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QC Methods
Nuclear--QC methods of select radiopharmaceuticals
Preparation | QC Method |
Tc-99m Cardiolite | Aluminum Oxide TLC Plate 95% ethanol Tagged portion at the top, passing: 90% |
Tc-99m Myoview | ITLC SG strip 35:65 acetone:dichloromethane Tagged portion in the middle, passing: 90% |
Tc-99m Ceretec | ITLC Solvent saturation pad Ethyl acetate Tagged portion at the top, passing: 90% |
Tc-99m Neurolite | Bakerflex silica gel IB-F TLC plate Ethyl acetate Tagged portion at the top, passing: 90% |
Tc-99m MAA | ITLC Silica Gel Strip 0.9% Saline Tagged portion at the bottom, passing: 90% |
Tc-99m MDP | ITLC Silica Gel Strip (0.9% saline) Whatman 3 MM Strip (acetone) Free Tc will travel to the top, determine % untagged from each strip, add it up, and subtract from 100. Passing: 90% |
Tc-99m HDP | ITLC Silica Gel Strip (0.9% saline) Whatman 3 MM Strip (acetone) Free Tc will travel to the top, determine % untagged from each strip, add it up, and subtract from 100. Passing: 90% |
Tc-99m Sulfur Colloid | ITLC Silica Gel Strip 0.9% Saline Tagged portion at the bottom, passing: 92% |
Tc-99m Cholotec | ITLC-Silica Gel Strip (Purified water) ITLC-SA Strip (20% Saline) Free Tc travels to the top, determine % untagged from each strip, add it up, and subtract from 100. Passing: 90% |
Tc-99m MAG-3 | Sep-Pak cartridge 200 proof Ethanol 1:1 ethanol:0.9% Saline solution 0.001 N HCl Prepare Sep-Pak, push 10 ml 0.001 N HCl through, push dropwise the ethanol/saline mix, assay the Sep-Pak. Tagged Tc will be in 1:1 solution. Passing: 90% |
Tc-99m DTPA | ITLC Silica Gel Strip (0.9% saline) Whatman 3 MM Strip (acetone) Free Tc will travel to the top, determine % untagged from each strip, add it up, and subtract from 100. Passing: 90% |
In-111 Octreoscan | Sep-Pak cartridge Methanol, distilled water Prepare Sep-Pak, push water, then dropwise methanol. Assay the Sep-Pak. Tagged In in methanol, passing: 90% |