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"Hit Parade"

jeer to make fun of
jest to joke (court jester)
parody a humorous imitation
recreation something done for fun, a hobby or game
skit a short comic scene
adjunct an accessory, something added on (ad+junc/join)
coalesce to come together (esce)
congeal to thicken, or change from liquid to solid (con)
consensus an agreement (con)
contiguous lying side by side (con)
fission a splitting apart
fusion a joining together
integrate to bring together and make whole (integer)
juxtapose a place side by side
pact a formal agreement between two countries; a bargain
rendezvous a meeting, usually secret
abdicate yo give up power (ab)
accord to be in agreement
allege to declare that something is true without proof
assess to evaluate or determine the worth of
condone to forgive or disregard an offense
conventional traditional, ordinary (con+vent)
counsel to advise
debunk to prove false
decree an order or a command
inquiry a request for information(in)
ratify to approve, usually a law
sustain to support
ambiguous unclear
amorphous without shape (a+morph+ous)
itinerant nomadic, constantly moving
kinetic moving
obscure hidden or dark, hard to see (ob); to hide
remote far away, distant (remote control)
writhe to twist
egress exit
epoch a period of time
intangible not able to touched or sensed (in+tang+ible)
polymorphous having many shapes (poly+morph+ous)
prolific fertile, very productive (pro)
scull a small rowboat or an oar for a rowboat
sporadic having no pattern or order
surrogate a substitute
variegated having many parts or colors
akin related to or alike
amiable friendly, good-natured (able)
congenial agreeable (con+gen)
equivalent equal (equi)
extol to praise (ex)
placate to quiet down, appease (plac)
altruistic doing good for others
aspirant someone reaching for something (aspirations)
astute sharp, shrewd
benevolence goodness (bene)
animosity hostility (anim+ity)
debilitating weakening, harmful (de)
deficient lacking an essential part (de)
insolent disrespectful, rude (in)
irate enraged
notorious known widely and unfavorably
profane to abuse or put in ill use
recalcitrant disobedient, stubborn
warlock male witch
aloof keeping a distance
banal unoriginal and boring
belligerent hostile, warlike (bell)
browbeat to intimidate
choleric irritable
garrulous overly talkative (ous)
incompetent not able to do something properly (in)
insipid lacking interest, dull, boring (in)
ostentatious showy, pretentious (ous)
pedantic overly scholarly, boring
pugnacious hostile (ous)
ravenous extremely hungry (ous)
sanctimonious acting morally superior, holier-than-thous (ous)
abyss a deep narrow pit
barrage a flood
brig the prison of a ship
hovel a shack
indictment the situation of having been charged with a crime (dic)
quiver a portable container for arrows;to tremble
plight a bad situation, a predicament
rue to regret
adverse unfavorable, opposed, going against (ad + verse)
aggravate to make worse
assailable vulnerable (able)
corpulent excessively overweight
founder to sink (a boat's "founders"); someone who starts something
impasse a deadlock, a point at which one can go no further (im)
incumbent someone who is currently holding a political position
insinuation a sneaky suggestion of something bad
mar to spoil, to mark
null zero value ("null and void")
repudiate to put down, to renounce
ruse a clever trick
sedate to calm, especially by use of a drug
slander a false and mean-spirited statement meant to injure someone
superfluous more than what is required or needed (super+ous)
Created by: grace(:
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