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VSNG 1227


What is metabolic syndrome? combination of medical disorders that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and diabetes. not a disease in itself.
What are some risk factor for metabolic syndrome. high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat.
Who is more at risk to have metabolic syndrome African Americans, Latinos, Native American & Asian Americans
What is pre-diabetes? the state in which some but not all of the diagnostic criteria for diabetes are met
What are some pre-diabetes criteria impaired fasting glucose ,100-125mg/dL after midnight fast, Impaired glucose tolerance, & 140-199mg/dL after GTT of 2 hours
What can you do to reduce the risk of pre-diabtes Diet change & exercise
What is elevated blood sugar? hyperglycemia
What system is disturbed? endocrine & exocrine
What also contributes to hyperglycemia for other condition medication
Insulin Dependent (IDDM) is Type I diabetes also known as juvenile diabetes
Why is Type I known as juvenile diabetes Because it mostly affects the children and adolescent.
Why is type I diabetes insulin dependent ? Because the body does not produce insulin by the beta cell of the pancreas (islets of Langerhans)
What is Type II (NIDDM)aslso known as adult onset diabetes Non-insulin dependent
Relation to Diabetes is : insufficient insulin production, insulin resistance, 1/2 of those diagnosed are over 55yrs. & it is also found in obese children
what are some causes of hyerglycemia Genetics-abnormal genes,2nd-longterm or high insuling dose cover steroid; pancreatits-endocrine/exocrine disorders;Medication-diuretics,L dopa,oral contraceptive & long term TPN; Over production of adenocortical hormone;longterm use of corticosteroids
Insulin promotes movement of what into the cell Potassium
Insulin aid the transport and storage of what? Glucose into the fat cells
Insulin does what to glycogen inhibits the breakdown
______ promotes storage of glucose in the _____ as glycogen Insulin - Liver
Insulin carries glucose into ______. the cells for energy
blood glucose range ? 70-110 mg/dL
What is lipolysis is the break down of fats and protein instead of glucose
Ketoacidosis is ..... fatty acids and ketones
what does ketones do lower blood pH into acid rang, which will lead to death if not treated
Autoimmune disorder, MCH missing, Tcell destroy islet cells & TNF alpha used to kill abnormal cell are caused by what type Type I
what is MCH? Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) is a calculation of the average amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin inside a red blood cell.
New islet cell grown with BCG
Research in recombination DNA,.... INGAP
In type II insulin is produce but it is not enough transporters on cells.
What type tends to be Familial Type II
insufficient insulin or insulin resistance is related to Type II
Type II is insulin resistance is linked to obesity
Type II goals are .... weight loss, using diet & exercise
excessive thirst is .. polydipsia
what is polyuria excessive urination
excessive hunger is polyphagia
Created by: adarios1
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