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end of life nursing

pn 141 test 2 book burke pg 307

def of loss occurs when a valued object, person, body part or situation that was formerly present is lost or changes and can no longer be seen, felt, heard, known or experienced
only the person experiencing loss can determine the ___________ of it meaning
most common fears of loss health, social status, possessions, lifestyle, sexual functioning, body part, death, marital relationship, reproductive functions
people must resolve their feelings of loss through a process called ___________ gried work
def of grief an emotional response to loss and its accompanying changes
def of mourning the actions or expressions of the bereaved that make up the outward signs of grief
def of death an irreversable cessation of circulatory and respiratory function, or cessation of all functions of the brain
charecteristics of someone to be declared dead lack of responsiveness, lack of movement or breathing, lack of reflexes, flat encephalogram
who came up with the stages of grief etc kubler-ross
what are the stages of greif denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
ex of denial this can't be happening to me"
ex of anger "acting out"
ex of bargaining plea to extend persons life
ex of depression what cannot be
ex of acceptance come to terms
what are factors that may delay greif work lack of a social support system, perceived inability to share loss, lack of social recognition of loss, ambivalent relationships prior to loss, traumatic circumstances of loss
what are the principles of hospice care that people live until the moment they die, that care until death may be offered by a varieity of health care workers, care is cordinated, sensitive to diversity, offered around the clock and incorperates the physical, psychological, social and spiritual
what are advanced directives they are legal documents that allow a person to plan for health care and or financial affairs in the event of incapacity
what is a durable power of attorney for health care it is a legal document written by a compenent adult that gives another compenent adult the right to make health care decisions on his or her behalf if they cannot
what is a living will a legal document that formally expresses a person's wishes regarding life sustaining Tx in the event of a terminal illness or permanent unconsciouness
what is DNR order MD writes this based on clients wiskes who is near death (no rescecitation)
what is a comfort measures only order no further life sustaining interventions are necessary and that the goal of care is comfort, dignified death
what is euthanasia used to signify a killing that is prompted by some humanitarian motive
voluntary euthanasia def the competent adult client and md, nurse or firend make the decision to terminate life
what is hospice a model of care (rather than a place for care) for clients and their families when faced with a limited, life expectancy
what does it emphasize the quality rather than quanitiy of life
what is palliative care focused of the relief of physical, mental, and spiritual distress for individuals who have an incurable illness
s/s of impending death difficulty talking or swallowing, M, flatus or abdominal distention, urinary and or bowel incontinence, constipation, decreased sensation, taste andsmell, weak, slow, and irregular pulse, decreased BP, decreased irregular respirations, chagens in LOC< res
what is the last sense to go when a pt is dying hearing
is there a maximum amount of opiods in the end of life for a pt no
s/s of death absence of respirations, fixed and dilated pupils, release of stool and urine, pallow as blood settles to dependant areas, drop in nody temp, lack of reflexes,
what is the nurses responsibility after death documents time of death, notifies MD and fam, assists fam in choice of funeral home, all jewelry ecept wedding ring is removed
stages of dying: early s/s no energy, bed bound, withdrawal, sleepi, delirium,
stages of dying: middle s/s continued decline, death rattle, swallowing, fever
stages of dying: late s/s coma, DCr, circulation, cool extremities, resp decline, fever, death
meds to treat dyspnea MSO4, albuterol, lasiks, ativan, scopolamine, atropine, anti-tussives
meds: compazine use N/V
meds: phenergen use N/V
meds: reglan use N/V
meds: what will kaopectate do to help add bulk if pt has diarrhea
meds: what will loperamide do to help sloww motility if diarrhea
Created by: jmkettel
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