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6th Grade Geography
Question | Answer |
The meridian that measures zero degrees longitude and separates the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. | Prime Meridian |
The symbol on a map that shows the four cardinal and four intermediate directions. | Compass Rose |
The tool on a map that helps us to measure distance on a map. | The Scale |
The tool on a map that shows us what each symbol means. | The Key or Legend |
A book of maps. | An Atlas |
The meridian that measures 180 degrees and separates the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. | The International Date Line |
The line of latitude that separates the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres | Equator |
The map that shows us how to get from one place to another using roads and highways. | A Road Map |
The map that shows towns, cities and country borders. (think political boundaries) | A Political Map |
The map that shows what the land looks like. (Think-its physical appearance) | A Physical Map |
The map that shows information about an area such as: rainfall, vegetation, population or products. | A Special Purpose Map |
The map that shows what the land looks like from the side view. | A Profile map |
How has geography shaped history? | defined where settlements began and ended, influenced invasions and trade routes |
Where does the word "geography" originate from? | Latin (derived from the Greek) geographia meaning earth description. |
Who was the first known person to use the term "geography"? | Erathosthenes |
What is cartography? | The science or practice of drawing maps |
Fill in the blank: All good maps have what three tools on them: _______, ________, _______. | A scale, a Key and a Compass Rose. |
Name the four Cardinal Directions | north, south, east, and west |
Name the four Intermediate Directions | northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest |
Who is the first civilization known to have drawn maps? | Babylonians (Mesopotamians) |
Why did ancient civilizations need maps and the study of geography? | trade and governing of land/resources |
What are the two main areas of geography? | physical and human |
What are the five themes of geography? | Movement, Region (Human interaction with)Environment, Location and Place |
What are the two types of location | Absolute and relative |
Absolute location uses what tools on a map? | Lines of latitude and longitude |
What is the degree measure of the equator? | 0 degrees latitude |
What is relative location? | when a location is given as a comparison to something else |
What is the difference between a globe and a map? | A globe is a more accurate 3D view of the earth whereas a map is a flat 2D view that is distorted. |
What is the Mercator Projection map? | A view of the land that maintains the angles and shape of land masses but the proportions are wrong. |
What is the Gall- Peters Projection map? | A view of the land that is in better proportion but the land masses are stretched and distorted. |
Why can maps control our perception of the world? | Maps are often locally created and they reflect the biases in a culture. |
What is a region? | an area defined by certain similar characteristics such as physical, natural, human or cultural aspects |
What are the three types of regions? | formal, functional and perceptual |
What is a formal region? | a region with clear boundaries such as a state or country |
What is a functional region? | a region with a central place and the area it affects (Lakes Region) |
What is a perceptual region? | a region defined by common stereotypes (national sports team) |
What does the geography theme of Place describe in an area? | what the area is like to live in-physical features, human made features and landscape. |
What does the geography theme of movement describe? | how people, goods, information and ideas are moved in and out of a place |
How do we describe goods coming in and leaving a place? | imported and exported |
How are ideas moved in and out of a place? | through TV, radio, internet, books, telephone and people |
What is globalization? | movement between all people around the earth; sharing of ideas/culture creating an interdependence |
What is push-pull theory? | theory of migration that says people move because certain things in their lives "push" them to leave and certain things in a new place "pull" them. |
What is the push factor? | A social, political, economic or environmental force that drives people from a location. |
What is the pull factor? | A social, political, economic or environmental attraction to a new area that draws people from a previous location. |
What is the Land Bridge Theory? | theory of migration that explains how people crossed the Bearing Strait from Asia to N. America when it was a land bridge (Beringia) during the last Ice Age. |
What are some ways that humans interact with the land? | humans use the land (farming for example), humans adapt to the land (they change to meet their surroundings and they modify the land to fit their needs (build bridges/dams, etc.) |