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CNA -disorders

CNA-disorders and their symptoms

Alzheimer's Disease affects memory, judgement, ability to think occures in three phases
Alzheimer's disease phase 1 forgetfulness, seeks the familure, moodiness
Alzheimer's disease phase 2 restlessness particularly in evening, inability to recognize dangerous situations, need assistance with ADL's, speaks with 1-2 word responses
Alzheimer's disease phase 3 unable to recognize family, staff, or self dependent for all ADL's, incontinent, unable to walk
Parkinson's Disease slow progressive disease of the brain-affects physical function, but generally not intelligence
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease weakness, fatigue, absence of felling in a part of the body, incontinence, vision problems and depression
Closed Head Injuries injuries to the soft tissue of the brain as a result of blows to the head-results in concussion, cerebral contusion and closed skull fractures
Closed head injuries can cuase paralysis, speech diffuculties, personality change, difficulty breathing and incontinence
Developmental Disability DD a disability, which is attributed to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, or autism, dyslexia
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVS, stroke) decreased blood flow to the brain resulting in brain injury
CVS syptoms headach, dizziness, weakness, paralysis of an extremity or side of body, ipaired speech, incontinence
hypertension high blood pressure due to narrowing of blood vessels--cause heart to work harder to pump blood
Hypertension sysmptoms dizziness, headache, blurred vission
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) narrowing of the coranory ateries causing reduces blood suppply to the heart. May result in heart attack
CAD symptoms indigestion, nausea, crushing chest pain, perspiration, cool skin, paleness, and shortness of breath
Congestive Heart Failure heart muscle is weakened and cannot pump enough blood--may result in hypertension, heart attack, or narrowed blood vessles
Congestive heart failure symptoms difficulty breathing, fluid in the lungs, edema in feet and ankles, confusion, irregular pulse and cyanosis
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diease (COPD) flow of air in and out of the lungs is restricted as a result of diseases such as, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and asthma
COPD symptoms shortness of breath, coughing up mucus, fatigue and with emphysema-development of a barral shaped chest
Diabetes Melitus pancreus does not produce enough insuline
Diabetes Melitus symptoms excessive thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, weight loss, blurred vision, slow healing of wounds
Hyperglycemia--diabetic coma increased-thirst and urination, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, vomiting, dim vision, confusion, slurred speech, rapid pulse, drowsiness, flushed hot dry skin, deep labored breathing, fruity breath oder
Hypoglycemia--insuline shock hunger, restlessness, irritability, nervousness, weakness, dizzines,headache, nausea, blurred or double vision, pale, cold or clammy skin, sweaty, shallow breathing, confusion, strange and unusual behavior
Seven signs of cancer change in wart or mole lump or thickining in body difficulty swallowing change in bladder or bowel habits persistent cough or hoarsness sore that does not heal unusual bleeding or discharge
Kidney failure disorder resulting from infection, diesease, or injury that restricts the kidney's ability to filter blood and remove waste from the body
Kidney failure symptoms intense itching, ammonia like oder to the skin, weakness, fatigue, high bp, weight loss
Osteoporosis bones lose calcum causing them to become spongy and brittle
Osteoporosis symptoms back pain, gradual loss of height, stooped posture,
Fracture break in the bone from fall or accident or as a result of osteoporosis
fracture symptoms swelling, pain, visible deformity, bruising, inability to move normally
Arthritis an inflammitory condition of the joints cuased by infection, injury or degeneritive joint disease 2 types
Osteoarthritis caused by wear and tear on the smooth covering of the joint
osteoarthritis symptoms pain, stiffness, swelling
Rheumatoid arthritis chroninc inflammatory disease of connective tissue in the joints and other parts of the body
Rheumatiod arthritis symptoms redness, swelling, severe pain in the joints, fever, fatigue, and weight loss
Arthroplasty (joint replacement) a surgical procedure that replaces a diseased joint with an artificial mechanism to re-establish motion
Created by: bmurphy51
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