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Nursing Skills

Test 5 - Elimination/Bowel

A large mass of dry, hard stool that can develop in the rectum due to chronic constipation. Impaction
Obstruction of the intestine due to paralysis of the intestinal muscles. Leads to functional blockage of the intestine. Paralytic ileus
What are three examples of things that cause paralytic ileus? Pain meds, anesthesia, if the bowel if bowel is “touched” (very common post op
Stasis (an abnormal state in which the normal flow of is slowed or stopped) of the bowel can produce Distention and pain
Can stool pass around a bowel obstruction and be mistaken for diarrhea? Yes
How much daily fiber is recommended? 25-30 g/day
A low fat diet decreases the risk of Colorectal cancer
How many ml of fluids are recommended a day? 2000-3000 if not contraindicated
How does activity impact the bowel? More movement gets the bowel going
How does opioid use impact the bowel? Decreases the mobility of bowel and causes constipation
What are reasons for using enemas? (6) Promote defecation, presence of decreased sphincter control, cleansing, to clear bowel in prep for surgery/testing, to relieve flatus, to reduce bacteria
How do enemas promote defecation? By installation of fluid to lubricate/break up fecal mass in rectum and sigmoid colon
How do you relieve flatus with enema? 1-200 ml into rectum-lower container and flatus is expelled-repeat as needed
How can enemas help maintain electrolyte imbalance? They can help pull out excess electrolytes
What two areas is a fleet enema instilled into? Rectum and sigmoid colon
Can an enema be used to maintain bowel regularity? No
Can an enema cause fluid and electrolyte imbalances? Yes
What can stimulation of the vagus nerve cause? Arrhythmias
How many ml to small volume fleet enemas have? 90-120 ml of solution
Enemas works by Distending the colon via water retention and increasing peristalsis
How long do you hold a fleet enema? 5-10 min
What can a hypertonic type enema cause? Sodium retention
How many mL does a large volume enema hold? 500-1000 mL
How long do you hold a large volume enema? 5-10 min
What is a side effect of enema use? May cause fluid or electrolyte imbalance
The volume of an enema for children or elderly should be Smaller
Can enemas be ordered “until clear”? Yes
When using an enema with a cardiac patient, what should you avoid? Valsalvar maneuver due to vagus problem
Adding soap to an enema helps stimulate peristalsis by what two things? Irritating and distending the colon
How much soap/water is used for a soap enema? 5 mL of soap in 500 mL of fluid
How long do you hold the soap enema 5-10 min
A side effect of the soap enema is that it can be Very irritating
An oil retention enema works by Softens and lubricates the stool to allow the stool to slide out more easily-may be used to remove fecal impaction
What type of oil is used for oil enema? Mineral
What volume is used for oil enema? 90-120 mL
How long do you hold an oil enema? 30 min
When completing an abdominal assessment for complaint of difficulty with bowel movements, what should be checked? (4) Check last BM, presence of bowel tones, distention, abdominal pain, patients limits of mobility
Do you need a doctor order to give a client and enema? Why or why not? Yes due to possible vagus nerve stimulation
What temperature should enema solution be? Warm
To help the patient relax his rectal sphincter he should Breathe out
Is feeling of distention normal when having an enema inserted? Yes
What position should patient be in when having enema inserted? Left side lying
End of rectal tube should be lubricated with KY Jelly
How far do you insert enema for adult? 3-4 inches past the internal sphincter
The tip of the enema should be pointed in the direction of The patient’s umbilicus
When emptying enema, patient may experience Cramping
How far should you insert an enema for a child? 2-3 inches
How far should you insert an enema for an infant? 1-1.5 inches
The container should be ____ inches above rectum 18-Dec
What do you do if you get resistance from the rectum? Permit a small amount of solution to enter, withdraw the tube slightly and reinsert
What do you do if you see rectal bleeding/hemorrhoids? You will still give the enema but do not force it, make sure you are visualizing where you are going
If cramping occurs, what should you do? Slow the rate of the fluid
If patient can’t retain fluid, what should you do? Place patient on bedpan and give enema while he is on the bedpan
If patient is impacted with stool, what do you do before inserting enema? Remove manually
After giving an enema, what should you do? Document the patient’s ability to tolerate the procedures and results
Before manually removing impacted stool, what three things should you assess? Bleeding status, cardiac risk, abdominal assessment
Before inserting glove to remove impacted stool, Lubricate gloved index finger
What position is patient in when you are removing impacted stool? Lying on left side (Sims)
How far should you insert fingers when removing impacted stool 3-4 inches
Stimulation by nurse during the removal of impacted stool can often cause peristalsis. True/False TRUE
Temporary or permanent bypassing of a segment of bowel by surgical procedure Bowel Diversion
What are three reasons why a bowel might be diverted? Tissue damage to the bowel from disease (cancer), trauma, or inflammation (Cohn’s disease)
Can either the large or small intestine be diverted? Yes
Diversion of a part of the bowel results in the creation of a Stoma
Surgical opening in intestine to allow passage of stool through stoma in abdomen Permanent or temporary Ostomy
Portion of intestine brought out onto abdomen Stoma
Surgical procedure which produces a stoma Enterostomy
Opening from small bowel (ileum) Ileostomy
Opening from large bowel Colostomy
This type of ostomy will have the loosest drainage of stool and a drainage bag is always required Ileostomy
Will some people with an ileostomy have their entire colon removed? Yes
What are the four types of colostomies Ascending, Transverse, Descending, Sigmoid
Two stomas for one fecal diversion. One stoma is present for passing the effluent to the outside and the other stoma is used as a mucus fistula. Double barreled colostomy
Part of double barrel colostomy that is closest to the patient and functioning. Proximal portion
Part of the double barrel colostomy that is further away from the patient and acting as the mucous fistula Distal position
What six things should be included in the assessment of a stoma? Edema/ shape, Color, Moistness, Surrounding skin, Irritation / ulceration, drainage
It is normal for the shape of a stoma to change within the first 6-8 weeks
What should a healthy stoma look like? Moist, light pink, without irritation or infection
What three conditions should you watch out for that could develop in a person with a colostomy stoma? Allergic contact dermatitis, Irritant dermatitis, Irritant dermatitis
During the first 24-46 hours, what drains from the stoma? Old blood and flatus
When does still begin to come out of the stoma? By third day post op
If the pouch and flange are attached it is considered______ if detached it is considered)______. One piece, two piece
Empty the pouch when how full? 1/3 to ½
What are the six steps to emptying the pouch? Apply gloves, Remove clamp , Empty pouch into pan or toilet, Clean the end of the pouch with tissue, The end of the pouch is turned over 1 time, Replace clamp
How often do you change the appliance? Every 3-7 days
Before removing the pouch first do this Empty it
Do you reuse the clamp? Yes
What do you was the peristomal skin with Warm tap water
How do you determine the proper size bag? By measuring size of stoma
Before applying the pouch, first do this Apply skin barrier
What are the reasons why an ostomy would be irrigated? (3) Establish a pattern of regular bowel elimination after ostomy surgery, Cleanse the bowel of feces before tests or surgery, Relieve constipation
Are ileostomies irrigated? No!
What temp should irrigation bag be? Warm
How many mL of solution should be used to irrigate an adult ostomy? 750-1000 mL
When hanging the ostomy irrigation bag, do so such that bottom of the bag is at The patient’s shoulder level
Is the ostomy appliance on or off during ostomy irrigation? Off
The ostomy irrigation sleeve is placed over the Stoma
The end of the cone of should be lubricated with Water soluble lubricant
The cone gets inserted into the Stoma
How long do you instill solution for colostomy irrigation? 5-6 min
What should you do with the tubing while instilling irrigation solution? Hold it
What do you do if cramping occurs while instilling irrigation solution? Lower the bag or stop
After you have instilled the solution for colostomy irrigation, what should you do? Hold the cone in place for 10 sec
For a colostomy irrigation where should the patient sit and where does the solution return to? They sit on the toilet and the solution dumps into the toilet
An herb or preparation that either prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract or facilitates the expulsion of said gas, thereby combating flatulence Carminative
The further along the ostomy is in the tract, the more/less firm it becomes. More
How much larger should the flange be that the stoma? 1/8 to 1/16 larger
Created by: anastasia158
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