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Integument system

Health Assessment

Aggresive form of skin cancer Melanoma
Cool environment causes client to develop cyanosis
integument system consists of.... skin. hair. scalp.nails
jaundice yellow/orange discoloration in skin and sclera
red discoloration.. circulatory changes Erythema
what is pallor reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin
what is cyanosis increased amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin
what is jaundice increased deposit of bilirubin
what is erythema increased visibility of oxyhemoglobin caused by dilation or increased blood
what is turgor skins elasticity
edema and dehydration diminish turgor
what is petechiae pinpoint sized red or purple spots on the skin caused by small hemorrages in the skin layer
what is edema accumulation of fluids in body tissues or a body cavity
edema.. associated diseases kidneys. heart and liver caused by salt retention.. most common in feet and legs
what is pitting edema when pressure from the examiner finger leaves an indention in the area
what is senile keratosis thickening of the skin
what is cherry angiomas ruby red papules
when you detect a lesion you must inspect for color.location.texture.size.shape.type. grouping and distribution
palpating lesions measures mobility.contour, flat raised depressed. and consistency soft or indurated
what is basal cell carcinoma sun exposed area. almost never spreads
what is squamous cell carcinoma more serious then basal. cells may travel to lymph nodes and throughout body.
excessive dry skin is... dermatisis or eczema
what is terminal hair hair thick usually head
what is vellus hair tiny hairs on a womans body
what is hirsutism a hormone disorder.. woman has hair growth on upper lip. chin and cheeks
what is hair loss alopecia- thinning of hair related to genetic or endocrine issues like diabetes
what is pediculus humanus capitis head lice
what is pediculus humanus corporis body lice
what is pediculus pubis pubic lice. crabs
when inspecting nail look for nail bed color.cleaness. and length. the thickness and shape of the nail. and condition of the lateral and proximal nail folds around the nail.
Cool environment causes client to develop cyanosis
integument system consists of.... skin. hair. scalp.nails
jaundice yellow/orange discoloration in skin and sclera
red discoloration.. circulatory changes Erythema
what is pallor reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin
what is cyanosis increased amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin
what is jaundice increased deposit of bilirubin
what is erythema increased visibility of oxyhemoglobin caused by dilation or increased blood
what is turgor skins elasticity
edema and dehydration diminish turgor
what is petechiae pinpoint sized red or purple spots on the skin caused by small hemorrages in the skin layer
what is edema accumulation of fluids in body tissues or a body cavity
edema.. associated diseases kidneys. heart and liver caused by salt retention.. most common in feet and legs
what is pitting edema when pressure from the examiner finger leaves an indention in the area
what is senile keratosis thickening of the skin
what is cherry angiomas ruby red papules
when you detect a lesion you must inspect for color.location.texture.size.shape.type. grouping and distribution
palpating lesions measures mobility.contour, flat raised depressed. and consistency soft or indurated
what is basal cell carcinoma sun exposed area. almost never spreads
what is squamous cell carcinoma more serious then basal. cells may travel to lymph nodes and throughout body.
excessive dry skin is... dermatisis or eczema
what is terminal hair hair thick usually head
what is vellus hair tiny hairs on a womans body
what is hirsutism a hormone disorder.. woman has hair growth on upper lip. chin and cheeks
what is hair loss alopecia- thinning of hair related to genetic or endocrine issues like diabetes
what is pediculus humanus capitis head lice
what is pediculus humanus corporis body lice
what is pediculus pubis pubic lice. crabs
when inspecting nail look for nail bed color.cleaness. and length. the thickness and shape of the nail. and condition of the lateral and proximal nail folds around the nail.
Cool environment causes client to develop cyanosis
integument system consists of.... skin. hair. scalp.nails
jaundice yellow/orange discoloration in skin and sclera
red discoloration.. circulatory changes Erythema
what is pallor reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin
what is cyanosis increased amount of deoxygenated hemoglobin
what is jaundice increased deposit of bilirubin
what is erythema increased visibility of oxyhemoglobin caused by dilation or increased blood
what is turgor skins elasticity
edema and dehydration diminish turgor
what is petechiae pinpoint sized red or purple spots on the skin caused by small hemorrages in the skin layer
what is edema accumulation of fluids in body tissues or a body cavity
edema.. associated diseases kidneys. heart and liver caused by salt retention.. most common in feet and legs
what is pitting edema when pressure from the examiner finger leaves an indention in the area
what is senile keratosis thickening of the skin
what is cherry angiomas ruby red papules
when you detect a lesion you must inspect for color.location.texture.size.shape.type. grouping and distribution
palpating lesions measures mobility.contour, flat raised depressed. and consistency soft or indurated
what is basal cell carcinoma sun exposed area. almost never spreads
what is squamous cell carcinoma more serious then basal. cells may travel to lymph nodes and throughout body.
excessive dry skin is... dermatisis or eczema
what is terminal hair hair thick usually head
what is vellus hair tiny hairs on a womans body
what is hirsutism a hormone disorder.. woman has hair growth on upper lip. chin and cheeks
what is hair loss alopecia- thinning of hair related to genetic or endocrine issues like diabetes
what is pediculus humanus capitis head lice
what is pediculus humanus corporis body lice
what is pediculus pubis pubic lice. crabs
when inspecting nail look for nail bed color.cleaness. and length. the thickness and shape of the nail. and condition of the lateral and proximal nail folds around the nail.
what can cause splinter hemorrages in nails cirrosis . diabetes and trauma and hypertension
harder and thicker nails= and striations longitudinal brittle. dull and yellow= older people old old people
inspection of the angle between the nail and nail bed is 160 degrees
larger angle and softening of the nail bed= chronic oxygenation problems
how long should the capillary refill 2 seconds.. brisk
failure for pinkness to return promptly is circulatory insuffienc
what is clubbing change in angle between nail and nailbase over 180 degrees. enlargement fingertips. causes- chronic lack of oxygen
Created by: ziogas
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