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Somatoform Disorders

disorder in which a patient really experience symptoms they describe and cannot voluntarily control them--there is no conscience deception Somatoform Disorders
What is a psychosomatic mind/body connection? manifestation of stress rather than a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
type of SD that involves multiple symptoms, begning by age 30 and extend over several years and includes combination of pain, GI, sexual, and pseudoneurologic symptoms. somatization disorder
type of SD which involves unexplained sudden deficits in sensory motor function which is preceded by conflicts or other stressors, and experience La Belle indifference. Conversion Disorder
lack of affect or concern La Belle indifference
type of SD which the primary physical symptoms of pain which is unrelieved by anaglesics and whose onset, severity, and exacerbation is greatly affected by psychological factors. Pain Disorder
Unwarranted fear and pre-occupation that she/he has a serious disease without a pathology hypochondriasis
What is the most common symptom of a person with hypochondriasis? Hypervigilence
What is a misinterpretation of body sensations, and belief that are symptoms of serious medical problems Hyperviglience
Type of SD which there is a severe pre-occupation with an imagined deficit in apperance. body dismorphic disorder
intentional production of false or exaggerated symptoms for pain (avoid work, evade criminal prosecution) Malingering
type of facetious disorder which intetionally produces symptoms to gain attention. They may hurt themselves or others (by proxy) to be a hero or gain attention. munchausen's syndrome
When do symptoms worsen for people with SDs? When stress increases
True or False: people with Somatoform disorders outwardly express stress, anxiety, or frustration. FALSE: patients keep stress, anxiety, or frustration inside rather than expressing it outwardly (internalization).
________ is the main benefit a person derives from the "sick role"--blocking of psychological conflicts from conscious awareness. They don't feel anxiety or stress because they turn it inward and may report anxiety at a level of 2. primary gain
benefits a person derives from the "sick role"-receiving attention from others and being released from responsibility. secondary gain
how would you expect in the behavior of a person with an SD? patient might give colorful, exaggerated description of physical problems. They are very vivid and enjoy telling the story. This is a good indicator of these disorders.
What should you do if a patient is absolutely unwilling to discuss their feelings and only focuses on their illness? leave and let them know why. Tell them you will be back to talk when they are ready to discuss their feelings.
What meds if any are used to treat somatoform disorders? SSRIs which aim to treat underlying depression
What is the most important thing to remember about treatment of somatoform disorders? DON'T MISS FUTURE COMPLAINTS
woman comes into a clinic and complains of stomach pain, dizziness, and headache occuring for several months. Shes been tested but no clinical diagnosis is found. She rates pain as 10 of 10. Shes been treated in past for anxiety and depression Somatization
Patient comes into the ER complaining of severe chest pain. Apon completion of assessment the nurse finds that the patient has acid reflux. The patient keeps screaming that she is having a heart attack. What SD would the nurse anticipate? hypochondriasis
patient is brought into the ER by her husband for sudden onset of blindness in her right eye. Although her husband is extremely anxious and upset, she seems indifferent. What SD disorder could she have? Conversion disorder
Jane is a 20 year old college student. She has had over 15 surgeries on her ears because she claims that they are hidious. She is known for wearing a hat at all times even in class, and stopping in front of every mirror she passes looking side to side. Body Dysmorphic disorder
What would be a good question to assess secondary gain for a client with an SD? How has this problem changed your life? What chores or activites does your illness prevent you from doing?
Created by: SouthernBelle
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