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Infection Condition that results when pathogenic microbes invade your body
Communicable Disease or infection past from person to person
CDC Developes quide lines, safety precautions to protect HCW and others. Center for Disease Constrol&Prevention
Non-socomial Infection You aquire a different infection while you are in the hospital (UTI, MRSA)
PPE Gloves, mask, gown, booties Personal protection equipment
Isolation Regular Transmittable infection
Reverse Isolation Protecting patient from other people because of low immunity
Universal precautions Treat all people like they are infectious
OSHA Mandates safe working conditions
EPA Sets up regulations for HCW
MSDS Form for precautions and emergency situations. Material Safety Data Sheets
HICPAC Advises CDC on updating guidelines. Health infection control practice advisory committee.
NIOSH Nat'l institute of occupational safety & health (example N95 mask respirator for airborne disease
Formites Inatimate objects that can harbor hazardous materials w/infectious agents
Biohazards Wash hands, and material or substance that are hazardous to health
Airborne splashes, arasols, fumes
Ingestion hands to mouth, objects put in mouth
Non-intact skin cuts, abrasions, burns, scratches, chapped, dermatitus
Percutaneous through the skin (non-broken)
Permuscosal eyes, nose, mouth, (mucus membranes)
BBP Infectious microorganisms in your blood, body fluids, tissue
HBV Has 1 week survival, no cure, most contagious, attacks the liver
HCV Most wide spread virus, spread through needles, sex
HIV Attacks immune system, contact through saliva, tears, semen
Infectious & Causative agents Pathogenic microbes responsible for causing infection (bacteria, fungus, protazoon, rickettsia, virus)
Reservior Source of infection agent (animal, human, equipment, food, soil, water
Exit Pathway The way an infectious agent is able to leave that reservoir
Means of transmission Method of infectious agents uses to travel to a susceptible host. airborne-droplet evaporated Contact-direct, indirect Droplet-coughing, sneezing, talking Vector-animal, insect Vehicle-food, water, drugs
Entry pathway The way infectious agent is able to enter host
Susceptable host Someone with decreased ability to resist infection
Bio-hazard Trash Cotton balls, gauze, prof. towels, tourniquets, gloves
Regular Trash Packing materials, plastic cups
Sharps bin trash Needles, ETS, Butterfly, Syringes, Tubes, hubs, hemo tubes
JCAHO-JC Joint Commission of American Health Care Organization (Now Joint Commission) Largest health care standard setting body in the world
CAP Influences QI in phleb. standards outgrowth of ASCP College of American Pathologist
ASCP Designed for pathology/lab services only American Society for Clinical Pathology
CLIA 88 All labs must be regulated with the same standards that is reliable and accurate Clinical Lab Improvement Act of 88
CLSI Global non-profit, standard for all labs, certifications, exams Clinical and Lab standards Institute
NCCLS Standards and guidelines for all areas of the lab. phleb. program approval, cert, exam questions National Committee for Clinical Lab Standards
NAACLS Largest standard setting in the world, improves student outcomes and quality education.National accrediting agency for clinical lab. services.
Hemotology Dept Finds diseases in blood (CBC) red, white blood cells, plasma, platelets (formal element of blood)
Coagulation Dept Study of clotting process of blood. PT PTT before surgery. How long blood clotting process
Chemistry Dept Lab does most lab testing. Toxicology, radioimmunology with computer instruments. Plasma, whole blood, urine, body fluids
Serology or immunology Dept Test for antibody reactions. Tests serum parts of blood (serum is plasma without clotting factor)
Urinalysis Dept Tests the physical, chemical, color, clarity ine. Uses chemical reagent strips, for blood cells, and bacteria like UTI
Microbiology Dept Analyzes body fluids and tissues for microorganisms and culture & sensitivity C&S. Bacterial, Virus, Fungi, Parisites, rickettsia
Bloodbank Dept Prepares blood for transfusions donated, or own blood
Pathologist Head of every lab (14 years school)
Medical Tech (MT) Must be a microboligist for 4 years before you can be a
Medical Lab Tech (MLT) Must have a 2 years accociates degree before you can become a
Phlebotomist Must be in certificed class for 4 month - 1 year. and pass the National Exam
Phleb means vein
otomy means surgical incision
palpate to feel, to locate
Methods used to perform venipuncture ETS Evacuation tube system (most common) Butterfly The difference between ETS is a little tube that slowes vacume down Syringe Hospital uses, labs do not
Phlebotomy II Does arterial puntures (have to be on job 1 year before can perform)
Identification Most important aspect of specimen collection is a requisition, verbal name, wrist band
4 main parts to medical terminology Prefix, Suffix, Root Word, Combining Vowel
Prefix beginning of word, won't always have a prefix presents, absence, location, number, size
Suffix end of word, always have a suffix. Disease,disorder, procedure
Root Word middle or beginning. Tells you tissue, organ, body system, structure, substance, condition
Combining Vowel A,E,I,Y,O comes after root word
Ectomy surgical removal
ostomy create a mouth or opening
otomy surgical incision or cut into
graph instrument you are going to use
graphy process of recording a picture or record
gram result of the graphy
scope instrument that is used in a scopy procedure
scopy visual examination
sclerosis abnormal hardening of arteries and muscle
stenosis abnormal narrowing of aorta
Leuko/O & Albin/O Combining vowel white blood cells
Erythro/O Combining vowel red blood cells
Poli/O Combining vowel diabeties (grey)
Cyan/O Combining vowel cardiac, blood vessels, circulatory
Xanth/O & Lute/O Combining vowel liver (yellow)
Melan/O Combining vowel cancer(darkbrown, black)
RRoea/RRhea Disorder. flow or discharge, diarea/gonorea
RRagia/RRhage Disorder. bursting forth, hemorrage
RRhexis Disorder. to rupture , vericose viens
RRhaphy Procedure. to sew or suture
Arteri Root Word Artery. arterialsclerosis
Arthr Root Word Joint. arthitis
Bronch Root Word Bronchi. bronchitis
Cardi Root Word Heart. electrocardiogram
Cyt Root Word Root cyt Cell / Suffix cyte citology
Derm Root Word skin. dermatitis
Gastr Root Word stomach.
Gluc Root word Sugar. Glucose
Hema/Hemat/Hemo Root Word blood.
Leuk Root Word white. leukisite, leukemia
Lip Root word fat. lipids
Neir Root Word death of cells, narcosis,what a brown reclus spider does to cells
Onc Root Word tumer, oncology
Oste Root Word bone. osteoporosis
Phlep Root Word vein. phlebotomy
Ren Root Word kidney. renal
Thrumb Root Word clot. thrombosis
ven Root Word vein. venapunture
Algia Suffix pain. neuralgia
Centesis Suffix surgical procedure to remove fluid. amniocentesis
Cyte suffix cell
emia suffix blood condition. enemia low RBC
ist / ologist suffix specialist. phlebotomist, oncologist
itis suffix inflamation. flabitis
lysis suffix distruction or breakdown. peralysis
ology suffix study of. histology
oma suffix tumor. sarcoma
osis, asis, iaosis suffix condition of
pathy suffix disease. cardiomyopathy
pnea suffix breathing. apnea
plasty suffix surgical repair. rinoplasty
stasis suffix to stop. hemostasis
tomy suffix cutting/incision. phlebotomy
Anti prefix against
bi prefix 2
bio prefix life
brady prefix slow
cata prefix down
dys prefix difficult
endo prefix inside, beneath
epi prefix on, over, above
exo prefix outside
extra prefix outside
hetero prefix different
homo prefix same
hyper prefix to much
hypo prefix low
intra prefix within
inter prefix between
iso prefix equall
macro prefix large
mal prefix poor/bad
micro prefix small
mono prefix 1
neo prefix new
poly prefix many/much
post prefix after
pre prefix before
peri prefix around/surrounding
quad prefix 4
semi prefix half
sub prefix below/under
tachy prefix rapid/fast
tri prefix 3
uni prefix 1
Created by: Breland
Popular Phlebotomy sets




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