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AAA- anerysm

pn 141 test 1 book: med surg nursing pg 677

Def of an aneurysm weakness and localized dilation of a blood vessel wall
why do they usually effect the aorta because there is high pressure with in these vessels
what is the usual cause arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis
def of fusiform anerurysms involves the entire circumference of the vessel, they grow slowly an progressively
def of saccular aneurysm involves only a portion of the vessel, associated with congenital malformations or syphilis
def of aortic dissection (aka dissecting aneurysm) they develop due to the weakening of the medial layer of the aorta, blood leaks into the vessel wall and separates the innermost layer of the artery from the outermost
aortic dissection where does this usually occur in the ascending aorta
do aneurysms have s/s no
when are the usually Dx during routine physical exams
why do s/s usually occur they uccur due to the pressure of the aneurysm on the adjacent tissues and organs
what is the AAA associated with arteriosclerosis, HTN, smoking, and increasing age
at what age are they normally found in ppl >70
What is found upon examination a pulsating mass in the mid an upper abdomen and a bruit over the mass
what may the pt c/o severe mid abdominal or lowe back pain
the degree of pain usually indicated what the severity and urgency of the problem, because pain can be an indication of an impending rupture
s/s of a AAA pulsating abdominal mass, abdominal or lower back pain, cool pale or cyonotic lower extremities
complications of a AAA emboli to lower extremities, rupture or hemmorage
marfans syndrome: what is it a connective tissue disorder with three distinctive features (1- long, thin extremities, hyperextendable joints 2- impaired vision 3- CV defects, mitral valve prolapse and weakness of the aorta
what diagnostic test can detect them a chest or abdminal x-ray
why us a ct or mri done to measure the size of the AAA
meds given: why are antihypertenisives given to decrease BP
meds given: why are anticoagulants given started to prevent an emboli and after a surgical repair of one
surgery: when is it done to repair aneurysms that are tender to palpation or enlarging
Surgery: what is done the aneurysm is excised and a graft is placed. Clamps are placed above and below the vessel dilation while surgery is performed
Nursing care after surgery: what are s/s of graft leakage bruising of scrotum, penis, hematoma in incision, increased abdominal girth, weak or absent peripheral pulses, decreased bp, increased abdom. pain, decreased BP, drop in HCT or HGB
complications of AAA surgery lower extremity embolism, bowel ischemia, impaired renal function, spinal cord ischemia
when is surgery done (how large in diameter does it have to be >5 cm
does aneuryms usually occur above or below the kidneys below
s/s of necrotic bowel no bs, hard abdomen, pain, blood in diarrhea
what is used to relieve pain post op epidural; this help with c&DB
why does HTN need to be under control after surger y b/c of new graft (don't want it to rupture)
Created by: jmkettel
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