET, OLIGURIC, DIURETIC, AND RECOVERY STAGE
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - DIURETIC STAGE urine output exceeds 400 ml/da; may rise above 4L/day. Kidneys exceed BUN, creatinine, K and phosphorus and retain Ca and bicarbonate
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - RECOVERY STAGE as renal tissue recovers, serum electrolytes, BUN, and creatinine return to normal. This stage lasts 1 to 12 months
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - MEDICAL TREATMENT fluid & dietary restrictions, restoration of electrolyte imbalance & dialysis; drug therapy, diet (LOW K & PROTEIN), fluids (LIMITED), hemodialysis & peritoneal dialysis; continious renal replacement therapy
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - ASSESSMENT monitoring fluid status is critical; s/s of electrolyte imbalance (pressure ulcer); s/s r/t immobility; impaired circulation, constipation & atelectasis; fears, anxiety, copy strategies sources of support
ACUTE RENAL FAILURE STAGE - INTERVENTIONS excess fluid volume, decreased cardiac output, anxiety, disuse syndrome, deficient knowledge
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE progressive nephron destruction of both kidneys; creatinine clearance: important measure of renal function (<15 mL/min, dialysis or transplantation necessary)
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE uremia: when kidneys unable to maintain fluid and electrolyte or acid-base balance (also called end-stage renal disease)
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - CAUSES HTN, diabetis mellitus, atherosclerosis
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS azotemia, hyper & hypo kalemia, metabolic acidosis, fluid imbalance (hyper & hypo volemia), insulin resistance, anemia, suppressed immunologic function, CHF & Dysrhythmias
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - SIGNS & SYMPTOMS neurologic system, integ system, GI system, musculoskeletal system, reproductive system, endocrine function, emotional & psychological effects
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT hyperkalemia IV glucose & insulin, calcium carbonate, calcium acetate or sodium polystyrene sulfonate
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT hypocalcemia calcium, active vit D, phosphate binders
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT hypervolemia fluid restriction & diuretics
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT HTN diuretics, beta blockers, calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitors
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT Anemia iron supplements, folic acid, synthetic erythropoietin
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT Disquilibrium syndrome hypertonic glucose
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - MEDICAL TREATMENT excess urea high-carbohydrate, low protein diet
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - DIALYSIS passage of molecules through semipermeable membrane into special solution called dialysate solution. It operates like a kidney. Small molecules (urea, creatinine, electrolytes) pass out of the blood, across a membrane, and into a solution
goals of dialysis remove end products of protein metabolism from blood; maintain safe concentrations of serum electrolytes; correct acidosis & replenish the body's bicarbonate buffer system; remove excess fluid from blood
DIALYSIS - HEMODIALYSIS blood is removed & circulated through an "artificial kidney" to remove excess fluid, electrolytes, wastes; dialyzed blood then returned to the pt.
DIALYSIS - HEMODIALYSIS requirements catheter, cannula, graft or fistula; subclavian or femoral catheters for temp access for dialysis during acute renal failure while a graft or fistula matures (dilates & toughens) or for peritoneal dialysis who need immediate access for hemodialysis
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL uses the pt's own peritoneum as a semipermeable dialyzing membrane. Fluid instilled into peritoneal cavity. Waste products drawn into the fluid; w/c is drained from peritoneal cavity.
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL TEMP cathether inserted into the peritoneal cavity through the abdominal wall
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL LONG TERM catheter is implanted into the peritoneal cavity
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL advantages less anemia, reduced cost, fewer dietary and fluid restrictions, independence, closer to normal kidney function
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL disadvantages risk for peritonitis (major complication) and catheter site infection, hyperglycemia, elevated serum lipids and body image disturbances
DIALYSIS - PERITONEAL 3 phases inflow, dwell and drain
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - ASSESSMENT frequent monitoring for changes important; fluid imbalance evaluated closely, accurate i/o records, s/s of fluid volume excess that can lead to cardiac failure: increase edema, dyspnea, tachycardia, bounding pulse, rising bp
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - ASSESSMENT s/s electrolyte imbalances; apetite, usual daily intake, weight gain or loss pattern and prescribed diet
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE - INTERVENTIONS excess fluid volume, imbalanced nutrition, distrurbed sensory perception, ineffective coping, situational low esteem, risk for infection & injury, constipation, diarrhea, sexual dysfuntion, self care deficit
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION kidney donation - healthy kidney from live donor or cadaver; tissues must match or recipient will reject new kidney; matching based on ABO blood groups & human leukocyte antigens
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION crossmatching reveals any cytotoxics preformed antibodies will result in organ rejection; kidney donors must be at least 18 yrs of age, free of systemic disease or infection
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION - PREOPERATIVE NURSING CARE pt must be prepared mentally & physically. Recipient & live donor have complete diagnostic workups to rule out other medical problems & evaluate function of the urinary tract.
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION - PREOPERATIVE NURSING CARE recipient must be give meds to bring bp within normal limits; immunosuppresants to control the body's response to foreign tissue
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION - INTERVENTIONS encourage pt to discuss concerns; factual info helps pt copy by reducing the fear of the unknown; when pts are active participants in their care, they feel less helpless & less anxious, preoperative teaching begins when pt is id'd as candidate
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION - SURGICAL PROCEDURE donor kidney removed from live donor in OR. Taken to adjacent room where receipient has been prepared. Cadaver kidney removed under sterile conditions and transported to receipient. Donor kidney placed in recipient's abdomen
RENAL TRANSPLANTATION - COMPLICATIONS acute tubular necrosis, rejection, renal artery stenosis, hematomas, abscesses and leakage of ureteral or vascular anastomoses
KIDNEY DONOR physical care of the donor similar to that for a nephrectomy; it may be conventional or laparoscopic; pain worse with conventional approach
KIDNEY DONOR conventional approach: pt hospitalized 4 to 7 days & return to work in 6 to 8 wks.
KIDNEY DONOR laparascopic approach: donor hospitalized 2 to 4 days and can return to work 4 to 8 wks.
Created by: jekjes
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