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Regents Vocab

Global Studies and US History

Unalienable Rights which are guaranteed to every man and cannot be taken away
Stagnation A period where there is no growth in the economy
Literate Being able to read and write
Topography The physical features of the land (elevation)
Tyrants Evil rulers
Partitioning Dividing apart
Barter Trade one good for another good
Proverb An old saying (early bird gets the worm)
Application Actually putting an idea to use (War with Mexico is a direct application of Manifest Destiny
Fortification Defense structure build up to keep your enemies out
Protective Legislation Laws passed to ensure American interests in politics and the economy are safe
Prohibitive Making it difficult to complete a task
Nullification The act of calling a law illegal and not following it
Null Canceling an idea out
Libertarian An individual who believes in increasing individual rights
Commerce Trade or the act of buying and selling goods and services
Upheld To keep something in place
Ideology Your political beliefs
Varied Differing ideas or opinions
Liberalism Ideas where you want new, different change in politics
Exempt You do not have to do something (exempt from a test when you are ill)
Quota Needing to have a specific number of something
Seldom Happens rarely
Heritage Your background, where your ancestors were originally from
Matriarchy A society which is run by the women in it
Collective Security Steps taken by the government to protect the entire USA
Policy Political statements or laws (Every government institution has this! Schools!!)
Abundance Having a lot of an item or a resource
Circa a time period, the date an item was make
Militant Being involved in the army or a specific country or increasing the number of weapons you have
Arsenal The different types of weapons you have
Solemn Being very serious
Sought Trying to complete a goal or a task, looking for something
Reparations Money given to a group to pay for war damages
Lenient ”Taking it easy” on something or someone
Prominence Very important, powerful, or beautiful
Retained Kept
Faction A group usually with one single belief
Provisions Supplies and rations for a long trip
Contradicting Going against a belief or idea that you have
Stimulate Growth of an idea or in the economy
Redundant Saying or doing the same thing over and over and over again
Pleaded Asked and begged for
Coalition A group of people or countries working together
Irony An unexpected outcome of a situation
Authorize Giving someone permission
Abundance Having a lot of an item
Social Mobility Having a better or worse life than your parents did
Patronage A politician giving a relative or friend a job or money from the government
Prevailing Accomplishing a goal or winning an argument
Prosperity An era of good times and wealth
Confined Kept in a single area
Expenditures Goods and materials that you spend money on
Subsidized Goods or services which are supported by government money
Speculation Making an educated guess on stocks or governments
Patronage Giving government jobs to friends, family or supporters
Condemn Sentencing or punishing an individual for a wrongdoing
Motive Reasons why individuals commit an action
Integration Equal rights and treatment for individuals regardless of age, sex, or race
Advocated Supported for an individual or a government policy
Ideology Your personal beliefs about government or society
Obligation Feeling like you need to do something
Reform Change
Persecuted Being treated poorly or having you human rights taken away
Monarchy A single ruler of a country often called a King or Queen
Justification Giving good reasons for doing any action
Unalienable Rights which cannot be taken away from you
Despotism A single ruler with ABSOLUTE authority over the people
Anarchy A system of no government or structure in a society
Neutrality Staying out of other people or countries business
Consent Permission to do something
Preceded BEFORE
Pluralistic Different views on specific topics or many diverse ideas
Heritage Everything about your culture
Imperialistic Taking over smaller countries by a larger more powerful nation
Deprives Takes away from
Adequately Is alright, not great or terrible
Rebelled Broke away from
Parliamentary A system of government where a parliament (representatives) makes laws for the people
Sovereignty Free of others rules
Incurred Took on something
De-centralized No central authority or government in an area
Subservient Someone who is below you on a social scale
Justify Give a reason for
Essential Something that you need
Mutually Two or more people agreeing or taking responsibility for something
Derives Where you get your power from
Disunity Not being able to agree on important things
Doctrine A political idea that drives how a government handles various situations
Rigid Very strict guidelines or rules
Hinder To stop progress
Reluctant Being hesitant to complete a task
Abroad Overseas
Created by: CLCS
Popular U.S. History sets




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