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Pediatric Derm

Pediatric Dermatology II

How can you tell the difference between rubella and rubeola Rubella has maculopapular rash (discreet and pink) rubeola is deep pink, macular and has koplik spots.
macule Primary Lesion flat area
papule Primary Lesion raised area
erythema Primary Lesion redness of the skin surface
Nodule Primary Lesion tubercle - a solid elevation of the skin, larger than a papule
Plaque Primary Lesion A discrete, solid, elevated body usually broader than it is thick measuring more than 0.5 cm in diameter. Plaques may be further classified by shape, size, color, and surface change
Vesicle Primary Lesion a small blister
Bulla Primary Lesion a large vesicle
Pustule Primary Lesion a skin elevation filled with pus
Cyst Primary Lesion a cavity filled with fluid
Scales Secondary lesions a flake of flat horny cells loosened from the horny layer
Crust Secondary lesions dried serum seen in ruptured vesicles, pustules or bulla
Excoriation Secondary lesions mechanical abrasion of the skin usually caused by the fingernails in attempt to relive itching
Fissure Secondary lesions a crack or split in the epidermis
Erosion Secondary lesions an area of partial loss of epithelium of skin or mucous membrane
Ulcer Secondary lesions an area of total loss of epithelium of skin or mucous membrane
Atrophy Secondary lesions loss of thickness of the epidermis or dermis or other tissue
Lichenifecation Secondary lesions thickness of both prickle cell layer and horny layer with exaggeration of normal skin marks.
Telangiectasia Primary Lesion a vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels
patch Primary Lesion a raised thick portion of the skin, which has well defined edges with a flat or rough surface
Wheal Primary lesion a more or less round and temporary elevation of the skin, white in the center with a pale-red periphery, accompanied by itching
tumor primary lesion a swelling or enlargement
keloid Secondary lesion a scar that forms at the edge of an knury
scar secondary lesion a mark left in the skin or an internal organ by the healing of a wound
What is the etiology of acne? disorder of the pilosebacesous follicles
What percentage of adolescents experience acne? 85%
Open comedone blackhead; obstriction of the follicle that is filled with stratum corneum cells, black color due to compacted melanocytes
Closed comedone Whitehead: results of swelling of follciular duct below the epidermis
Propionicbacterium acnes distends follicle, causing leakage around comedone
What is the most common skin disorder in children Atopic dermatitis effecting 10-15%. 30-80% experience flares during lifetime
How do you maintain remission of atopic dermatitis Immunomodulators such as elidel or prototopic BID
Created by: lknightly
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