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pn 141 test 1 book: medsurg nursing pg: 345

def of hypothyroidism when the thyroid gland produces an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone
who is it most common in women between ages 30 and 60
what is thought to be the cause of it congenital defects in the gland, antithyroid meds, surgical removel of the gland, or iodine deficiency
three main disorders of hypothyroidism goiter, Hashimotos's thyroiditis, and myxedema coma
s/s: Endrocrine goiter
s/s: respiratory pleural effusion
s/s: GI constipation
s/s: MS system muscle stiffness, weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps
s/s: neurologic lethargy slow horse speech, memory impairment, personality changes, slow clumsy movements
s/s: sensory edema around the eyes, decreased hearing
s/s: CV system hypotension, bradycardia, dysrhythmias
s/s: reproductive menorrhagia, infertility, decreased libido
s/s: integumentary hair loss, brittle nails, coarse dry skin, non pitting edema of the face hands and feet
certain drugs ______ TH synthesis, leading to hypothyroidism block
is the onset slow or abrupt slow (months even years)
what happens to the metabollic rate when TH levels decrease the metabollic rate decreases
do the body systems slow or speed up they slow
the s/s are opposite of ___________ hyperthyroidism
Goiter: why does the thyroid gland enlarge when TH production decreases it enlarges in an attempt to produce more hormone
what is the enlarged thyroid called a goiter
are tehy cold or warm cold
why is TSH high b/c thyroid needs stimulating
why is there a goiter b/c is it continually being stimulating
med: synthroid: what does it do it decreases the levels of TSH, and increases the levels of TH
med: synthroid: adverse effects palpitations, tachycardia, HA, nervousness, insomnia, diarrhea, Vomiting, wt loss, sweating
med: synthroid: when to administer in the morning before breakfast to increase absorption
what is periobital edema: edema around eyes
hypothyroidism is also known as myxedema coma
Created by: jmkettel
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