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NHA Chapter 5

Medical Terminology,NHA Chapter 5

Combining form combination of the word root and the combination vowel.
Combinig vowel a vowel added to a word root to make pronunciation easier.
Prefix a word part preceding the word.
Root the main part of a word.
Suffix a word part following the root.
HYPER above,more,increased
Ante- Before,forward of
Anti- against
cyt- cell
inter- between
erythro- Red
intra- within
macro- large
hypo- Beneath, under, deficient,decreased
micro small
pre- before
pro- for,in front of
albi- white
cirrho- tawny yellow
cyan- blue
leuko- white
lute- yellow
melano- black
nigr- black
rube- red
Tx Treatment
ectomy surgical removal, cutting out, incision
emia blood, blood condition
-itis inflammation
-oma tumor,growth
-osis condition
-pathy disease
-stasis stopping, controlling
agglut- clump together
Heme- blood
Hepato- liver
Phlebo- vein
O2 oxygen
cardi/o heart
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
-penia deficiency
bili- bile
cubit- elbow
gastr- stomach
thromb- clot
veno- vein
AC,ac before meals
AMI acute myocardial infarction
BID,bid twice a day
BP blood pressure
BX biopsy
`c with
NEO- new
POLY- many
POST- after
angio- vessel
REN- kidney
TOX- poison
SOB shortness of breath
Q every
UTI urinary tract infection
QNS quantity not sufficient
HX history
SX symptom
DM Diabetes mellitus
DOB Date of birth
Dx diagnosis
GC gonorrhea
Gt,GTT,gtt,gtts drops
h hour
hs At bedtime
LMP Last menstrual period
mL milliliter
NPO Nothing by mouth
PC,pc After meals
PO by mouth
pp post prandial
prn as needed
qd Every day
qh Every hour
qid four times a day
Qm,qam Every morning
qn Every night
TID,tid Three times a day
bid twice a day
Created by: varogers64
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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