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New deal programs

CCC Civilian Conservation Corps provided paid jobs, housing and food to about 3 million single men, ages 19-25 replanted forests, built sand on beaches, and did maintenance works in parks Recovery.
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority built 20 dams on the Tennessee river and its tributaries in 7 southern states provide cheap electricity helped keep rivers from flooding reform
AAA Agriculture Adjustment Admin paid farmers to destroy crops in order to reduce crop surpluses paid farmers not to farm did not help tenant farmers reform
FERA Federal Emergency Relief Agency Gave federal money to state and local government for work relief projects including projects to build sewage, schools, playgrounds, parks and airports relief
NRA National Recovery Admin works with businesses to regulate prices, minimum wages, maximum works hours, and the right to join union. reform
PWA Public Works Admin provides jobs building dams, highways, bridges, school, sewer systems, and public buildings recovery
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corp insured savings account in banks approved by government reform
REA Rural Electrification Admin loaned money to extend electricity to rural farmers reform
WPA Works progress Admin employed men and women to build hospitals, schools, parks, and airports' employed artists, writers, and musicians recovery
SSA Social Security Act set up a system of act pensions for the elderly, unemployed, and the handicapped. reform
NLRA National Labor Relations Act give union collective bargaining for wages, hours, and working conditions also called Wagner act reform
FHA FEDERAL HOUSING ACT helped repair, rebuild, and insure older homes stimulate the building industry by providing small loans for home construction recovery
GSA GLASS/STEAGALL ACT prohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business gave greater regulatory powers in Federal Reserve Board System gave government power to investigate banking conditions, recovery
SEC SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION regulated stock and bond trading; regulated exchanges where stocks and bonds are sold, and legislated requirements for disclosure of fair stock information. reform
FLSA Fair Labor Standards Act set minimum wage (25 cents and hour) and maximum hour standards (establishing the 40-hour work week). It also severely curbed the use of child labor. relief
FSA FARM SECURITY ADMINISTRATION aid sharecroppers set up temporary housing for "Okies" and "Arkies" relief
IRA INDIAN REORGANIZATION ACT tried to stop the loss of Indian lands and encouraged Native American tribes to establish local self-government and to preserve their native crafts and traditions reform
NYA NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION provided more than 4.5 million (part-time) jobs for young people. relief
HOLC Home Owners Loan Corporation help families avoid having their homes foreclosed
CWA Civil Works Admin employed 4 million people. people did useful things such as construction jobs while other rake leafs.
Created by: ganiyat
Popular U.S. History sets




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