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Pediatric Derm
Pediatric Dermatology II
Question | Answer |
How can you tell the difference between rubella and rubeola | Rubella has maculopapular rash (discreet and pink) rubeola is deep pink, macular and has koplik spots. |
macule | Primary Lesion flat area |
papule | Primary Lesion raised area |
erythema | Primary Lesion redness of the skin surface |
Nodule | Primary Lesion tubercle - a solid elevation of the skin, larger than a papule |
Plaque | Primary Lesion A discrete, solid, elevated body usually broader than it is thick measuring more than 0.5 cm in diameter. Plaques may be further classified by shape, size, color, and surface change |
Vesicle | Primary Lesion a small blister |
Bulla | Primary Lesion a large vesicle |
Pustule | Primary Lesion a skin elevation filled with pus |
Cyst | Primary Lesion a cavity filled with fluid |
Scales | Secondary lesions a flake of flat horny cells loosened from the horny layer |
Crust | Secondary lesions dried serum seen in ruptured vesicles, pustules or bulla |
Excoriation | Secondary lesions mechanical abrasion of the skin usually caused by the fingernails in attempt to relive itching |
Fissure | Secondary lesions a crack or split in the epidermis |
Erosion | Secondary lesions an area of partial loss of epithelium of skin or mucous membrane |
Ulcer | Secondary lesions an area of total loss of epithelium of skin or mucous membrane |
Atrophy | Secondary lesions loss of thickness of the epidermis or dermis or other tissue |
Lichenifecation | Secondary lesions thickness of both prickle cell layer and horny layer with exaggeration of normal skin marks. |
Telangiectasia | Primary Lesion a vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels |
patch | Primary Lesion a raised thick portion of the skin, which has well defined edges with a flat or rough surface |
Wheal | Primary lesion a more or less round and temporary elevation of the skin, white in the center with a pale-red periphery, accompanied by itching |
tumor | primary lesion a swelling or enlargement |
keloid | Secondary lesion a scar that forms at the edge of an knury |
scar | secondary lesion a mark left in the skin or an internal organ by the healing of a wound |
What is the etiology of acne? | disorder of the pilosebacesous follicles |
What percentage of adolescents experience acne? | 85% |
Open comedone | blackhead; obstriction of the follicle that is filled with stratum corneum cells, black color due to compacted melanocytes |
Closed comedone | Whitehead: results of swelling of follciular duct below the epidermis |
Propionicbacterium acnes | distends follicle, causing leakage around comedone |
What is the most common skin disorder in children | Atopic dermatitis effecting 10-15%. 30-80% experience flares during lifetime |
How do you maintain remission of atopic dermatitis | Immunomodulators such as elidel or prototopic BID |