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el cabestrillo
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vocabulario salud y emergencias

aconsejar to advise
el cabestrillo sling
el yeso cast
la silla de ruedas wheel chair
la píldora pill
las muletas crutches
la curita band aid
el/la socorrista paramedic
la sala de espera waiting room
la sala de emergencia emergency room
el médico, la médica MD
el hospital the hospital
la clínica the clinic
el veterinario, la veterinaria the vet
la enfermería nurse's office
el cirujano, la cirujana surgeon
el enfermero, la enfermera nurse
estar enfermo to be sick
enfermarse to get sick
torcerse to sprain (oneself)
roto broken
romperse to break (oneself)
fracturarse to fracture (oneself)
lastimarse to injure (oneself)
hinchado/a swollen
la herida wound
golpearse to hit (oneself)
cuidarse to take care of oneself
caerse to fall down (by oneself)
la fractura the fracture
cortarse to cut (oneself)
el dolor the pain
la cicatriz the scar
los antibióticos antibiotics
la aspirina aspirine
los escalofríos chills
la gripe flu
el resfriado, el catarro cold
toser, la tos to cough, the cough
la tos the cough
el estornudo the sneeze
estornudar to sneeze
hacer una cita to make an appointment
la medicina medicine
mejorarse to improve (by oneself)
empeorarse to worsen
la receta prescription, recipe
respirar to breathe
cancelar to cancel
el horario schedule
la cirugía surgery
la farmacia pharmacy
el consultorio dr's office
el seguro de salud health insurance
la venda, el vendaje bandage, wound dressing
vomitar to vomit
la vacuna vaccine
la vitamina vitamin
sentirse mal/bien to feel well/badly
tener dolor de (body part) to have a pain, ache in (body part)
tener alergia to have an allergy
sonarse la nariz to blow one's nose
tener fiebre to have a fever
tener dolor de oídos to have an inner ear ache
tener dolor de muelas to have a tooth ache
vacunarse to get a vaccine
la ambulancia ambulance
Created by: SraBarcia
Popular Spanish sets




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