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HCC Maternal Unit 2
Question | Answer |
Braxton Hicks Contractions | Irregular contractions of the uterus that occur intermittently throughout pregnancy. May be palpated bimanually beginning about the 4th month. |
Mucous plug | Thick, tenacious mucus which accumulates and thickens to seal the endocervical canal and prevents ascent of bacteria or other substances into the uterus. |
Mucous plug 2 | The plug is expelled when cervical dilatation begins. |
Goodell's Sign | Softening of the cervix. |
Chadwick's Sign | A blue-purple discolorization. |
Corpus Luteum | Secretes progesterone to maintain the endometrium until the placenta produces enough progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. Then it disintegrates slowly. |
Striae | Purplish stretch marks, that slowly turn silver after childbirth, may develop as pregnancy progresses. |
Colostrum | An antibody-rich, yellow secretion, may be expressed manually by the 12th week and may leak from the breasts during the last trimester. |
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome | AKA-vena caval syndrome or aortocaval compression. Pressure on the vena cava by the uterus that produces marked decrease in BP. |
Supine Hypotensive Syndrome Symptoms | Dizziness, pallor, and clamminess. Can be resolved with mom laying on her left side. |
Physiologic Anemia of Pregnancy (pseudoanemia) | Hematocrit readings(measuring erythrocyte count) that are decreased. |
Linea Nigra | Increased pigmentation of the midline from the pubic area to the umbilicus and above. |
Facial Chloasma (melasma gravidarum) | "mask of pregnancy" An irregular pigmentation of the cheeks, forehead, and nose. |
Metabolic Changes | Metabolic functions increase with pregnancy as needs must be met for mom, the fetus, labor, and lactation. No other event in life induces such profound metabolic changes. |
Weight Gain | Recommended total weight gain during pregnancy of a woman of normal wt is 11.5-16 kg |
hCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This hormone stimulates progesterone and estrogen production by the corpus luteum to maintain pregnancy until the placenta takes over. |
hPL | Human Placental Lactogen. An antagonist of insulin. |
Estrogen | Stimulates uterine development to provide a suitable enviornment for the fetus. |
Progesterone | Maintains the endometrium and also inhibits spontaneous uterine contractility, thus preventing early spontaneous abortion due to uterine activity. |
Relaxin | Detectable in the serum of a pregnant woman by the first missed menstrual period. Inhibits uterine activity. |
Prostaglandins (PGs) | Arise from most body tissues but occur in high concentrations in the female reproductive tract. |
Amenorrhea | The earliest symptom of pregnancy. |
Morning Sickness | A distaste for food, extreme vomiting, possibly accompanied by dehydration and ketosis. Occur in the early part of the day and disappear within a few hours. |
Quickening | The mother's perception of fetal movements, occurs at about 18-20 wks after the LMP in a primigravida. as early as 16 weeks in multigravida. |
Hegar's Sign | A softening of the isthmus of the uterus, which occurs at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy. |
McDonald's Sign | An ease in flexing the body of the uterus against the cervix. |
Ballottement | The passive fetal movement elicited by pushing up against the cervix with two fingers. This pushes the fetal body up and as it falls back a rebound is felt. |