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ex. test 1 (pn 141)

N-clex style from book Med surg nursing

The nurse caring for a pt w/ pericarditis recognizes this disorder affects which layer of the heart? a) the inner most layerb) the heart muscle layerC) the middle layerd) the outermost lyaer D
A pt with mitral valve stenosis is admitted, this disorder will affect a) blood flow from teh R atrium to R ventb) blood flow from the L atrium to the L ventc) Blood flow from the R ventricle to lungsd) blood flow from the L ventricle to the body B
Vetricular systole corresponds w/ which wave form on the ECG?a) P waveb) QRS complexC) T waved) S-T segment B
Which of the following factors have a sig. effect of peripheral vascular ressitence? (multiple)a) # of capillariesb) length of BVc) BV diameterd) position of bodye) viscosity of bloodf) age of pt B,C,E
The nurse is teaching a pt who is taking atorvastatin (lipitor) daily. what is vital to be included in the teachinga) report changes in color of skin/ scherab) take with mealsc) reduce amount of fat d) if muscle are sore, increase exercise a
pt asks nurse how they can distinguish chest pain between angina and a MI, what is the response Chest pain of angina can be relieved by rest and nitroglycerin, chest pain from an mi can't be relieved by those
What is the highest priority nursing Dx for a pt who has had an Percutaneous coronary vascularization Risk for impaired tissue perfusion
A male client is experiancing a MI which VS are most concerning a) BP 138/84, P 72b) BP 90/50, Urinary output 20 mL/hrc) p 92, urinary output 50 mL/ hrd) bp 150/70, P 100 b
a pt develops left sided heart failure; an appropriate nursing dx is a) activity intolerence b) ineffective airway clearence c) deficient fluid volume d) pain a- left sided heart failure affects CO and the availability of blood and oxygen to meet the body's metabolic needs, as a result activity intolerance occurs
A pt develops right sided heart failure, what is a s/s that a nurse would find? a) pulmonary edema b) edematous legs & ankles c) decreased heart rate D) increased urinary output b- the backwards effect of right sided heart failure affect the venous system & peripheral tissues. This increased pressure in the venous system causes peripheral edema
the nurse is to admin. digoxin 0.25 mg PO, the pt apical pulse is 48. what is the appropriate nursing action hold digoxin and notify the physician. A slow apical pulse may indicate digitalis toxicity
A pt is discharged with mitral stenosis. Discharge teaching shouldn't include a) How to auscultate heart for murmers 2x dailyb) s/s of heart failure C) notify MD if temp is elevated >100 F for more than 2 daysd)s/s of activity intolerence A
following replacement of a stenosed mitral valve w/ a mechanical heart valve; what is a high priority Nx Dx? ineffective protection r/t anticoagulant therapy
Created by: jmkettel
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