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Peripheral atherosc.

pn 141 test 1 book: med surg nursing pg 680

def of arteriossclerosis a common arterial disorder characterized by thickening, loss of elesticity and calcification of arterial walls. (atherosclerosis is a form of arterial sclerosis)
what does arteriosclerosis do to peripherial circulation they decreased blood supply to tissues leading to perihperal vascular disease (PVD)
where in the body does PVD usually effect the lower extremities
who is it most common in ppl >50 yo, men > WN,
risk factors DM, high fat diet, HTN, smoking, obesity, stress
why does the vessel lumen narrow b/c peripheral arteries thicken and harden b/c of plaque deposits
where does plaque form more often in arteries in bifurcations (where the artery divides)
what arteries are more often affected by peripheral plaque deposits femeral, iliac, abdominal aorta
What happens to the blood flow and oxygenation to the tissues distal of the plaque deposits they decrease
if the occlusion develops slowly, ______ is also able to develop collateral circulation
def of collacteral circulation growth of small blood vessels to maintain tissue perfusion
is collateral circulation adequate to supply tissue needs no
at what percent of arterial occlusion can s/s be seen 60%
s/s: what is the primary s/s pain
def of intermittent claudication cramping aching sensation in the calves of legs or the arch of the foot. it develops with walking and is relieved by rest
rest pain: when does it occur during periods of inactivity often at night. it increases when the legs are elevated and decreases when they are dependent
rest pain: how is it described gnawing aching, burning of the lower legs feet or toes.
rest pain: what do clients often C/O their legs feeling cold or numb as well as painful
skin color when legs are elevated pale
skin color when legs are dependent dark red (dependent rubor)
charecteristics of the skin shiny with areas of discoloration and hair loss, skin breakdown may be present
What will the toenails look like they are thick
what can the skin breakdown lead to: ulcerations anf gangrene
what happens to the peripheral pulses they are decreased or absent
What is a bruit a harsh muscial sound caused by turbulant blood flow
what can be heard over large effected arteries (like femoral or abdominal aorta) a bruit
what are complications of it gangrene and amputation of one or both lowe extremities
medical management of it to maintain or improve blood supply to tissues and relieve s/s
Why are segmented BP done they are used to compare blood pressure measurements between the upper and lower extremities and within different portions of an extremity. Normally BP readings are normal when pt is supine; in PVD the BP is lower in legs then arms
why is exercise stress test done to see pt physical limitations r/t PVD
why is a doplar ultrasound done to eval blood flow
why is angiography done if surgery is planned to located the extent of arterial obstruction
therapy: why should pt quit smoking nicotine increases vasoconstriction, further decreasing blood supply to the extremities. Also increased the risk for ulcerations, gangrene, and amputations
Therapy: why does exercise help improves collateral circulation and reduces stress. Pt shoould rest when pain develops and resume activity when pain is relieved
therapy: why should pt lose wt to improve activity intolerance.
meds: why are meds given; what are they to reduce the risk of clotting in partially obstructed BV; aspirin, clopidogrel (plavix), cilostazol (pletal)
meds: what med also acts as a vasodilator as well as a platelet inhibitor cliostazol
Revascularization: what pt will get this pt w/ severe intermittent claudication, rest pain, or gangrenous lesions to restore blood flow
Revascularization: what are none surgical procedures percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, placement of a stent amd atherectomy
def of atherectomy removal of plaque
endarterectomy : what is done in this surgical procedure removal plaque and a bypass or graft
endarterectomy : risk associated with it infection, embolizm, acute MI, stroke
older adult and PVD; what happens to the blood vessels with age the thicken and become less compliant; this decreases oxygen delivery to tissues and impair the removal of CO2 and waste
what are skin changes with an emboli pale and cold
for arterial bypass graft: what material is used for bypass it is usually synthetic because so much is needing grafting
arterial bypass graft: why is post op pain soooooo severe because the nerve ending are recieving blood and oxygen and they are coming back so there is sensation and lots of pain
arterial bypass graft: what is used to relieve pain narcopitcs, PCA, epidural (hard to assess with epidural sensations of legs)
Created by: jmkettel
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