LA SALUD y EMERG Word Scramble
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Term | Definition |
el cirujano, la cirujana | surgeon |
sentirse mal/bien | to feel well/badly |
aconsejar | to advise |
fracturarse | to fracture (oneself) |
hinchado/a | swollen |
la enfermería | nurse's office |
sonarse la nariz | to blow one's nose |
la tos | the cough |
tener dolor de muelas | to have a tooth ache |
las muletas | crutches |
el estornudo | the sneeze |
la herida | wound |
el enfermero, la enfermera | nurse |
la píldora | pill |
roto | broken |
golpearse | to hit (oneself) |
la vitamina | vitamin |
la ambulancia | ambulance |
los antibióticos | antibiotics |
la cirugía | surgery |
la clínica | the clinic |
cancelar | to cancel |
la vacuna | vaccine |
la cicatriz | the scar |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la medicina | medicine |
toser, la tos | to cough, the cough |
la fractura | the fracture |
los escalofríos | chills |
lastimarse | to injure (oneself) |
cortarse | to cut (oneself) |
vomitar | to vomit |
romperse | to break (oneself) |
el veterinario, la veterinaria | the vet |
la aspirina | aspirine |
el médico, la médica | MD |
la gripe | flu |
el seguro de salud | health insurance |
el yeso | cast |
la venda, el vendaje | bandage, wound dressing |
la receta | prescription, recipe |
empeorarse | to worsen |
estar enfermo | to be sick |
torcerse | to sprain (oneself) |
tener dolor de (body part) | to have a pain, ache in (body part) |
vacunarse | to get a vaccine |
enfermarse | to get sick |
la curita | band aid |
tener fiebre | to have a fever |
mejorarse | to improve (by oneself) |
el hospital | the hospital |
tener dolor de oídos | to have an inner ear ache |
el resfriado, el catarro | cold |
tener alergia | to have an allergy |
el consultorio | dr's office |
hacer una cita | to make an appointment |
el cabestrillo | sling |
el/la socorrista | paramedic |
caerse | to fall down (by oneself) |
respirar | to breathe |
cuidarse | to take care of oneself |
el horario | schedule |
el dolor | the pain |
la sala de emergencia | emergency room |
la silla de ruedas | wheel chair |
la sala de espera | waiting room |
estornudar | to sneeze |
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